Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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marywea, Feb 12, 9:46pm
We were tapping at the same time Ali. You lead such a social life that it must be very hard for you-I have still to up the exercise-the excuses I can find to take the car instead of walking!

dorothy_vdh, Feb 12, 11:02pm
marywea, I have 2 granddaughters at the moment and they are absolutely gorgeous.They just make my heart melt,there is nothing I wouldn't do for them.I am so lucky

Mikayla is 6,she is my daughters. She is just beautiful inside and out,she is the most caring little girl you could ever find.
My daughter is a single parent,works and I'm so proud of her and all she has achieved by herself
Daaligha is 10 months and she is my eldest son's.They live in Wellington so we don't get to see them very often
and the new baby is due in March and she will be my youngest son's

alewis, Feb 12, 11:43pm
how on earth do you pronounce Daaligha I have never heard that name before, so you have one grandie each from each child? lovely I think it would be just lovely to be at the stage of grandkids, which means mine would have hopefully left home by then!! I am hanging out for mine to start uni so at least they are doing something structured, far too long university holidays in my oppinion!! It was my best friends birthday dinner last night - 4 italian meals in a week, and yes the scales are reflecting this!! - I am making her an xmas album, its 28 pages just at the stage of putting it all together just need a bit of the sparkly stuff to dry, hours and hours and hours but its come together beautifully, will take photos before I give it away. I recon its taken me over 40 hours to make - one would not have this as a day job lol.

dorothy_vdh, Feb 13, 2:06am
Daaligha is pronounced Da lea ah

alewis, Feb 13, 2:26am
it sounds a bit like tay lea ah - dont ask me how its spelt!! - finished friends album, what a impressive present!! lol and the most scarey thing of all is that I went to the shop for zilch!! - everything came out of my stash!!

fastlanenz, Feb 13, 9:37am
Dorothy, that's a pretty name.In my line of work, we get to see lots of unusual names, haven't seen that one before:o)Have had a busy couple of days, thought I was rushed yesterday as I had Mr 9's cricket game finishing at 10.30, and a birthday party 35kms away starting at 10am ... so we were always going to be late ... but busy turned into double booked as the team manager hadn't let us know that Mr 9 had been forwarded as a rep possibility and the trials were straight after his game .... so some quick decision making required.Luckily partygoers are our besties, and were fine with us being very late, and allowing us to catch up afterwards "properly" ... Mr 9 smacked a decent 6 while batting, he wicketkept VERY well, and his bowling was ok, some good lengths which kept the batters on the back foot, although he got smacked twice as well (Mary, I think this is for your benefit, I've probably put everyone else to sleep LOL ... I hope you're still a cricket fan like me!) ..we find out mid week if he got into the rep side.Today we did some training for Mr 9's duathlon next month and...... drum roll ... Ms 6 can ride her bike with no training wheels.Such a cute moment!Trialling gluten free with her this week (or month?), more to rule out that she's not gluten intolerant, but if symptoms disappear then it might be an answer.In response to the SAHM vs working mum, I think if you're inclined to be tidy, you'll pass it on, and if not, then not!!I'm trying very hard to improve in this area, and Mr 9 will help willingly, Ms 6 will cherry pick and delegate the rest to her long suffering bestie .. as in "I'm not allowed to come out and play unless my room's done, let's do it together so it gets done quicker" ... and somehow she's found something urgent to do while the friend is mucking in ... I don't envy the parents of teenagers, I'm having to stay on my toes with their strategies as it is!!!

fastlanenz, Feb 13, 9:43am
Just to keep it semi food/weight loss related ... I turned the banana crunch slice recipe (on TM recipes board) into a gluten free one with flaxseed and gluten free flour leftover from baking for a family in need, and it's really yum!Will try with plain flour later.

Forgot to say, re: childcare, that the kids did pick up good habits about "tidy up time" and recognise the routine of putting away after play, but they will also recognise different rules for home and childcare very easily.My problem is I like to dress things up as fun too much, eg following 'Agent Oso' in playing the tidy up game "step 1, pick up all your clothes, step 2, put all your books away, step 3, pick up all your toys" ... instead of "this room must be sparkling, pronto" LOL.... and fun can often morph into WWF on the bed after clothes are tidied and we're completely sidetracked!

charlieb2, Feb 13, 10:06am
Your children will never forget the fun they had with you, or the enthusiasm you put into their everyday lives though, fastey.. xxA tidy house aint everything!!!

having said that, a good effort yesterday meant today I just needed to do a couple of little jobs and the house was running smoothly.We walked the dof (well I did) kids on bikes in training for their upcoming tryathlon...

