Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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charlieb2, Feb 1, 11:13pm
Well, I'll start a 10 week challenge, since both my boys are now at school!!!
So: Start date today...Wednesday 2 Feb

End date:Wed 13 April 2011.

Who's 'in'?

I've even bought myself a dinky little notebook for recording all the vitals....

mary, yes, I've started properly today, although havent had a walk yet.Its an awful blustery nor-west day here, so I'm hoping it will cool down later and I can have a walk then.Mind you, walked the boys to school and walked as far as I was allowed with Master 12, lol, which meant for a longer detour to get home.. so had a walk of about 25 mins already, I guess.

Water on bench and is going down VERY well today, I can tell you.Poor mr is finally getting rid of all the 'broken' earthquake junk.We had to hold onto until we'd been paid out.What a job in this weather...

Home made pizza tonight and I'll have a salad on the side.....

charlieb2, Feb 1, 11:14pm far as I know Edam is the lowest fat of 'normal' cheeses.I dont buy 'low fat' products as I find they are usually full of sugar.Although not sure if thats the case for low fat cheese... Dazz may know?

alewis, Feb 2, 3:24am
Shell - My fav cheese is the laughing cow, the low fat one I discovered was less than butter, I use this instead of butter on sammies, its the wedge cheese, so not for cooking, I thought edam is the lowest but I too might be wrong. welcome kita hope you get some useful info and support from this awsome group of women.
Day two another whole kg - 2.3 in two days, I have had 2 cafe stops with girlfriends today and had green tea at each place, just about threw it up mind you blahhh - was going to order a berry tea at 2nd stop but girlfriend had already ordered green as that was what I was saying I was having lol.. have a horrible taste in my mouth, and feel dry in mouth but no pain no gain with this extreme lets get the weight started!! - the ginger in the lemon and maple is actually lovely, I am determined to see at least 3 days so quite focused on it. woo hoo food!! mind you I also think when you do something like this it puts you off the bad foods a bit so a great start for my challenge, as I am going to be on holiday for 2 weeks that will put me back a bit.

dorothy_vdh, Feb 2, 4:24am
edam is the lowestfat"normal" cheese.

I'll attemptthe 10 week challenge

marywea, Feb 2, 5:47am
Ali, shall we go to the Crown Lynn exhibition while you are in Wellington or is that something you plan to do with Sir?

alewis, Feb 2, 6:28am
Mary when fasty mentioned that I thought wouldnt that be just the most lovely thing to do and was going to suggest it, where is it on? I am slumming it in the duxton so dont think it will be far from there? I am glad I'm not breathing on any of you feel like I have the most fowlest breath in the world at the moment, reminds me of an old secretary whom was always on a diet and she had a terrible breath she was in her lat 50 and been dieting for years!! does cause bad breath I am sure. yuck yuck yuck. am finding this the cr#p time of day with the liquid diet I am on, quite good really last thing you think you want is food or wine!!

bedazzledjewels, Feb 2, 6:40am
Ali - it's on at the City Gallery - by the Library/Town Hall/Michael Fowler Centre.

charlieb2, Feb 2, 6:48am
I would LOVE to go to the Crown Lynn exhibition.. very jealous!!!

Ali, meant to say I thought the lemon and ginger a better combo.. I use to have lemon/ginger teabags which were quite nice.

I've had a reasonably good day....way lower carbs than I've been having.It was so hot today, the only option for lunch was a salad (ham/cheese) and although homemade pizza was on the menu, I was craving for steak. So it was steak/salad/bbq mushrooms.. delish!!!!!Have finished my jug of water again..... and had a wee romp on the beach with dof.So not too bad.. However, I am *whispers so ali cant hear* indulging in a Chardonnay right now!!!(realistic diet?) lol

alewis, Feb 2, 7:02am
poo to you, I am being soo good, made son eye fillet steak, mushroom burgers on the bakers delight whole grain buns lettuce tom, cheese, damm did that look good, and to be honest good food as well, I brought some lovely fruit today so intend to start a new habit of actually eating fruit, takes me half an hour to eat banana and about the same for an apple dont know why I am so bad, never ate it as a child I guess!!

fastlanenz, Feb 2, 9:49am
Waves hello to all, tried Toady's oakhill potatoes (prepared yest) tonight, was lovely to come home from work and have most of dinner ready to heat and eat.A few leaves of salad from the garden straight onto the plate and a nice quick and reasonably healthy dinner was sorted!Water intake was better but a headache tonight has me wondering if a few toxins are escaping with the increase in water consumption.

