Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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charlieb2, Jan 25, 5:59am
This thread has run in recipes for several years now and is back after a bit of a break.Originally started by the lovely Marywea, many of us have found the support on our weight loss journey invaluable.While several of us know each other through our old thread, we welcome all to come in and discuss your issues involving your weightloss (and exercise!), share ideas and give and receive support.This is not about the 'rights' or 'wrongs' of any given method.... simply somewhere you can come and share...

Welcome to all...

charlieb2, Jan 25, 6:01am
Oh blast... meant to say Volume 8!!!

toadfish, Jan 25, 6:22am
Oh no... you have spelt "lose" correctly..... things will never be the same......

charlieb2, Jan 25, 6:24am
I checked in the dictionary first!

maggieb2, Jan 25, 6:26am
I'm here and will be losing 10% of my body weight before I think of my grand total that I need to lose. I can do this!!!!especially with the help and support that is so freely given here. Welcome to all of us.

toadfish, Jan 25, 6:26am
Thanks for starting this threadup again Charlie... after a health glitch I am wanting to get back on track again... Not that I have been too bad but would like to lose the weight that has found me in the last 6 months.... No I don't want to lose them as that means I may find then... I would like to give away for ever the weight I have recently found.Anyhoo I am in for a weightloss challenge starting Monday... anyone got any goals we can incoporate into the length? otherwise it will be my 8 week birthday challenge.

alewis, Jan 25, 6:37am
hello I'm in, will take the pirate as mine!! ali reporting, will weigh in on monday, but certainly would like to lose a few kgs.

charlieb2, Jan 25, 6:41am
yaye.. and we are off.....

(shall I take the halo, cos I'm going to be angelic all the time,..... lol)

dorothy_vdh, Jan 25, 7:14am
I'd love to join in as well if I may.
Over the past 2 years, I have lost 60 kilos, put 2 of them back on over Christmas.Want them to go and another 10, but it just isn't happening for me at the moment,so I would love some inspiration, motivation and support

toadfish, Jan 25, 7:16am
Welcome on board Dorothy... thats a great loss to date, good on you for nipping that very small gain in the bud...

Onwards and downwards I say!

ribzuba, Jan 25, 7:20am
oh this sounds good!
i have recently lost 10kg and still have 25 to go...continuity seems to be my problem, i get really excited for a couple of weeks and do well then i get bored! hopefully this time is different!

charlieb2, Jan 25, 7:22am
Welcome dorothy.. please do stick around.It might seem like we all know each other to start with.... but we will soon know you too!

Well done on your awesome loss..

charlieb2, Jan 25, 8:00am
big welcome to you too ribzuba....

Just to fill in... The original "need to lose weight" was probably one of the first threads I ever posted in on Trade me.I didnt "know" anyone who was posting.Over the years people have come and gone from the thread...all contributing......Please dont feel left out to start with if you think we are all 'talking' amongst ourselves... you will have our support from the outset... and we welcome you to this thread which is about getting LEAN and HEALTHY!!!

alewis, Jan 25, 8:48am
I would also like to add that whatever way YOU choose to lose weight is great in here, we do not like people that take the high road, but if you have something positive to share thats fine, at one time we had a fab poster by the name of pippin, she shared with us an amazing weight loss journery and ended up becoming a personl trainer, so we learnt all about what was in our foods in the most lovely way by sharing her successes which of course rubs of on us that should perhaps not be having that piece of chocolate cake but bugger it we do - on occasion!! I was gobsmaked when I went to weight watchers and learnt about the points system it really was a great system and sharing that and learning more is all what this thread is about, its also a bit about the people and as stated some of us know each other well but we have no problem getting to know you well - lets all share the journey in a NICE way.....

bedazzledjewels, Jan 25, 6:02pm
Hello you lot!
I'm down 20kg and last year managed to maintain that loss, so very pleasing to be on an even keel after years of yoyo-ing.
I haven't got much to go now, so I'm planning on losing maybe 5kg slowly through this year. But really, good health is my main goal and that's all ticketty-boo.

dorothy_vdh, Jan 25, 6:39pm
thank for the welcome.
I agree that it is all about what works for each individual person.

