Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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deludedmunchkin, Mar 10, 12:11am
Well I weighed myself this morning, I am now down to 74kgs. I lost 6.5 in the last 2 weeks. Yay. Now Ive only got about 10kgs to go!

dorothy_vdh, Mar 10, 6:52am
marywea its taken nearly 2.5 years,and yes there have been many times I have plateaued.
At the moment I just feel disillusioned,guess it just seems to be an endless process at the moment .
I wish now I had taken a photo diary like a previous poster has done.I would then have a visual reminder of how much I have changed
Luckily, and I don't know why, but I don't have any lose saggy baggy skin,well not yet anyway.
I'm sure I will be back in the "zone" again Sorry if this sounds all doom and gloom

510, Mar 10, 5:38pm
Dorothy,well done, thats an amazing weight loss, gives me great inspiration

marywea, Mar 11, 8:28pm
Dorothy, with your wonderful record your entitled to feel whatever you like.Trouble with most of us on this thread, it is a long term deal if we want to lose AND keep it off.I think the latter is the harder.Perhaps greater variety of food like switching muffin for eggs on toast which prob have similar calories. I am a very boring eater so same/same is OK with me. I buy up large when mushrooms are on special-and I thicken them. I used to buy when they were below $5.00 and now I think below $8.00 is a bargain. Shop bought aren't that tasty but do make a change. ?Different soups? I think we all feel a bit fed up at times-what have you felt has worked for you in the past?

marywea, Mar 11, 8:33pm
That second "your" should be "you're". Glad you used "plateaued" Dorothy. I started to in previous thread and just couldn't get it spelt so it looked right so had to use "slow down"!

glendeb, Mar 14, 6:30am
Hello Charlieb2!And all others!

I was part of the thread when it was about volume 3 or 4, but went on to have another daughter and now she's nearly 2 I feel like its time to get back on the wagon.I want to lose a considerable amount of weight, and am tracking calories - WOAH! - no wonder I am fat!

Anyway I have weighed in with a friend and we will work togeter, but it would be great to have some extra support - and charlie is LOVELY!

Good luck on your journeys fellow MB'ers!

charlieb2, Mar 15, 11:00am
aww... debs.. I've just seen your post.. Was just coming to find the thread to say we have obviously resigned ourselves to all beiing blimpy old tarts.... lol,

well.. I'm NOT going to be this over weight at the end of the year.. I'm going to be thinner..... and it by degrees rather than big lumps..

dorothy_vdh, Mar 15, 6:28pm
well said charlie,that is exactly how I feel.
I'm like a yoyo, down 1 week up the next.So yes this week is an up one ,up 500grams.
I think I am back into the zone,I'm refocusing and I am going to win this battle.

I hope everyone's results are better than mine this week

marywea, Mar 17, 9:35pm
"Blimpy old tarts" indeed!!Welcome back glendeb-how are you and your friend going? Ithink the buddy system is a good one, for many things. I have had a strange week or so, according to the scales.Lost, then put it back on and now down a bit.I think a whole .1 off for the period. I think this is right, for no known cause, but my scales weighed at 2 different weights this morning plus an "err".How long do batteries last in digital scales? Owl and del-what progress? Dorothy, hope this this week shows results that are acceptable to you. Still haven't started on a walking plan-such a procrastinator.

charlieb2, Mar 17, 9:53pm
Mary... sounds like a new battery might be needed.....Usually last a couple of years I think (at least)

Hee hee...... did you not like the 'blimpy old tarts' thing?

marywea, Mar 21, 8:47pm
Perhaps it was to close to the bone Charlieb!! This thread is not for my sole use....! but I will report a good loss of 1Kg making 12 kg for the year. Even if the scales are a little erratic, it seems to balance out in the long run.It is a lonely posting and winter is coming.

charlieb2, Mar 21, 9:21pm
lol.... mary.I think you have done splendidly well with your weightloss... good steady progress....How is your son doing?

