Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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alewis, Jan 29, 11:17pm
thats 5 kgs marywea!! - well done you, I am in welly monday/tues week so will be very happy to have a brisk walk with you!! I have jumped up 2 kgs since the start of this thread, no bloody wonder with the entertaining I have done, but hacked off never the less have not got my lets be sensible brain in obviously!! hubbys away so I will beable to eat what I like so getting my head around that is the main thing at the moment - excercise will follow. is it monday the kids are back at school (apart from the aucklanders of course?)

charlieb2, Jan 30, 8:11pm
Good morning all.... well, today I'll 'start' my journey.Have weighed in with horror!!

I imagine I must look something like a barrel with legs at the moment... its all around my middle.... yuck!!!!

Last day of the hols here today,

alewis, Jan 30, 10:15pm
reporting in too, am sipping my maple syrup water as we speak, hubby is away so I am able to do this, its a high tech recipe, 5 lemons, 1 1/2 cups maple syrup, 1 teaspoon of caynne and 10 cups of water then thats IT, drink drink drink drink drink drink, must say on my first half cup its certainly got a kick to it!! its also known as the detox diet and if you wanted to you could go and pay over a $100 for it in the health food shop, I have weighed and it reads like my personal high OMG !! I too am feeling like a beached whale, son took photo of me in boat on weekend all I can see is fat arms and lots of fat around my chops eeekkkk. have you got anything planned for that last day of the hols charlie girl? hope toadfish is feeling much better and ready for work next week???

alewis, Jan 31, 2:52am
I am on my third cup and its nasty!! - mouth on fire stomach starting to feel on fire too, any sort of food starting to look good at the moment, I know theres the sensible but I do want to kick start in a big way, ho hum lets see how long I last, remember the green lane diet, fasty lost loads on that and she cheated!!

marywea, Jan 31, 3:56am
Interesting mixture you are in to Ali-is that all you have? % Kgs would be a lot for you to lose but when one is grossly overweight it is nothing at all!Dinner out last night was fabulous and definitely what you would call a dinning experience. Better than my memory of Logan Brown. Ali, let me know which day would be good to meet-I don't have a booking for Bridge on Mon. afternoon so either would suit. NO brisk walk-my "planned" route between coffee houses would involve no more than 20 metres between each. Can't be pushing these things! Charlie, hope your 1st day of restricted eating is going well and for the others who have joined you. Are you OK now Julia?

charlieb2, Jan 31, 7:06am
Ali.. its sounds foul... Ditch it... good old lemon juice and water detox sounds heaps easier all round.....

Mary, the coffee shop route sounds pretty good to me... You dont want to rush in lovely Wellington, there are far too many interesting things to see!!

Didnt really do anything special today... Mr was on a day off so we took the boys for a 'food court' lunch.

Master 12 is back tomorrow, but Master 9 not till Wednesday....

Day One was... OK-ish.... but looking to do better each day!Water must be drunk...

Have a great evening everyone!

Mary, are you still bowling?

fastlanenz, Jan 31, 9:17am
Fasty reporting in with no weigh in this morning, we went for a mini-camp ... not worth the packing to go away for one night's camp, but worth it to dry the tent out properly, and to spend some luffly time with good friends.Still a bit windy but lovely to explore a little more of the North .... saw some of the damage caused by Wilma ... makes you respect Mother Nature for all that can be thrown at you.

Ali, I'm curious with the cayenne pepper in your mixture, it would get your metabolism going, but there's nothing to process in your tummy?I'm with Charlie, lemon and water would be more enjoyable.I won't be so cruel as to tell you the delights of Bennett's at Mangawhai today, except that they do a very classy glass of water with mint and lemon slices ... and I've done my Easter shopping already ... not bad for me since I just sent off the last of Christmas pressies last week, LOL !!

Exercise has been much more successful this week, we arrived back tonight in time for our running group's meet.Young Mr ran 5.4km in 31 mins, and young Ms 6 dragged mum around the course, 38mins for her and 39 for me.She would have done better but I wouldn't let her get too far ahead .... I feel awful that she wants to get a better time but Mum's holding her back so I've got to pick up speed LOL.Will report in with weighin and how many ab king thingy's I do in the morning.Night all xx

dorothy_vdh, Jan 31, 6:36pm
morning all.
Well its a new month, so I intend to refocus and make it a brilliant weight loss month.That's the plan now to make it happen !!!!

fastlanenz, Jan 31, 8:47pm
Good morning Dorothy, February is going to be a good month!Watching what goes past the lips, drinking lots of water, and plenty of exercise.

Weigh in this morning was a little bit of a shock - 75.3kg.I last jumped on the scales around Christmas time and it read 73 something, so all the camping, happy hour, drinking has done a little damage, but you gotta live too!!Ended up doing a brisk 30 min walk, up and down hills this morning instead of ab king pro ...and two glasses of water down already.

Off to get into some work, have a good day all xxx

alewis, Jan 31, 10:18pm
know how you feel fasty have def put on 2+ kgs this festive season and I and feel and SEE it which is the desperate times call for desperate measures revolting drink, but on saying that the scales show 1.3 kg down in ONE day (and I know its not a true one, but the feeling of achievement is good.) so I will go and get some more maple syrup but have a much lighter or non exsitent hand with the cayanne pepper truely discusting. sorry about spelling. not hungry at all either so surprising on that front, had loads of water as well so if nothing else its going to get me pointed in the right direction, which is down not stablized but down.

pats3, Feb 1, 1:29am
You can do it Dorothy - you go girl!