Just like the stitch while running, gotta keep going to get rid!

alewis, Feb 2, 9:03pm
well day three completed and a whooping 2.8 kgs gone think it was only 600 gms yesterday but all good, will start introducing food later I think, so thats got me the start I wanted I just need to keep it going in the same direction now!! having a walk with girlfriend later so all good.
I also have a christmas album I want to get finished (havent even started it yet as was so busy making cards!!) its for her birthday so went around with the camera and shot all her treasures, this is the one that make me look like an apprentice!! - so not sure how many pages its going to be have pulled out papers so really need to get cracking its probably a weeks project!!

marywea, Feb 2, 9:23pm
Good going Ali, great result. If Mon or Tues suit you the same then Tue. would suit me a little better but it isn't a biggie. You are welcome to join us Jo. Hope everyone is going well with their regime. ChCh is getting quite a group watching their weight now. Oakhill potatoes were the most favourite lunch at the Nurses Home.Good to prepare early as you did fasty as there are lots of different bits to do.

alewis, Feb 3, 12:53am
tues great for me. I will give you an email with phone nos etc, and the crown lynn is a def yes, thats going to be so interesting. my friend is coming to me to walk - we are both not looking forward to my driveway!! lol shes on the hill in milford so we have been naughty the last few times, I drive down to the beach and we do a flat walk so we are both being very lazy - hope today is a good one.

alewis, Feb 3, 2:53am
lol - I can see that the bottom row far left would be deemed as excercise, and cannot understand how wine is not on that list!!

bedazzledjewels, Feb 3, 2:54am
Okay Ali - I think there's juice on there wrongly labelled as beer, so you can pretend that's wine! Or maybe you might prefer it down where the meds are? Lol!

calista, Feb 3, 9:34am
*Sneaks in to say "I bought some bacon today anditwaswonderful" and tiptoes out before anyone notices*

charlieb2, Feb 3, 9:41am
Bacon is good, calista!!!

alewis, Feb 3, 10:25am
I cannot believe no one has picked up on my reference to the little blue pill!! - you guys are slow tonight!!

alewis, Feb 3, 10:25am
calista hope you had it either in a butty or with eggs yummo, I am sure you will work that off in no time!!

fastlanenz, Feb 3, 10:57am
Good evening (yes it is still ... just!) .. waiting on photos to upload to website as I have a scrapbooking night on next week ..yippee!Gosh, isn't it hot!Late home tonight as I picked up DD from a playdate at the beach, and the cool breeze there was sooooo welcome.Chatted at beach until 6.45 oops, and not organised for dinner like last night, so threw together some mince fried off with garlic/onion/worcestershire into wraps with avo, lettuce, grated carrot, cheese and chopped toms, also some tzatziki lurking in fridge, mmm took 15mins and was just the ticket on a warm evening.Easy when the fridge holds the right ingredients, which doesn't always happen towards the end of the week.
An A.Ali sighting today, woo hoo, looking as fab as ever ... Ali you are such a ray of sunshine, and brightened my day beautifully.Thank you also for the gorgeous cards, you are sooo thoughtful xxBack to snapfish, night all x

toadfish, Feb 3, 6:03pm
Morning all... Weighing in a reporting for the 10 week Challenge.

For the first time in a very long time I was pleasantly surprised with the scales.Feel big but weighed the same as way before Christmas... and when you think of Christmas and all that entails plus the cruise and no exercise... I was obviously not as bad as I thought, maybe its my toned bits starting to wobble again lol

Start back with Bodyfocus on Monday... I haven't been since about the 20th Dec so will take a few sessions to build up strength I am sure.Yesterday was a good day.... seem to just get my head around it.. I have a few challenges next week so will just do my best... as what else is there to do.

Must go though, have a super busy day at work today... but good everyone leaves me alone busy. I like that.

Take Care fellow losers... JB

dorothy_vdh, Feb 3, 6:34pm
if my scales are to be believed I've lost 1.7 kilos so far this week,
long may it continue,basically all I've changed for this 10 week challenge is I've upped my water intake

charlieb2, Feb 3, 7:06pm
Well done toadie and dorothy!!!!

I'm not going to weigh in until Wednesday (as the challenge is running Wednesday to Wednesday this time! lol)Also think it means there will be no excuse for me to have a weekend blow out after a good Friday weigh in!!

Ali, yes I did notice your reference to the little blue pill, I'd had a similar thought to you, hee hee.

Kids tired today after a few days back at school and found it hard to get them out of bed this morning, so the weekend is very welcome.

I've just ordered a copy of the CSIRO diet book. from here.A parenting MB'er has had good success with it and having had a read up of it, it sounds quite easy to follow and 'do-able' and I really feel like I need some guidelines at the moment, so willl look forward to getting into that.

Hope everyone has a great day.

PS: Fasty, well done on dinner, that sounds fast and nutritious and YUMO!

bedazzledjewels, Feb 3, 7:18pm
That book's quite good Charlie.

charlieb2, Feb 3, 7:56pm
haha... that sounds complicated dazz... lol..... When I looked it up online it had quite a straightforward days meal plan..which was the appealing part......Will see how it looks..