Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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dorothy_vdh, Jun 30, 7:32pm
up 400 grams this week, but I'm not surprised.
Hope everyone else is having a great week

toadfish, Oct 15, 7:09pm
We have health issues in the house at the moment that have reinforced our need for healthy eating. Hubby is committed to the change which in the past has been a sticking point (But seeing that its his health issue. not much choice). I have always eaten realtively healthily . just too much lol. But all in all the new regime is working and apart from the blip on last weeks hioliday we stocked up the cupboards with fresh and healthy foods. so back on track again.

I have decided to weigh Monthly.I had an occaision last week after a week of saintly eating hopping on the scales and although a 1.3kg loss the weight I was put me in a bad mood. and I overate that day. so I will keep up the saintly lifestyle, maybe checkin here once or twice and weigh again on the first of November and monthly thereafter,

Have a great day all.

greg.n.michelle, Oct 16, 6:18am
yep sounds sensible to me. I am trying to cope with the website Charlie had talked about at the momnet

charlieb2, Oct 16, 6:41am
Takes a while to get a handle on it mwahcelle. but I've found it great for me.

THink a monthly weigh in is very sensible. as long as you can stay off the scales, lol.good luck Toadie

toadfish, Oct 16, 7:45am
I was quite shocked at how a good loss made me feel stink and then the effect that had on my whole day. yet the day before I felt fine.

Tonight simple. steak on the BBQ, Salad & Healthy Wedges. I also made Fishers Glazed chicken meatballs. so tommorrow night sorted just need to cook up some brown rice and maybe brocolli & silverbeet.Looking at good nutrition.
Already I find I shop rarely at the supermarket but constantly at the Fruit & Veg Shop and Butchers.

charlieb2, Oct 16, 9:38am
Why did your loss put you in a bad mood, Toady!

toadfish, Oct 18, 5:18pm
Think I felt so good and was eating and living so well. and then it didn't translate to the number the scales said (even though it was less than the week before - i felt "how" I was feeling equated to a lower weight - does that make sense!). proving its justa number.

We went to a seminar on the cruise last week."How to burn fat faster" and the Personal trainer was a very buff & toned Austrian man (sounded like Arnie).He said his last P&O physical the doctor weighed him and calculated his BMI and then said to him, you need to lose 15kgs to be in the regular range.He said to the Doctor. you have just seen me naked, where do you want me to lose it from! Obviously muscle weighs heavier than fat and despite what the scales said, he couldn't have been a more fit & Healthy specimen.

I have got my cooking mojo back, stocked up at the fruit and vegie shop last night and made a fabulous Vegie packed frittata for tonights dinner, and also while I was at it I made 6 mini fritattas in Texas muffin pans. took a while but tonights dinner (and lunches for everyone)is handled.I used some left over feta in the Mini ones so that should be nice.

Monday night I did a Double batch of chilli con carne, I only used 600gms of mince (would normally have used at least 1kg)and then 2 cans of Kidney Beans and 2 cans of tomatoes. it was delicious and plentiful and the reduction of mince went unoticed.We had that last night and one for the freezer.I seem to be handling the next days dinner the night before.Which is good as sometimes I arrive home ravenous. although I noticed yesterday I was not so hungry. think that may be because for lunch I had a Baked Potatoe and Baked Beans and it lasted longer.

Anyhoo have a great day all :)

alewis, Oct 18, 9:02pm
waves, my friend has a book and dont ask me whom it is but its a no white type of book, she is having eggs, mushrooms and bacon mostly for the morning salads for tea it allows one cheat day once every 6 days and she is a cheesecake nut, well she felt so ill the other day after she had had a coffee and sandwich, its surprising how quickly our bodies adapt.
I am the same weight as I was but have been dodged with infection after infection this year so do not have the engergy or inclination to go all out, I am more aware what I am putting into my mouth and dont feel like I overdo it, it would be nice if 10 kgs just dissapeared without thought mind. waves again to everyone

toadfish, Oct 19, 5:55pm
Waves back. Page 2 already. that can't happen lol.

I deserve the halo award. i packed my fritatta and salad, yoghurt, fruit, meusli Bar for work yesterday and in the cold and rain I was sent down the road to buy the directors Oporto.The smell of the burgers and chips made my mouth water the whole way home. but do you know after lunch I was so pleased that I stayed on track, would have been gutted if I had had a quick fix and been $12 worse off. and when we were all eating our lunches. mine was delicious and they were all envious. or so they said lol.

My head is clearly in the right place.Pak n Save have marinated Pork Sirloin on special this week so thats tonights dinner with dry roasted root vegetables and either salad or brocolli & Cauli.They alse had chicken mince on special. so brought 3 trays of that, I usually use it in fishers glazed meatballs on brown rice.

