What is the NZ equivilant of American wafer cookie

hankey_man, Jan 28, 3:25pm
I notice some American recipes call for Wafer Cookies to be used. However their wafer cookies appear not to be what know as wafers.

When I hear wafers I think of those pink things we sometime have with ice cream, however the US wafer cookies are more of a biscuit.

Do we have an equivilant?

I dont think the two would substitute well for each other in recipes.

ibcreative, Jan 28, 4:36pm
You can get those pink wafers sandwiched together with a white filling. Is that the same?

elliehen, Jan 28, 4:38pm
American 'vanilla wafers' are like little shortbread cookies, but lighter.

Does Farmbake still make a shortbread cookie?...that would be close.

Definitely avoid those pink things!

hankey_man, Jan 28, 8:33pm
yeah I avoided the pink things. Im thinking I may have to make my own. There cant be much to them other than the basics in terms of ingredients

elliehen, Mar 6, 12:46pm
Here's a recipe from Google.If you click on Google Images, you'll get a photo and see exactly what they look like.

Ingredients for Vanilla Wafers
•1/3 cup butter and shortening in equal proportions
•¼ cup milk
•2 cups flour
•1 cup sugar
•2 teaspoons baking powder
•1 egg
•½ teaspoon salt
•2 teaspoons vanilla
1.Cream the butter, add sugar, egg well beaten, milk, and vanilla.
2.Mix and sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture.
3.Toss one-fourth of mixture on a floured board and roll as thinly as possible; shape with a small round cutter, first dipped in flour.
4.Place near together on a buttered sheet and bake in a moderate oven.
5.Gather up the trimmings and roll with another portion of dough.
6.During rolling, the bowl containing mixture should be kept in a cool place, or it will be necessary to add more flour to dough, which makes cookies hard rather than crisp and short.