Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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dorothy_vdh, Feb 8, 6:27pm
someone has to be first to post today, so here goes
down 1.7 kgs, I'm really happy with that.
I'm hoping for a kilo a week, not sure if its realistic, just have to wait and see.
Good luck to everyone else

charlieb2, Feb 8, 6:36pm
Well done Dorothy!!!! Woohooo!!!!

Reporting a 1.1kg loss for me.Pleased with that, its 1.1kg's I'm NEVER going to see again!!!

marywea, Feb 8, 9:12pm
Well done Dorothy and Jo.Jo you haven't mentioned changes to your food habits, just the long walks-do you think they have been responsible for such a loss? Dorothy. I am also hoping for a KG a week but will need to do some exercise to achieve itI feel. There is a local park with a walking/cycling circle that is just under a Kil. round and hasexercise equipment on its path-or so I am told-you have almost inspired me to give that a go.. Wonderful how easy it is to find excuses not to do it "today". Yes it was a good day yesterday, such a lovely lot of posters we have here-hope more report in as it does help Still overcast but it should stay fine for bowls this afternoon. Hope all is well with you and yours Julia.

charlieb2, Feb 8, 10:01pm
Hi Mary!I got caught BIG time, in the rain this morning... but still did the planned 4km walk.Was fun actually.Ziggy looks so 'happy' trotting along with his tail curled around and his ears pricked up!I'm using the MapMyRun website to help plan my walks and am keeping a note of times, so I can measure my fitness level.

Food:Havent done to much different (cut back on a few wines! lol) and carbs... was waiitng for my CSIRO diet book so I can do some meal plans.That arrived yesterday and its shopping tomorrow, so should have a good plan in place by then.I'm not really intending on doing anything too different, just cutting down (especially on pasta etc) and drinking the water!! Which reminds me, must go now and have some...

Look forward to more weigh ins!

PS: Mary, my Dad and his wife have a course as you've described near their place and they have started doing it... sounds like they have great fun doing the exercises.

irishnz1, Feb 9, 3:02am
hi all i need to lose heaps of weight a friend gave me her weight watchers stuff and i am allowed 25 points but i find i am hungry dont eat seafood or lamb or mutton any ideas any one here doing weight watchers and i am on a strick budget any help i would love thanks

alewis, Feb 9, 4:00am
bum just lost a big post, make some of the ww soup and slurp on that when you get hungry irishnz1.

hello everyone, had a fab time with the wonderful Mary, she was very kind and encouraging when I couldnt decide about my second pair of shoes!! - bit of a no brainer of course must be in my shoe cycle of buying lol, will weigh tomorrow, is wed the go day charlie girl?
my plane went sideways into wellington on sun night, capt said if he couldnt land we had loads of petrol and would decide where, was wondering if I was going to see my poor hubby whom had flown in from queenstown, which he has gone back to today, hes having the most marvelous time off road biking all those incredible places the south island has to offer. had a couple of really yummy restaurant meals in welly, the first night was chicken breasts with chunky potatoes and salad, when it came it was two chicken breasts, far too much food, when I said to hubby I was done after one he said you have to eat a bit more, his meal wasnt any smaller either. feel like I have had a lovely mini break.

alewis, Feb 9, 9:29am
I have just come back from italian meal out no.3 lol, came home teenage boys had NOT tidied up threw a bit of a wobbily and went out with girlfriend whom has two teenagers in her house as well - I had a lovely meal and came home to some work that had been done, grrrrI did talk at length to mary about this sosomeone will undertand lol.this of course will not help weigh in at all.

fastlanenz, Feb 9, 9:49am
Hello there,
just back from a lovely evening scrapbooking.Thought I'd work on photos from Christmas as I have an album of all the Christmases since eldest was born ...oops, haven't worked on that album since Christmas 2005 .. time flies hey!!

So it was a quick turnaround in getting home from work, tidy kitchen from bombsite this morning, put a load of washing on, bring a load in, reheat leftover lasagne from Monday's monster lasagne, and plate up with some fresh coconut (young son has gone from a fresh mango to a fresh coconut phase LOL), and I was inspired by the silverbeet salad thread to throw together some finely sliced spinach with grated carrot and vinaigrette, and fresh toms....... then off for some ME time at scrapbooking.

Haven't weighed in yet, due to lack of batteries for scales, and forgot to buy when shopping, ... must get onto that, but I do feel happy at reducing sugar intake, without feeling the need to attack the cooking chocolate LOL.If it shows up on the scales as a loss, that's great, but changes to diet/health are more important!

charlieb2, Feb 9, 8:48pm
Poor Ali, I dread to think what mess I've got to look forward to, its bad enough now!!! lol. Glad you had a nice time away though.

Fastey.. flat out as usual, and I agree with your last sentence!

I've been for another walk this morning. Its the complete opposite from when I went yesterday and got soaked.Today its HOT, the sun is blazings.Beaut!There was definitely a 'nip' in the air first thing though.Weird summer we are having.

