Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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dorothy_vdh, Jan 26, 6:37pm
My goodness you all appear to be so energetic.
I am very limited with what I can do exercise wise.

I have had both my knees replaced, my right in March 2009 and my left July 2010.Each op takes up to a year to fully recover from.
My surgeon has told me that walking and swimming is about it for me now.
I don't like swimming but did a lot of aqua walking,haven't of late though.
walking is still limited to about 1.5km at the moment.. I don't do that every dayas I'm on my feet all day at work

alewis, Jan 26, 8:45pm
1.5 km is a great walk especially with two new knees I am determined to get back into walking. very hot in auckland today

charlieb2, Jan 27, 7:37am
I agree with ali, thats a great walk.. you dont want to be pushing yourself to hard to soon, I would think.

I had a little chuckle last night, decided the 'thread god' was watching me.We ordered pizza last night.... mine arrived with two ingredients I had asked NOT to have... one of which was capsicum. (those who know me, will know how much I LOATE capsicum).On top of that... raw crushed garlic had just been dumped over the top of the pizza.. so back to the shop it went.I made a relatively healthy dinner for myself using some pesto tomatoes that were in the cupboard instead.Probably enjoyed it more too!needless to say that was the pizza companies last chance and it will be no more delivered pizza from now on.So will be starting on the homemade jobs!

calista, Jan 27, 9:48am
Charlie, you're lucky they didn't offer you 2 more to make up for it as one pizza company did for me.

Today I biked 35 km, which is great as my previous best was under 25.I wasn't riding flat out, but the wind added a bit of a challenge.

Am gradually sorting the eating - exercise helps and I am drinking LOTS of water so have learned where most of the public loos are in ChCh.

alewis, Jan 27, 9:52am
on our monday scrap we take a shared lunch and the top of the pops is one of those salmon fillets with the coating on the top - the shop is next door but one to a new world so fresh bread, one of the ladies brings greens out of the garden and we make the most devine sandwiches/rolls we have tomatoe and advocado so just wonderful, one of the ladies was saying she went away with hubby and fam, they all had pizza and she went and got one of those salmon fillets and it was her tea, great oils etc and very very yummy on a salad it is one of healths best friends!!
that pizza sounds dreadful charlie blah I like garlic but that would have just finished me off bad enough they got that other horrible thing included. have heard they like standard by the book pizzas sounds like thats what happened to you.
Just had dinner out celebrating a girlfriends b'day - and one of the girls who owns a cafe brought a chocolate cake for dessert - I have the receipe and it was amazing, had maple syrup in it and milk very nice.

charlieb2, Jan 27, 8:33pm
Salmon sounds gorgeous ali!!!! So do the sandwiches! lol

calista, they rang last night and offered us two freebies... mr was most adament they could 'keep' their freebies.It was the manager who rang and he was duly informed we would no longer be using their services!! I noticed a thread on here about pizza bases, so might check it out.

Wow thats a huge amount of biking calista... and the wind, yuck! Well done you.

Whats everyone having for breakfast and lunches, thats where I always get stuck.

calista, Jan 28, 3:23am
Ioften have one of those wee tins of tuna on 2 slices of sandwich slice toasted Burgen bread.

When I was going to the diabetic dietician I complained that it was difficult finding healthy breakfast stuff so she suggested I consider something I might usually have for lunch.I was so stuck in a rut I hadn't thought of doing that.

fastlanenz, Jan 28, 5:01am
Breakfast: lots of fresh fruits ... if I know I need it to last me thru to lunch, then I'll add in a little cereal (any kind LOL) and a good amount of yoghurt - my shopping treat is normally a good quality yoghurt .. .until I find where the moving angels hid my easiyo and crockpot .. still can't find them after 18mths!
Lunch: like Calista, a yummy 'healthy' lunch is a small tin of sweet chilli tuna (quite a bite to them too) on toasted vogels.

Thanks for starting the thread Charlie.As one of the contributors to it's temporary demise, I was truly hacked off with stack of recipes who decided to misappropriate the trademe recipe threads, but like Toady says, we have choices in our lives as to what we let affect us.