I started my" life style change" that's what I like to call it by using optifast to replace 2 meals a day,and by having a healthy evening meal.
I still occasionally have optifast,

alewis, Jan 25, 8:55pm
dorothy I think those things are great you know you are going to be commited for a while and know its not a for life thing but it gets you STARTED which in our heads its what we need. I have some kate morgans in my pantry and a friend lost 3.5 in a week she was thrilled with that she didnt have much to lose so it worked quickly for her, she hasnt done the lifestyle change but felt she didnt need to, she was happy with the way she did it.
anyway have a great day ladies, I am coming down 200 or 300 a day at the moment so being very aware of whats going into the mouth at the moment!!

charlieb2, Jan 25, 8:58pm
Dazz, that is awesome!The feeling 'healthy' thing is SO important I believe.

Personally, I just dont feel healthy at the moment and "fit" is not in my volcabulary, lol

So, my plan is fairly simple.. up the exercise and water (good for the skin if nothing else!) eat well (cut out the crappy food!) oh and 'sleep well' is also on my agenda.. something I havent been doing much of lately...and finally 'be happy'.All of the above is easier if you are happy in yourself I think.

Sticking with the "Keep it simple, stupid!" plan...

I'm not really sure in terms of first aim is really to lose some of this spare tyre I'm carrying... (well, I think there is more than one spare tyre!!)thats more a 'feeling' than a goal weight...

charlieb2, Jan 25, 8:58pm
*waves to ali*You werent there when I started!

bedazzledjewels, Jan 25, 9:00pm
I believe getting a good sleep in a dark room is very important Charlie. Though it must have been difficult to relax at nights in Chch over the last few months!
How's that young dof of yours?

calista, Jan 26, 6:48am
Keeping up with him will help Charlie.Thanks for starting this again, I need something to remind me about exercise and portion size.

I am still biking and loving it.I managed to bike 100km on the week leading up to Christmas, then grounded myself for a while after I fell off while avoiding a car that took the corner too wide:-(, but am now back into it.I think it was Toadie who introduced me to map-o-meter and I am enjoying using that to see how far I travel.

Today I received the training programme for the City 2 Surf (walking).It has 6k and 12k options, and, while I'm not planning on doing it (hate large crowds) it does look achievable.They don't say how long it might take - obviously it varies but does anyone have an idea as to an average time?

bedazzledjewels, Jan 26, 6:57am
Very impressive Calista - you're like the Toady-of-the-South.

charlieb2, Jan 26, 7:56am
calista, my friend and I did it last year.With no training to speak of and we took it steady..... not flat out and did it in just over 2hours

charlieb2, Jan 26, 8:10am
I dont think the City to Surf will be as nice this year as they have had to alter the course so dramatically.

As for the biking accident! You poor thing.... Chch's crazy drivers strike again.I think you are very brave to carry on, its the one thing that 'scares' me a bit about biking....Especially now the cycle ways are not the best.

I bought my swim pass, so I'm all set once the kids go back to school to add that into the mix.Ziggy sure needs plenty of walks and he's been missing out a bit over the hols, so he's my #1 priority.

alewis, Jan 26, 10:42am
waves agrees with biking we have friends that have just brought mountain bikes cause they want to get off the main highways as its far too dangerous, my doctor that delivered my kids was killed last year and another doctor whom I know who lives locally has had 2 very severe accidents last one was a coma and the kids were told to say goodbye to her, same age as my kids!! woo hoo to the swim pass, the beauty of water is it make you weightless, we have just completed a progressive dinner, main at neighbours and dessert here, boy went overboard with dessert, sticky date intervidual puddings, caramel sauce, cream, killenray walnut and caramel ice cream, fresh fruit salad and just for fun make jo seagars brandy baskets which was fill how you like, OMG theres no weighing in for at least four days from that one, mix in the copiuos quanties of wine and dessert wine and I should not be posting here!! lolol