The Fritatta was amazing last night, real cafe food & filling and even though it was meatless it got DH's seal of approval, Miss 18 commented I have got my cooking mojo back.,

dorothy_vdh, Oct 19, 6:30pm
I'm back as well.I have put on 3 kilos and am now at a weightwhere I need to lose 10 kilos.
I am a little despondent,as I am still eating healthy foods and am at a loss to explain why this is happening. Exercise is about what it has been.
Anyway this mornings weigh in, was the kick up the bum I needed.
Unfortunately tonight I have a pot luck dinner to attend.
I have made a vegie slice so guess that's what my dinner will be

dorothy_vdh, Oct 19, 6:32pm
toadfish, would you please share your fritatta recipe.
I made one last weekend and although it was edible I have had better

alewis, Oct 19, 9:08pm
I have a question, those rounded sole excercise shoes are they any good! was it proven that they didnt do that much for you and are just a fad, we have a clearance place thats selling them for a good price so wondered if I should "try" them, but its money wasted if they actually do no good!

toadfish, Oct 23, 6:46pm
Think I know the ones you mean Ali, haven't heard good or bad, maybe google the brand name and see what people say.
We had people for dinner last night and I knew 2 out of the 4 people coming were seeing nutritionalists and trying to lose weight so I figured we outnumbered the 2 that wern't watching what they ate.
I cooked 2 roast chickens, and skinned and broke these up and put on a platter.Made a healthier version of my brown rice salad, I just switched the oil and lemon juice quantities (2T Ricebran oil and 1/4 Lemon juice) and omitted the peanuts,,,, and it was still delcious.New Potatoes and a green salad. It was a lovely light meal and everyone had plenty of lovely healthy food. now desert (which someone brought) was absolutely delisous a lemon slice,., but thats what moderation is all about. have a small treat and make sure the rest is on track.
Yesterday I did something with my husband I never ever thought I would do. we both sat in the food hall and ate sushi.and had that with a trim flat white. so major lifestyle changes for him and again. delicious!.

Have a great day all. take care JB

toadfish, Oct 31, 5:39pm
Morning all, 1st of November weigh in and I have lost 3.9Kgs.\very happy with that as it wasn't even a complete month as their was a cruise in the middle of it.

Am really in the swing of things.Have planted some salad things in pots which I am having great success with.Brought a punnet of 6 x Fancy lettuces from Mitre 10, quite established for $10 we have been having them 2-3 times a week in our salads for the last 3 weeks. I just keep picking the outside leaves.I added to that at the weekend, spent another $10 and have added 6 x Sweet 100 tomatoes, mesclun mix, perpetual spinach, sugar snap peas (self supporting) and radishs. Looking forward to those as well.All done in pots on the deck. near the hose for easy watering.Not bad for a busy person with less than green fingers.

Tonight we are having vegies soup with home made burgers. nom nom nom

HAve a great week all.

toadfish, Oct 31, 5:50pm
Sorry just seen this.

I dry roasted the root vegetables.- Carrots, Parnsips, Kumera, Pumpkin, potatoe, picking onions. (would leave potaotes out next time).
Cut them in even size peices (about 2cm x 2cm), pickling onions in quarters, put them in a bag with 1 teaspoon of rice bran oil swished around and put them in the square silicone baking dish I was using for the fritatta and cooked till nearly tender.Then I par boiled the brocolli and cauli. only a couple of minutes.Added this to the other vegies and poured over the milk mixture.I used about 8 eggs whisked with a little skim milk and salt and pepper. Next time I would add bacon, think that would have added to it nicely.
It was really lovely.The mini frittata's I dry roasted the vegies in a seperate pan and made those cubes about 1cm x 1cm.then place a selection of each vegie in the texas muffin pan and added some egg.Next time i would line these with baking paper as they stuck a bit.
The silicone square baking dish is excellant as it soesn't stick.I also have a flan shaped one but wanted this to be deeper than the flan one.

rrrg, Oct 31, 11:26pm
Hi guys - _ would like to join. Since having major heart surgery start of August I have put on 12kgs. Man do I want to loose them. Not sure what to do have done every diet in existence over the years. Had most success with Atkins and Jenny Craig but Jenny Craig out now - too dare.
Think i might try walking 4x a week for an hour, water three meals a day and horrid water. What do you think!

toadfish, Nov 14, 5:54pm
YOu need to do what suits you, my eating plan is loosely based on Weight watchers. slightly low carb in the fact that I try to limit empty carbs and keep to what I consider good carbs.
I eat 3 meals a day and 3 snacks, exercise 3 times a week for an hour each time.Hubby joined me about 2 months ago and has lost over 12Kgs. carrying less weigh is better for everyone heart.

toadfish, Nov 14, 5:58pm
Things are going well, most days are good, some harder than others but as this is a lifestyle change on the days I am really hungry. guess what. I eat!Just have a rule that it has to be good nutrition and good for me. not a pie of white sandwiches.On hungry days I may have avocado on vogels, fruit, crackers & cheese. I find on exercise days I can be ravenous mid morning. guess thats because my metabolism has been increased. then I will have a yoghurt and fruit for morning tea instead of one or the other.Luckily work is so busy It keeps my mind off it.

Have a great day all. Have just put a chicken meal in the crockpot and am off to hang out a load of washing. byeeeeeee

dorothy_vdh, Nov 14, 6:24pm
Toadfish I need to adopt your attitude. I thought I had had a reasonably good week end but the scales didn't reflect that this morning.
But like you said its a lifestyle change and you can't be on a "diet" forever