So what are you filling the tins with today?

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52many, Mar 28, 12:44am
Could you explain this a bit more.pullets that lay for us over the non-laying months! Im a bit lost on this.also did you kill & dress the duck! How! Am very interested as we are thinking of having ducks as well as chickens. What age of duck is best for consuming! Sorry, a novice.

lx4000, Mar 28, 1:58pm
Stocked up the freezer a bit here!Dutch Apple Cake x 2, Fejoa Loaf x2, and x2 Apple and Peach Muffins. Then a big pot of veggie soup for tea last night.

fishergrl, Mar 28, 2:04pm
"uses sleeve to shine lx4000's halo"

lizab, Mar 28, 2:21pm
lol - well, when the chooks are a certain young age, like 5 months or so, they start laying, whether it's a non laying time or not. So if you bought day old chicks back in say Oct/Nov, they will lay for you over the winter months. (we buy them in when we've got a clucky chook who mothers them) As for the duck question, sorry I can't help you. My husband goes out duck shooting (1st Saturday of May is when the season starts) I found duck breasts in the freezer, so thought I'd better use them up! I put them in the crock pot and made a casserole of them. I don't know anything about keeping ducks for laying eggs I'm afraid.

lx4000, Mar 28, 10:06pm

recipe please! ta:)

kinna54, Mar 28, 10:07pm
And for me please. sounds wonderful.

penny123, Mar 28, 10:08pm
Feijoa muffins and loaf. Fejoa's out of freezer and also using up last season's walnuts.

kinna54, Jul 12, 4:54am
Oh you lucky thing penny 123 to have fejoas! Love them so much.