Well I'm on track with my Optifast!! Did struggle with it the first couple of days but I did lose 1.6kg in that time so I am completely focused at the moment.

Had the insurance assessor here at 11.30 am (I'm in Christchurch) so told my boss I would take the rest of the day off:-)After the insurance assessor left I went for an hour's walk - I'm sure it must be 30 degrees out there - man it was hot!!I'm drinking lots of water and it certainly helps when I feel a bit hungry.

Was going to go out in the garden but think I will sit and watch the cricket - lol.

alewis, Feb 1, 3:27am
pat thats a great start - you will kick that first 5 kgs off in no time. beautiful blue skys here as well, dont think we are 30% however, just watched the kings speech, brilliant movie and brilliantly acted geoffery rush deserves an oscar for supporting male as well.

kita180, Feb 1, 3:37am
I'd love to join in too, i'm a 29 yr old mother of 2(10yr old girl & 4 yr old boy). After having my 2nd child i just cant seem to lose weight but putting it on is easy.
I really need the motivation & support of someone to get me up & moving so this forum seems like the place to be

calista, Feb 1, 5:18am
Welcome kita

I don't even have the excuse of having had a child.

charlieb2, Feb 1, 5:24am
Good to hear people are finally getting seen by EQC!

I cant wait till Kings speech is out on DVD..... Love Mr Darcy.. opps I mean Firth! ;-)

Welcome to Pat!!

Not a great day food wise...BUT I fillled a big jug of water this morning and slices of lemon added, managed to polish it off over the course of the day, so thats good.....

Need to pop out to garden now.I starting trimming the lavender on the back path as the gas man will be coming anyday, but gave up was too hot, need to go collect my trimmings now its cooler..

bedazzledjewels, Feb 1, 5:58am
Charlie - I emailed you but I'm not sure it was your latest email addy!

fastlanenz, Feb 1, 7:43am
Great work with the water Charlie, woo hoo!Ali, my neighbours went to see the same movie and I hear good reports!Well done on the early losses, a loss is a loss, great to see downward movement.
I started well with water, 5 glasses by lunchtime.Then I went out to the garden and did a lot of weeding, and staking of tomatoes, and my energy plummeted.Another walk in the arvo to pick kids up from school and my legs are not happy.Tired, sore and in need of resting!Just gonna finish a bit more paperwork before I put them up for the evening.

On a positive note, don't you just LOVE opening an avo and it's perfect, no bruises, no yucky stringy bits, we had a perfect one for dinner, along with a perfectly ripe mango, and our first tomato from the garden, a delicious salad ... along with a "mince pizza" made with a leftover rice base, and mince, tomato and mushroom on top.Hmm, tasted a lot better than it sounds, me thinks!

alewis, Feb 1, 7:46am
Im surprised you get your kids to eat mushrooms, but a very good day by the sounds, I am not feeling too well at all, could be being no 2 day without anything solid, I want to do three so will perservere, kids want to be fed soon

charlieb2, Feb 1, 8:56am
Oh calista, dont beat yourself up, its horrible having to deal with all this... and you have to work so hard to get a straight answer.

Fastey, you are a dynamo!!Exhausted just hearing about your day, lol...

Ali, funnily enough my Master "i hate veges" 12, eats mushrooms happily... go figure!

Did you tone down your concoction today, Ali?Think I'll stick to my lemoney water....

fastlanenz, Feb 1, 10:36am
Charlie, I can just imagine Mr Darcy making a good job of that role ... can't wait to see it to, but it will probably be on tv by the time I get to see it!

Ali, my young man LOVES mushrooms, especially raw ones, I often pop a whole raw mushroom in his lunchbox as a treat!Miss will eat them cooked, with a little fuss, but as I put them over the rice base first, to keep the mince mixture from making the rice base "gluggy", they disappeared without a word!

Feeling very happy about churning thru some work today, better send a couple of quick emails, then off to bed.Good luck for day 3 Ali, night all xxx

fastlanenz, Feb 1, 10:37am
waves to Charlie, my computer F5 must be misbehaving, I didn't see your post before I posted!

alewis, Feb 1, 10:58am
the second batch I made up I put NO cayenne pepper in, I read somewhere else you can put ginger so up a teaspoon of that in, I think I actually put a heaped teaspoon of the pepper in so no wonder - another site said a couple of pinches!! - the lemon maple and ginger tastes like ambrosia after yesterdays!! lol its nice to hear of kids eating well, mine arnt too bad but with such a fussy father eater it hard, he goes ohh yuck and has done for years!!

marywea, Feb 1, 9:14pm
Kita,how are you going to lose weight? Just cutting down sugars and carbs is a good start and probably means you can eat the same meals as your family. What is your weak point, we would all have at least a couple and that is being kind! Was your boy pleased to be back at school? Calista, anyone in ChChwho isn't stress eating is a marvel.Charlie, have you made a proper start yet?Ali, hats off to you with that drink, you don't want to have to do another 3 days of that at sometime so are you resolved to keep that weight going down-good result so far. I am doing same as, same as, but still paying the price for my lovely dinner out. Yes Jo, I am still enjoying bowling but don't seem to be getting as much time as last summer.Dorothy are you making a good start?

bedazzledjewels, Feb 1, 9:17pm
Is there going to be a 10 week challenge as in the "old days"?
Hello Mary. I was in Wellington last week and the weather was beautiful. Went to the opening of the Crown Lynn exhibition - very good, if you're interested.

shell156, Feb 1, 10:17pm
Im gate crashing your thread, im wondering wat is the best and lowest in fat cheese for sammies etc..