Sooooo, I'm back, and I have two goals this year.Same as last year, .. and the year before LOL, but I'm brimming with enthusiasm and confidence.This maybe due to returning from relaxing week's camping when you have all the time in the world for lovely beach walks !!!
Goal 1: to get from 75 (ish) kg to 65 kg
Goal 2: to lose all the excess wobbly bits around my tum.This is probably the most important goal as it would do wonders for my self esteem, which will contribute to my overall wellbeing.And the resultant health benefits of not carrying weight in a high risk area.

Plan of attack: eating sensibly, lots of healthy veg and fruit, and to decrease sugar intake.Exercise: continue with social running group, continue to coach childrens sport, start with ab king pro (again ... it does work), start regular walking.

charlieb2, Jan 28, 5:14am
Sorry gals but ... tinned tuna = cat food!!

LOL... I buy it cos all the boys like it, but it just turns my stomach....

charlieb2, Jan 28, 5:14am
Oh and welcome back fastey!!

pats3, Jan 28, 6:08am
What a great thread. I'd also like to join in if I may. I put on 5kg last year and just couldn't shift it so decided to do something I always said I wouldn't!! Today I started Optifast - thought it might give me a kick start. If I can just lose that 5kg and then an ideal weight would be to lose another 5kg.

Normally I do a lot of walking/cycling but have been very slack the last 3-4 months, so back into it tomorrow. I have set my goal to lose that initial 5kg by the end of February as going to Melbourne with 2 girlfriends for 4 days early March.

Have a good weekend everyone.

510, Jan 28, 7:38am
Waddles back on board after loosing the plot.Enjoying swimming in a 500metre pool, just have to up the pace can swim 20 lengths, but walking is another story find this much more difficult due to excess baggage. My firstgoal is to stay committed for a week & then review progress.

calista, Jan 28, 4:34pm
Georgie-Porgy fat'n'fluffy had a sore throat last week due to a virus and the vet said to feed her 'wet' food.I did worry that I might mix up the tins by accident, given that I am not wide awake first thing in the morning.

dorothy_vdh, Jan 28, 7:12pm
pats....... I started using optifast about 2 years ago,it has helped me lose 60 kilos.
Initially I used it to replace 2 meals a day,breakfast and lunch.I had a normal but healthier evening meal. You must drink 2 litres of water a day as well.
I still occasionally have it, especially if I feel I needa kick start usually when I've reached a plateau with my weight loss and nothing else seems to be working.

I know there will be many people out there who disagree with meal replacement products, but I believe if it works for you then that's all that matters as its no bodies else's business how or why you want to lose weight.

Ladies I have to say I'm envious of the bread you have. Bread is something I just can't have,major weight increase if I do. And I so miss toast!!!!!!

fastlanenz, Jan 28, 7:34pm
LOL on the cat food Charlie, Mr Fasty agrees with you!Dorothy, I agree on the importance of water ... as I don't like tea or coffee, if I forget to drink water, then I can go until late in the afternoon before I realise that I've forgotten to have a drink that day ... naughty !!Having a bottle of water beside me is a good reminder, a glass of water beside me is a disaster waiting to happen on my desk!

pats3, Jan 28, 8:17pm
Thankyou for the encouragement Dorothy. Normally I am one of those people who don't believe in meal replacement products as I think the way to lose weight is to exercise and eat sensibly. However, I'm having trouble doing that - lol - so that's why I though I'd try the Optifast.(Do as I say, not as I do !!!).