My latest 'thing' to rid this home of the nastiness which is takeaways is to shop well on shopping day.. I didnt need much meat this time, so included in my shop were brie, lime and coriander chicken breast strips, peperoni sticks and pizza bases.So tonight was a very successful homemade gourmet pizza night.Youngest made the pizza for the kids and I did the grown up stuff.YUMO and way better than the average dial a pizza.Although it cost me in groceries, obviously it was no-where near the price of delivery.And it was quicker.I think this is going to be a part of the all round healthier living/eating etc.

dorothy_vdh, Feb 13, 6:53pm
fastlanenz,you didn't bore or put me to sleep re cricket. I love it and STILL support the "black caps"
My eldest son was very good at cricket and also made it into the regional rep team,sadly he no longer plays.

Yes my granddaughters name is usual, (and pretty )have to say I don't like the way they have spelt it though. Initially it was spelt very different to that and I liked it that way.

Scales were again not kind to me,so I'm thinking it may be hormonal ,at least I'm hoping it is.
Breakfast this morning has been a slice of watermelon.

So how many of you lovely ladies received a bunch of roses

fastlanenz, Feb 14, 10:14am
bumping up from page 2 ... on a very warm & muggy night.Feeling more than a little tired after 2 x 3km walks today, and then running nearly 5kms tonight (Ms 6 needed to take a short cut home so we didn't quite complete 5kms ... and I wasn't complaining!).First day with gluten free school lunch and little miss was happy with all her choices ... multigrain corn thins, a slice of banana crunch slice (with rolled oats, coconut, ground flaxseed and gluten free flour), some fresh cherries and a plum.Luckily we eat a LOT of fruit, and I'm enjoying experimenting with some diff. baking :o)

Dorothy, cricket is a sport that requires major time commitment hey!Mr Fastey used to play in a 'business' league, where there were no training sessions, and the games were limited to 35 or 40 overs on a Sat afternoon, depending on when they thought the beers should come out ....was still very competitive, and very good fun.Marc Ellis had a team in there, called "Southern" .. .... entertaining!

fastlanenz, Feb 14, 11:14pm
No roses here Dorothy.I did get a phone call at 4pm, asking (read: **asserting*) "we aren't doing anything for Valentine's ... are we?" ... LOL ... the kids and I did have something prepared, but didn't to add to his stress .. and then the old line of "it's just a commercial day ... wd rather do something when roses are cheaper, and then it means more that just being shepherded into being romantic on a certain day" ......... ..... .... and 3 years later, a little girl waits!!!
Mr got a red running shirt, wrapped around a homemade cardboard heart with our love msgs written on it.He wore the red shirt to our running last night, ... and very nice he looked too !!

fastlanenz, Feb 15, 9:59am
bumping for the morning, hope everyone had a fab day ... made some apricot and date balls with rice bubbles today, another g-f recipe from TM MB, they were really nice ....only had one, I'm in control (today .... LOL!!)hope the scales are kind to all for week 2 weigh in xx

dorothy_vdh, Feb 15, 6:28pm
morning all
week 2 has been a flop for me.weigh in this morning and I had a 400 gram increase for the week.
Total loss for the challenge so far 1.4 kilo

fastlanenz, Feb 15, 6:43pm
checking in with a loss of 400g, total lost for challenge so far = 500g.Busy day, gotta fly :o)

charlieb2, Feb 15, 8:52pm
fastey lost your gain dorothy.. lol!Well done fastey and comisserations dorothy.. I've had a gain of 300g which leaves me with a total loss of 800g for the challenge so far!Not great, but I know clearly that my downfall was having that fundraising choccie in the house.So, not really surprised.And the choccies all gone, so onwards.I have been continuing my walks of between 4-6kms each day. Think I had Saturday off, but the kids and I walked Sunday.Water intake - practically non-exsistent.. but I know I lost more when drinking it, so better get back on that bike...

Happy days everyone

alewis, Feb 16, 5:03am
I forgot to weigh this morning, not feeling too well, think I am coming down with cold/flu felt like I had been punched in the shoulder blades and stomach feels very yucky - is there anything like that going around? I brought venison meat balls (small) from the supermarket yesterday so they went on the bbq with some snitzel thinly slicedand marinated in honey soy, I hadnt broughtvenison before and everyone seamed to like it, I thought it was a nice change and trying something new isnt silly.

calista, Feb 16, 8:51am
Found in "Bicycle" by Helen Pidd - coversions by Google.