alewis, Mar 22, 12:44am
hello hello, got back at 5 am this morning so will give myself a couple of days to settle before I jump on scales, we walked and walked in vancouver I had blisters on my feet!! and then got 4 days of skiing in so excercise was certainly happening inbetween all the eating out!! Daughter was just lovely I am so impressed with how she takes every available opportunity to ski she is an impressive skier - showed us some runs she does double black made my stomach curl lol!! she and I also went snow mobiling that was very fun, will post more when I am all unpacked and back into nz time.

dorothy_vdh, Mar 22, 6:22pm
well I guess I'll be one of those "blimey old tarts",
drum roll please .....week 7 and a loss of 100 grams so that's a total of 2.1kgs

alewis, Mar 22, 8:14pm
dorothy take that as a loss, I have weighed and am exactly the same so certainly not unhappy with that with not being in my home enviornment and all that restaurant eating, mind you not too many desserts in that lot, the activity part of my holiday obviously worked!! plan to get some fresh food into house (you can imagine the food purchased by the teens while away didnt consist of fresh fruit and veggies, positively slimey in the veggie bin yesterday!!)

dorothy_vdh, Apr 1, 7:00pm
guess we have all been busy or naughty.
Nothing much to report,my scales have come to a stale mate these days

charlieb2, Apr 1, 8:38pm
hi dorothy....

My scales the same!! lol

dorothy_vdh, Apr 5, 7:34pm
week 9 down the 500grams that I gained last week.
Total loss over the 9 weeks 2.1kg.
Not great but something I suppose.i hope everyone else is on track to reach their goals

alewis, Apr 5, 8:05pm
I was 81.7 so so another 400 down again, mind you two 400's is almost a kg so not unhappy with that, aim for this week is to at least start walking again!!

charlieb2, Apr 5, 9:20pm
Morning ladies.....scales have been going the wrong way completely!! lol

Planning a quiet patch in my morning to sit down with my CSIRO diet book that I bought a while back and 'plan' my shopping which is due tomrorrow.

Then the scales will start going in the right direction again.... thats the plan anyway!

Watch out for next terms ten week challenge! lol

well done dorothy and ali...

alewis, Apr 5, 9:22pm
I have the CSIRO first book and was very impressed with the healthy commonsense eating it had, not that I put it in front of my nose and did it for any length of time. lol

dorothy_vdh, Apr 6, 4:17am
what is CSIROplease ?

toadfish, Apr 25, 6:22pm
Wagons Rolling......

Well Day one of week one went surprisingly well yesterday... thinks thats probably because I was so full from Easter lol. I have chosen Friday as my weigh day... So even though I started yesterday... week 1 will just be a short week.... then I'll go from there.

I roasted a beautiful Rump Roast last night... just the right amount of rare for it to be juicy and full of iron.I am off now to make a beef salad to take to work with the left overs. Then tonights dinner will be trim pork on the BBQ with coleslaw and dry roasted vegies.Think I will stick to my favourite breakies which is 2 slices of toast, an egg and a tiny scape of marg & marmalade... about 4-5 points and sets me up for the day... and whats important I enjoy... I am also going to make some moustraps as it turns one slice of bread into a yummy savoury crunchy slice...

Feel quite fired up... ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH and I had to make some changes.

dorothy_vdh, Apr 25, 7:34pm
I too have decided to make Friday my weigh in day.
I went to the Doctor last week and his scales weigh me6 kilos lighter than my own, and that was fully dressed and after having had breakfast..

Toadfish we are basically having the same dinner except for the coleslaw my husband won't eat that

toadfish, Apr 28, 7:35pm
Week 1 (albeit only 4 days)

And aresounding 1.8kgs has left me (I haven't lost it it in case it trys to find me lol) so happy with that.... Exercise has been good... went for a 1 hour bike ride Wednesday morning and a 1 hour walk this morning.Starting to feel myself again.... so onwards and downwards,