Feta and Paprika Cheese Straws

bridget107, Feb 9, 11:54pm
Here is a very good recipe for cheese straws. So yummy! http://aftertasteblog.wordpress.com/2012/02/08/feta-and-paprika-cheese-straws/

guest, Mar 22, 3:49pm
Thank u. Some of these vegetables are not riedaly available here in Nigeria but I see the point. Some apples chopped also adds sweetness to the salads while avacado helps in smoothnes of taste. All delicious.. I have always wondered about the croutons & creams. Makes me feel the calories are being sneeked back in.i appreciate ur style.

guest, Mar 23, 6:02am
Thank u. Some of these vegetables are not rldeiay available here in Nigeria but I see the point. Some apples chopped also adds sweetness to the salads while avacado helps in smoothnes of taste. All delicious.. I have always wondered about the croutons & creams. Makes me feel the calories are being sneeked back in.i appreciate ur style.