Looking for ideas for easy meals & handy hints when going camping.Can you help us put together a recipe, do's & don'ts book as a fundraiser for our camping club please? Also starting a thread in general & parenting. Thanks
Feb 7, 2:54am
Camping as in load up the vehicle and head to the campsite - Or camping as in load up the backpack?Because if you have to carry it on your back the recipes are going to be different.
Feb 7, 2:58am
Both please lee, our intention is to make a fundraising recipe & handy hint book. We have members who are in motor homes and caravans and tents. We want to make the book and have recipes and hintsfor any type of campeing.
Feb 7, 3:05am
Good Q as to what sort of camping.If campsite camping then much is possible.Something I do is make my own 'pikelet mix' as my kids love pikelets for breakfast - for every 1 C of flour add 3T sugar, pinch salf and 1 heaped t of baking powder premixed in a container.When using, add 1 egg for every rounded cup of mix and enough milk (milk powder milk fine) to make a thick-ish batterwith no lumps, and then cookspoonfuls on a frypan over the heat. Turn pikelets when bubbles start to form on top.
Feb 7, 3:08am
thanks gennie
Feb 7, 3:18am
I am a pasta freak myself.Pasta not too heavy to carry.Throw in a tin of tuna and add your favourite pasta sauce.I love Dolmio extra garlic. Quick, easy and never had any complaints when I've dished it up.
There are lots of instant things in the grocery shops these days also.Even mashed potatoe in a packet.
Noodles always good.Rice dishes, easy to feed a larger group with these things.
Feb 7, 3:19am
Feb 7, 3:20am
We used to have one of the toastie makers that you could put on the open fire.I thought that was great when I was a kid.
Don't forget the marshmellows!
Feb 7, 3:23am
Tinned spuds make excellentchips. They are bite sized and pre cooked!
Feb 7, 3:36am
messy pots after cooking scrambled eggs?? Not any more!! Snap lock bag is the answer!! Place eggs bit of milk, onion etc in bag, seal, mix. Place in pot of boiling water Single serve eggs and clean pot at the end that could also be heating the veggies or opened tin of meat!
Feb 7, 3:39am
those heat and eat rice in the microbe, tear and simmer in a pot of water!!
Keep chilly bins out of the sun, other wise they act like a slow cooker!!
Boil the billy in the morning and make a thermos of tea or coffee, saves starting it up again for morning tea and lunch:)
Feb 7, 3:45am
A baby bath is a good sink!!
Take a pup tent for storing kids toys, tent bags, and things that are not being used.
Take another pup tent for the kids to play in etc even when it rains!!
Feb 7, 3:48am
Ingredients - wine, ice, chilly bin
method - place ice in empty chilly bin, place bottles in until chilled. Leave extra wine out until first lot is drunk, then place into said bin.
Feb 7, 3:53am
sealable rubbish bin!! keeps flys, animals and bugs out.
Always have a bucket of sand/dirt by the entrance to every tent in-case of a fire!
Feb 7, 4:06am
Tell us where your campsite is ;)
Feb 7, 4:14am
Excellent for placing around the end of every tent peg so you dont trip over them.
Or take along some solar lights...but glo sticks are cheaper.
Feb 7, 4:23am
we take pita bread and wraps they last longer than bread,and you can have them hot or cold
Mar 30, 8:10pm
That is the definitive camping recipe and should be listed first. You can add beer to that recipe. No recipe book would be complete without this advice.
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