Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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bedazzledjewels, Feb 3, 8:03pm
No, it's not complicated - only if you want to do the calculations!
It's one of the lc books that I've kept. Good, too, that's it's Australian, so no unusual ingredients.

fastlanenz, Feb 3, 8:18pm
my weigh in this morning was 'LO' ... wow, my scales love me!!!!!

**wanders off in search of new batteries ... and to google CSIRO menus***

greerg, Feb 3, 8:25pm
Pats3 I have just dragged out my embroidery again in response to a back injury.I used to do a lot of it but it has lapsed in recent years.I live in Prebbleton and would love to join your group if that's possible.I like the ideas of stitching and walking at the same time but now have to stitch without my glasses so the walking bit could be a bit hazardous as I wouldn't see an elephant walking toward me let alone something as small as a person.Oh the joys of getting older!

alewis, Feb 3, 8:38pm
the CSIRO is a great book, lovely recipes and all makes sense you will enjoy that, I got a 100 calorie book yesterday - the stuff in there looks wonderful but it 140 gms meat then veggies and then you split it 4 ways so I would think 2 tablespoons of food if you are lucky lol. worth a look at what actually is 100 calories mind I think our eyes are always too big for our heads when it comes to portions and how much calories etc they really are..
nice to see you back bedazz, have you got any more weight to loose or are you content now.
Well done dorothy - one change at a time is a good thing, and theres nothing wrong with uptaking the water.
hope your back isnt giving you too much grief greerg, donts help when you are trying to get moving.
lovely to catch up with our luvvy fasty yesterday, got a sample of the cards she prints for kids for fundraising they were just wonderful, and calling it kids creations was such a great name.'
Toady hope you are feeling much better since last week, one has no idea how anistestic will hit you, its such a major trauma to put your body thru I do think it takes a couple of months for the body to bounce back, and its very easy to get infections after an op - so the first sign of not feeling well, get to the doctors for anibiotics. -mother lecture over.
I am another .3 down had dinner last night so total since monday is 3.1 kgs - more than happy with that, to be honest its put me back to my this is where I should be losing weight from, but had to get there first right!

fastlanenz, Feb 3, 8:51pm
** giggle ** ... was just googling florists to send flowers for a birthday, and saw a listing for: 'florist gump' ... what a cool company name!!Well done on losing further Ali, great stuff.

bedazzledjewels, Feb 3, 9:41pm
Ali - just would like to shift 5 kilos this year, so keeping it gradual so it's just normal eating rather than a diet.
Hope you enjoy that Crown Lynn exhibition. I was amazed at the huge range of pottery that they produced. Really, Crown Lynn touched most NZ families at some stage.

alewis, Feb 4, 12:53am
who would have thought that it would turn into such a collectable - and when you get into Frank Carplay (sp) or dorothy who had such an impact for collectors today. love to find one of those in a garage sale, but never up in the moring to go..

pats3, Feb 4, 3:39am
Just finished my first week on Optifast and I have lost 2.7 kgs.Very happy about that and has given me the motivation to carry on a bit longer replacing the three meals but I think some time next week will probably start having a 'normal' meal in the evening.

pats3, Feb 4, 3:41am
You are most welcome to come along greerg. Look forward to seeing you there. Great bunch of ladies.

charlieb2, Feb 4, 5:22am
Christchurch has had a rocking old day today.... Hope everyones nerves are ok...???

bedazzledjewels, Feb 4, 5:57am
Can you turn them off when I come down Charlie?

alewis, Feb 5, 11:35am
pat I think your weight loss would be better than mine, one day after going off my hard slog of lemon juice I put on .8 kgs which was two days worth of angish!!not eating starts to become easy and then the food begins, I had a bunch of girls around friday night and they all shook their heads and said you will put that weight back on no time, and I fear they are right, mind you feel the puffy has gone out of me but maybe thereswords to their wisdom!! how rocky was it charlieb more shaking and rocking of the olde house?

charlieb2, Feb 5, 11:43am
lol, I can try Dazz!

Not like is 'was' ali... In fact we are going for days without feeling anything.. which is fab.. but when they 'hit' you are waiting for it to get worse.but the damage to properties slowly gets worse... We have cracks that were hairline (tiny) which are now definitely at least able to stick a matchhead in....I think the worst thing for most is realising what a long and fraught battle its all going to be to repair our homes....

But we 'rise above it and smile'

dorothy_vdh, Feb 5, 7:47pm
When I was a regular user of optifast,I was worried about gaining weight once food was included again.
That waspartly why I decided, right from the get go, that I was having a "normal but healthier" evening meal.
I didn't have any problems with weight gain,as such.Of course there could be some fluctuation but nothing drastic.

