Might try the Green goddess Wendly's receipe with borax, sunlight soap bar,washing soda
Feb 10, 12:25am
I have made one from here. I have also made the one using sunlight soap and to be honest I don't like the sunlight soap smell on my clothes that I want to wear out.
Of the 2 this one is the best IMO. 1 cup lux flakes, 1 cup washing soada crystals and 30litres water (3 buckets). You need to dissolve the lux flakes in warm to hot water then mix in the rest. Use 1 cup per wash and it seems to last for ages. You can add a perfume to it but I don't bother or white vinegar. It doesn't suds up the same as normal washing powder and I run a hot wash every month or two through the machine usually when I do the tea towels. Helps stop a build up of scum
Feb 10, 12:40am
I make this one and have found it great.
Feb 10, 3:17pm
I have tried and used the lux flakes recipe and found it left everything looking grey. Also didn't wash very clean. Tried adding borax but no improvement so have stopped using it.
Feb 10, 3:35pm
If your clothes get really dirty or you live on a farm the above mixes don't really cut it (I tried for 6 months).I now use Shannon Lush's method - 1/2 recommended scoop of washing powder, 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1 tablespoon white vinegar in the rinse.Fantastic for getting whites whiter & colours brighter! I use wonder soap on any stains.
Feb 10, 4:09pm
have had no problem with getting clothes clean and they didn't look grey, although I dont have a lot of white anyway. I use a warm wash rather than a cold wash for all my laundry. You could do what I did last time I made some up (I accidently added too much water) the mix was 1cup lux flakes, 1 cup washing soda, 1cup normal laundry powder or liquid. I only added the extra laundry powder as I had doubled by accident the water amount. It worked fine and had an elderly gentleman ask if he could have some more after I had given him a bottle to try.
Feb 10, 7:37pm
I use Wendyl's one.I put lemon oil in it.Very pleased!
Feb 11, 9:19pm
I found anything with soap in it eventually greyed unless useing warm water to wash out soap. I have been trying different methods for 40 odd years & find this is great. Put 3 dstspns washing soda crystals in to a 1 litre container. Half fill with hot water & shake to dissolve crystals. Add 1/2 cup cold water soap powder & shake well. Add 200 mils white vinegar. Can also add tea tree oil or eucalyptus but i dont bother. I also put some in a spray bottle & use on stains. Omit the soap powder & you have your own spray & wipe for all surfaces.
Feb 13, 1:01am
I've been making Wendyll Nissen's recipe for washing powder (it's actually a slimy gel) for almost 12 months. Cheap as to make. My last batch was made on 1st Jan and still has some left.
Feb 13, 1:28am
Where do ya get the borax as New World did not have it
I get mine off trademe.Just do a search for it.The first lot I bought from the chemist........100g for a steep price!!!!........since that mistake I have always got it online. :) You may have to get your washing soda from Trademe too.I live in a small town and the local shops no longer stock it.:( Hope this helps .
Feb 14, 3:30pm
Does anyone know how wendyll'sgoes with children with excema as my daughter suffers from it.
Feb 14, 6:01pm
How much of this do you use per wash?Thanks!
Feb 14, 7:00pm
Yes, I use Wendyl Nissens recipe and it works a real treat. Never had nay problems with it. Do need to to work on those stubborn stains, but then who doesnt have too.
Feb 15, 4:04am
Just wish to clarify Baking Soda or Washing Soda for Shannon Lush's mix?
Feb 15, 2:39pm
I use a small cupful. Also pre spray any stains before washing
Feb 15, 3:04pm
Would that be any cheaper than using full scoop of washing powder? Tablespoon of baking soda is not cheap.
Feb 15, 6:41pm
I buy my baking soda, as much as I need at at the Bin Inn.Not sure how it works out or if it is cheaper.
Feb 15, 6:42pm
roaseann48 thanks I will try that.
Feb 15, 7:04pm
I buy 2kg of baking soda from Gilmours for $5 and $7 for 3kg.Washing soda, borax off trademe.I make my own washing liquid and dishwasher powder and they have both worked out really well for me.I live on a farm so if things are really dirty then I soak in a mixture of washing soda and baking soda then wash as per.All good :)I love that I can make it smell however I want!
Feb 16, 1:40am
Coreblimey (Great nic!)how much of your mix do you use?& which recipe?TIA for sharing.
Feb 16, 1:55am
This is a link to the one I use now.It is from a blog Frugal Kiwi.I think this is the 3rd one probably but it is definitely the best one I have tried.I suspect that the type of water you have would probably make quite a difference - we are on tank water and it is quite hard.Pretty difficult to get good suds going with dishwashing liquid! I use around 1/3 cup for each wash.
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