Cycling 12.87 km @ just under 20 kph is equivalent to
30 minites of squash
50 mins of tennis
4km of brisk walking
24 holes of golf.

For those counting calories she mentions a website called; calories per

Apart from that it's an annoying book with orange writing on some black or white pages -probably designed for younger eyes.

I don't know if that's any use to anyone - I thought maybe I should get back to walking like Charlie, but I can't see Georgie-Porgy fat'n'fluffy wanting to accompany me.Cats don't do structured exercise.

charlieb2, Feb 16, 6:04pm
Ali, I do hope you are feeling better this morning?Poor thing.Nothing worse than feeling under par.

Calista, thanks for that info.Was thinking of hauling the bike out, but having seen that, I stick to my walking and take up the bike riding for pleasure.. lol.

fastlanenz, Feb 16, 6:07pm
Good morning, good morning, wishing everyone a wonderful day.Ali, I hope the lurgy passes on by without any bother.Another busy day so better sign off and crack on ... *waves to all*

alewis, Feb 17, 6:58am
thank you peeps, feeling better with just a sore throat now, the punched back feeling has gone thank goodness, was wondering if I had an infection but seams to have blown thru, had a few decent daytime sleeps did work wonders, weighed this morning and was 80.9 I think so thats 1.3 loss so will take that with pride!! now to start the cleaning of the house been on strike a bit cause of teen attitudes - saying to myself they are at uni next week will give it a tidy when they are not in the hosue 24/7 - am away myself so dont feel like just being a cleaning maid either!!

marywea, Feb 17, 10:18pm
Ali, a good report on all fronts, what a restorative thing sleep is. More lovely weather here. Bowls and Bridge this week plus seeing Kim and children.They are still 2 weeks away from moving into their home and most of this will be spent at Waikanae, apart from weekends when they will be here and I will be at Waikanae.They will have lived in 4 different family places and Noah has had no trouble settling each time. I am going up on Wed evening till the Sun then the next week Wed to Friso lots to look forward to.Dorothy, how do you think you are going this week?Andrea it is so nice to have you posting regularly again and it will be good when Juliahas time to keep us up to date with her doings.

dorothy_vdh, Feb 18, 5:43am
marywea,so far good, but I had a bacon and egg toasted sandwich for dinner tonight.Bread is really a no no for me,but tonight I just didn't care It was a long,hot day at work
Don't have anywhere to go this weekend, so hopefully I can have a great one food wise, as the following weekend I am away and it will be take out meals for most of the weekend

fastlanenz, Feb 18, 8:41pm
*winks to Mary: 'nice to be back regularly!' *Great to hear that you were quickly on the mend Ali, it always seems so doubly disabling to be unwell during summer when social lives and sunshine are at their best IMO!Mr 9 is on his first camp this weekend, don't know if it's harder for mum or son, we had a few wobbles when dropping him off yesterday.There were a lot more kids than he thought they'd be, and the din of rarking them up into tribal zones was quite overwhelming.Even though Mr 9 loves making a lot of noise himself, he is a bit noise sensitive ...we often pack ear muffs for V8, fireworks, etc but didn't dream of it for camp!!!I'm sure he's having a ball though, left them heading off for bonfire and marshmallows!Off to tip out his room and springclean!Have a good day all xx

fastlanenz, Feb 18, 8:45pm
PS. Dorothy, I think all kitchen/food rules go out the window on Fridays !!!!
PPS. Toady - you are missed!
PPPS. Charlie, re: pizza, homemade is always the best!We tried a gluten free version this week and received good reports from kids, plus 1 extra for tea, 1 box of orgran pizza mix made enough for 5 of us, and it was a great meal on the run :o)

pats3, Feb 18, 9:36pm
As at this morning I have lost 3.8kg. Was hoping for 4kg but a loss is a loss. Really enjoying my walking at the moment. Twice this week I went straight after work with a friend and walked round Hagley Park - had her beautiful golden retriever with us. I am not long back from my morning walk which takes me just under an hour.

Having trouble with drinking the two litres of water. What does the water actually do other than maybe take away the hunger for a while. Does it actually help with the weight loss?