I personally believe that you have to be in the right head space for any diet to be successful, although I prefer to call it a life style change not diet

alewis, Feb 5, 8:29pm
very wise words dorothy, I was .6 down today so its that fluctuating and settling down weight, made a big lot of mince and it had grated carrots and zuccini in it havent made it like that for a long time but thought what the heck - kids got a bit ewwww theres all these bits in it - never mind.
I would think you are in the no mans land of waiting for all shaking to stop before any rebuild goes on,

marywea, Feb 5, 9:58pm
I have been going nearly 6 weeks and have lost 6kg plus the extra I gained from meal out. I'm reasonably happy and best of all, a belt I wear a couple of times a week is now doing up comfortably on the next notch. Ali, I'm thinking a bran muffin could be good on Tuesday, my mouth is almost watering at the thought of it! Another low cloud day, it will needimproving before there will be bowls this afternoon.You are doing well Pat.

pats3, Feb 5, 10:18pm
Dorothy, I'm hoping when I bring in a normal meal that I won't put any weight on. I will be sensible about the food and will keep the exercise up.

Went for an hour's walk this morning (and yesterday morning). It was so hot and I was still as red as a beetroot half an hour after I got home - lol. Have since mowed the front lawn but am now sitting thinking about the back lawn - it's the thought that counts isn't it!!

Hope everyone has a good week.

charlieb2, Feb 6, 9:07pm
Well done to you losers!!!

Thank goodness its cooler today, rain in fact.I've just done a 6.5km walk to kick start my week.Nice to have a 'proper' walk done.

charlieb2, Feb 7, 11:57pm
6ks today....... where is everyone?

dorothy_vdh, Feb 8, 3:44am
how is everyone on the eve before first weeks weigh in

charlieb2, Feb 8, 4:17am
Good thanks dorothy, looking forward to the morning weigh-in.Got my CSIRO book today, so have some reading to do!!

Feeling pretty much 'in zone'.How about you?

marywea, Feb 8, 4:57am
I have had a lovely day with Ali, I couldn't believe how quickly the time went.We saw the Brian Brake photographic exhibition and as this is a field that Ali is experienced in, I saw much more in than I would have if I had been by myself. Saw the Golden Days film which I must have seen a dozen times but love it each time.Also saw the squid wich continues to shrink.A savoury muffin then to the Crown Lyn Exhibition-a greater variety to their designs than I thought. Ali bought a super pair of red sandals that she had seen the day before-regular posters will not at all surprised to read that!! Bridge tonight so all in all, a happy day.Who is next to visit Wellington?

marywea, Feb 8, 5:35am
On reflection, they were more shoe than sandal.The ones bought the previos day were definitely shoes-no tales out of school here!

fastlanenz, Feb 8, 7:05am
Wow, the Wgtn trip sounds like a lot of fun :o)Well done on the walk Charlie, hope the results show up quickly ... ie tomorrow!, nothing like a bit of positive affirmation to keep the motivation levels up!!!

Had a lovely, simple tea tonight.I only had 3 lamb leg chops, prepacked and bought on special.So I sliced them up, and sauted the meat with garlic.I threw the bones in for Mr Fastey, aka Fred Flintstone (and dear son, LOL).Also sauted off some sliced baby zucchini and green beans from the garden (woo hoo!!), and sliced mushrooms.No cous cous in the cupboard, so cooked some risoni, and added finely diced carrots to soften just a little at the end.Cooled them quickly and added some Prenzel's lemon oil, and freshly ground black pepper.Yum!No feta in the fridge :o(More flavour with some chopped tomatoes .... not from our garden :o( .... sprinkled with cumin.Quickly tossed together with lamb slices and sauted veg ... no dry roasted peanuts to top with (Fred polished those off on the weekend LOL), but it was light, tasty and lovely to be getting some benefit from the veg garden, and the carnivores had a few bones to gnaw on too !!

charlieb2, Feb 8, 7:21am
I'd LOVE to be next to Wellington.. dont think it will happen though.. That Crown Lyn exhibition has MY name on it.

Mary, I just loved your description of your day out with Ali, sounds like such fun, I can just picture you two together.Fastey, your dinner sounds delish, you have a knack of throwing things together.. something I'm lacking I'm afraid.

If I dont have much joy with the scales tomorrow, I will at least be happy in the knowledge that I'm getting my exercise back on track.. and that is very pleasing ... for me and the Zigmeister