Yes I know I have to drink 2 litres of water a day. I don't normally drink that much. Yesterday was my first day and I was feeling quite hungry at times, but the water did help.I was a bit naughty last night as I was feeling hungry again and had 5 Huntly & Palmer crackers with a smidgen of margarine on them! Just having my breakfast shake now - the chocolate one - yum. Not so keen on the vanilla.

earthangel4, Jan 28, 8:35pm
A pat on the back for everyone of you,would love to come in here and give you support,now and then.
Last year a set a goal.
On 01 01 10,I was 86kgs I ate small portions on a bread and butter plate,3 times a day,walked Abby my little dog everyday,that is the only exercise I did.
I am 57years old and on oct the 1st last year I weigh in at 50kgs,and am still 50kgs,yes I got sick,but that was after oct.
Good luck crew,you can do it.
Many hugs to you all.

pats3, Jan 28, 8:37pm
Dorothy, you are truly an inspiration in losing 60kg - good on you, that's amazing.

I forgot to say that because I want to lose the weight before I go to Melbourne in March, I am replacing the three meals!! All up I would like to lose 10kg, but am just aiming for 5kg first.

pats3, Jan 28, 8:42pm
earthangel that's fantastic. I am 58 and had the view that it's harder to lose weight when we are a bit older. Of course you did it the correct way and once I lose my initial 5kg, will try and do what you have done. Congratulations - well done. I am 77kg at the moment and as I said, would like to eventually lose 10kg but haven't been down in the 60s for years and didn't think it was possible but you have given me hope.Good on you.

calista, Jan 28, 10:37pm
Dorothy I think using something like that to kick start your weight loss is an interesting technique -Although Ithink I would get bored with the shakes.Also I enjoy the feel of some food in my mouth.

Pats it *is* possible.I got into the 60s (similar age) before I succumbed to depression eating again. Now I'm going to do it again. My main exercise was walking (before my love affair with my bike).By the way- do I remember rightly that you are a cross stitcher?Pity we can't stitch and exercise - it might mean we got more done.


pats3, Jan 28, 11:16pm
Hi Calista - at the moment my main exercise is walking (although haven't done any for the past couple of months. I have an on/off love affair with my bike as I very rarely go out on it if it's windy - hate cycling in the wind.

Yes, I am a cross-stitcher. In fact, I see you are in Christchurch. We have recently started up a group of cross-stitchers / knitters every Tuesday night, 7.00 pm at Coffee Culture in Hornby if you're interested. You would be very welcome. You could cycle over - lol.

Intended getting back into my walking today but as you know the weather's a bit crappy and I want to watch the cricket this afternoon. I do have a treadmill so might have to give that a whirl - prefer walking outside but the treadmill might just have to do today.

510, Jan 28, 11:25pm
TE that should have read 50 metre pool.
welcome to all the newbies looking forward to hearing about everyone's weight loss jouney

earthangel4, Jan 28, 11:33pm
You can do it,here to support you.

charlieb2, Jan 29, 9:25pm
Bumping off page two...I guess no-one is being saintly this weekend.

As much as I dont want the holidays to be over, I'm looking forward to getting into a routine next week, so I can plan my exercise!!!

marywea, Jan 29, 10:32pm
Oh dear.I wrote a long report, a friend rang and I wanted to tell her about an email while I was talking-went to that completely forgetting I was writing here and of course I lost it. I know I commented on the huge losses reported here. I started 28 Dec at 87.8 and 30th Jan am 82.3. As I lost 3.7 in the first 2 weeks it has been slow since. Funny this time though-I weigh daily and often I stay the same and even increased for no good reason. I am looking forward to reading your weekly reports-Julia and Maggie it just rolls off you once you put your mind to it so that should make good copy. I have coffee ++ for breakfast, 2 eggs on 2 pieces of toast for lunch, all veg for dinner often with a small portion of tinned salmon. Roast my own peanuts for that 5pm nibble and eat fruit.My Jersey Bennes will soon be ready and they will be included.So not a very restrictive diet but one I can stick with-I hope. I am tall with a large frame and carry my weight in front of me.Exercise is still at planning stage-in other words, non existant! Julia, hope you are better soon.Tonight the family celebrate youngest daughter's 40th birthday with dinner at Hippopotamus so all thoughts of food restrictions are out the window, something I am looking forward to. Enjoy your holiday tomorrow if you are in the region and hope you were not knocked around too much with Wilma.