Groceries today and lots going on at school and about....trying to get the house sorted before I start my studying again... but its not happening very quickly.. lol

alewis, Feb 10, 2:59am
you need a week to unwind, and get yourself sorted again, looking forward to my boys being out of the house when I know they are going to be - they come and go and come and go so might tidy up in the morning and go out I come back to mess grrrr its a teenage boy mess, wasnt going to have girlfriends over as I didnt want to tidy today and sunday as hubby is back on monday, but cant get so grumpy that it stops me doing things. my weight was 1.2 from last monday, so three meals out in a row isnt going to get me any awards so reporting in at 82.2

fastlanenz, Feb 10, 9:14am
ROMANCE like a pack of cards ....

at first all you want are 2 hearts and a diamond♥♥ ♦

but after a few years, turns out what you really want are a club
.....and a spade♣ ♠!!!

charlieb2, Feb 10, 10:11am
LOL.. fastey, I got my sparkly stuff at the end of last year.. after 20 odd years...They are big and sparkly and I love them... so think mr has held off the club and spade for a year or two!

charlieb2, Feb 10, 10:14am
Ali.. you are seriously scaring me with all this boy-child mess talk..
*shudders in a corner*

Ok.. so I walk dog, did washing, groceries, had two meetings at two different schools, visited a grampy for their birthday and encounted rush hour traffic.....How do you working gals do it all?

dorothy_vdh, Feb 10, 6:28pm
charlie no children at home now, but I found just being organised worked for me.
Having a "to do" list worked for me. In fact I still do that, works well for getting my husband motivated to do the household jobs that I think need doing

I had an excellent day food wise yesterday but the scales didn't reflect that this morning. Only down a 100 grams,but I guess a loss is a loss. I'd be more upset if I'd gain a 100 grams

alewis, Feb 10, 8:57pm
lol dorothy at middle sentence - sounds good. liked the saying fasty, you have hit the ground running this morning charlie. we have our 30th wedding anniversary coming up and sparkly will work for me - have told dh it better be good, I have space for a ring like yours charlie on my right hand if I move over another ring lol!! - I am also going to get my original engagement ring sorted its in the old illusion setting and girlfriends one popped out in the mall somewhere the other day it was horrible looking at her hand with a black hole where the diamond used to be!! - so looking at an opportunity to loose the illusion IYKWIM !!

charlieb2, Feb 10, 10:20pm
You can always find space for a bit of sparkle.. right Ali?*winks*

I did NOT hit the ground running this morning... however, I've been reading on Stuff that its fairly common at the moment for us Cantabs to be a bit unmotivated. all earthquake related!

It sounds as if our house is now just going to be a repair job, (a lot of companies seem to be backtracking on their original assessments!) Which is quite good really as I would hope it will get sorted a bit sooner than if we had to have a complete rebuild.

Hope everyone has a great TGIF!

pats3, Feb 10, 11:25pm
My weigh in day is a Friday. Last week I didn't calculate correctly and said I had lost 2.7kg - can't remember if it was this thread or another one I'm in!!!It must have been 1.7kg I think. Anyway as at today I've lost 3.1kg.Yeee haaa. So happy.

bedazzledjewels, Feb 11, 1:52am
Charlie - another book you might like to check out, that should be in the Chch library -
James DUIGAN - "Clean & Lean Diet".

Here's a link to a recent article about him -

charlieb2, Feb 11, 5:04am
Well done are doing well.

Dazz, thanks for that, I've been a good girl and placed a hold with the library this time! lol

fastlanenz, Feb 11, 5:47am
Week 1 weigh in - 75.2: a 100g loss, at least it's a loss.Hoping to average 800g loss a month, more water, more water, more water ... me thinks.Another warm one in Auckland, beautiful at the beach this afternoon.

marywea, Feb 11, 9:42pm
Pat, good loss, those with smaller losses will probably show a more dramatic one next time.Ali, couldn't quite understand where you are at-was your 1.2 loss from before you started that ghastly drink or after.Good to see losses recorded. I am not pleased to have my weight stay the same for 3 days, perhaps I will have a big drop tomorrow. I am digging my Jersey Bennes which I am then eating so suppose I should expect to have a slow down. Ali, lovely to see you and sorry you arrived home to a less than imaculate hpuse.Not an easy situation-their room but your house, your house but their room.I wonder if in families where the Mother has gone out to work while the children are young mean that they are more tidy and considerate teenagers-what do you think? When Noah leaves I am getting him to put just one thing away, usually his ride on plastic thing or his liltle cars, usually works so I feel I am doing my bit for his Mother's future!Bridge yesterday and bowls today. Jo when do you start your study? Julia, good to hear all is going well with you and yours. Andrea,Milla's calendar was done by kidsartworks and I am NOT impressed. Her photo on a background of her artwork but all but a tiny bit of her fairish hair is black. Her mother gave them to Grandparents and hadn't noticed. I will show her and see if there is a reason, of course I am angling to get the order to you but it may be that Milla coloured the photo.

charlieb2, Feb 12, 6:14am
Mary, Semester 1 begins on the 28th.Not looking forward to it as the work seems so much harder than the last course!!!

Interesting thought about the working vs at home Mums, mary.You could be right.I was thinking about this earlier while vaccuming the boys rooms and have decided they will be doing their own rooms once a week from now on.

dorothy_vdh, Feb 12, 9:29pm
I'm so hoping that this mornings weight is a glitch with the scales,because if its not I will have to starve myself this coming week.
I went to the baby shower of my next granddaughter yesterday.I did have afternoon tea but didn't think I was THAT bad.
Tonight off to a bbq, I think I will have to wire my mouth shut

alewis, Feb 12, 9:39pm
I do think we home mothers are treated quite differently than working mums not so much respect I think!!! my weight loss was for the entire time was 1.2 so a lot of pain for not much lost at the end of the day mary. dont be too hard on yourself dorothy.

marywea, Feb 12, 9:42pm
Dorothy you say "next" granddaughter so I presume she is still to be born-hope all goes well, how many grandchildren do you have? I like to weigh daily so you can see if changes are glitches. I am finding that I stay the same weight for 2-3 days and sometimes that is up for no good reason, thankfully down 300gr. today so hope that stays. A babecue is probably better than afternoon tea -no sugars. I don't enjoy getting out of my bed in the mornings but curiosity about any weight loss is quite an incentive!