Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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dorothy_vdh, Jun 9, 7:29pm
up 300 grams this week not at all worried though.
Wishing good weigh ins for everyone this week

510, Jun 9, 7:34pm
Waves to Dorothy, been wondering how you are & how your long weekend was?

510, Jun 10, 6:25pm
My weigh in was an absolute disaster, the scales showed a gain of 1.7kgs. I had 3 days of of not eating properly cos of the diet I was on for the tests which was mostly carbs etc , then I had to drink 4 litres of horrible tasting stuff which was probably full of sugar so I have decided to put ti down to that & I have picked myself up dusted myself off & jumped back on the wagon.Hopefully next weeks date with the scales will be a kinder experience.I came away thinking "those scales are so... mean, honest but mean!!"

510, Jun 12, 7:07pm
Charlie & Toady, how's it going ?Enjoy seeing your posts what ever the scales say.

charlieb2, Jun 12, 9:04pm
Hey 510.... I havent forgotten this thread! lol.Scales are telling me the same and really its not a surprise as I really havent made a great effort...but todays the day for sorting the house and hopefully clearing my brain... so watch this space!

alewis, Jun 12, 9:32pm
I am not posting in here to any losses either, weight has been up a kg for a while and swining a bit, still fit my clothes but tightly so no losses so far this year for me. on the plus side I am no more than my all time high 4 years ago if that can be counted!! lol. but good luck for all those that are in a better mindset than me.

toadfish, Jun 13, 6:41pm
Week 6 & Week 7 - Missing in action....

Have had a massive wagon fall.. but I am back on board.. albeit battered & bruised lol.... I started back on track yesterday so will weigh in on Friday and let you know the damage.....
Its certainly an emotional issue with me... as when I am on track I eat lovely food and never go hungry... when I am off track I overeat just for no reason... certainly not hunger.. and all the wrong things.. its like I hunt them out.
Anyway no looking back...

toadfish, Jun 13, 6:42pm
Wow you didn't know what your day ws going to REALLY be like when you wrote that.Glad you are all ok.... Lots of luff...

earthangel4, Jun 14, 12:49am
Have not been in here for a while,I have put on 2kgs,so back on the wagon now.
Having a good eating day today,my weigh in day is friday,so hopefully I would of lost some.
Gone back to eating off a small plate,ect,that works for me.
Congrat to all those that are losing.

dorothy_vdh, Jun 16, 7:16pm
down 200 grams this week,happy with that

charlieb2, Jun 16, 9:29pm
Hahaha.. I'd forgotten about posting that, how

Well, you can imagine my weeks been 'different' to expected.Unfortunately wine and choclate is good for the post-earthquake soul... so, I'm not even getting on the scales this morning... but I'm clinging to the thread in the hopes I can *ehem* sort myself out again!

earthangel4, Jun 16, 9:50pm
Aww Charlie I know what you mean,have put on 10kgs since the earthquake,but am down 700gms this morning,am pleased with that.

alewis, Jun 16, 10:11pm
comes in to wave hello, think the predisone is making me feel quite squishy which I am sure is a main side affect!! still not feeling that well, sleeping a wee bit more but no where near enough, busy busy busy
I went and listened to a speaker the other night and he had so much sense, hes a bit of a grass / wholefoods physco but what he said made a lot of sense he had a lot of information to back up what he was saying,colon cancer in women in the world no1 u.k.2 usa 3 canada 4 new zealand then he did a slide and did red meat consumpution and the stats werein the world no1 u.k.2 usa 3 canada 4 new zealand - he was about your generic imprint and how you can change it to make yourself well, he said we were very close to chimps and if you look at their diet fruit in the morning, a bit of a play and in the sun, grasses and a few bugs and apparently they all stop eating at 4.00 p.m. chimps all over the world, no cancer, no obesity etc.
he said weetbix for breakfast muffin for morning tea vogels sandwich lunch biscuit for after noon tea and pasta for dinner his words when you think about it is GLUTEN GLUTEN GLUTEN GLUTEN GLUTEN - which binds you up and stops all the nutrients getting thru, tired, cancers starting etc
so a very interesting and thought provoking talk I thought, hes doing a 12 month plan which I didnt sign up for but he was NO coffee, wine, red meat, - theres always got to be a bit of middle ground I think....
anyway hope you found that interesting!!

510, Jun 16, 10:54pm
Ali, I put on 7 kilos when I was on prednisone last year as it made me ravenously hungry especially at night when I couldn't sleep. I would hate to be on it for a long time & to start with I was on 120mg then I was weaned down & off it over a certain time frame as instructed by the drs as when people stop it suddenlythey can have all sorts of problems.Even though it had those side effects it the blood transfusions & the steroids certainly had an amazing effect on my health.

510, Jun 16, 11:12pm
Charlie, may be it is not the right time for you to tackleweight loss at the moment.I still value your posts what ever stage you are on in your jpurney. For me I have weight increases, losses etc plateaus so it is all part of our weight loss journey.There is so much pressure in the news about overweight people sometimes it feel it is likea prejudice towards fat people.Just read about that blog someone had started up complaining about the room fat people take up in the bus seats,what about selfish people who won't stand up for oldies.

510, Jun 16, 11:17pm
Ali, pleased to hear you are feeling better,Dorothy bet that feels good to have a loss this week. I have weigh in later today fingers cross I haven't gained.Found this week hard to stay on track. EA a good loss for you this week, glad to hear you r feeling more positive about your trip to Chch.

510, Jun 17, 4:25am
wellbelieve it or not but I lost 900gms so I have only got 400 to loose & then I'll be back to what I was 2 weeks ago. so I am happy with that, must be doing better with eating than what I thought.Have been out in the garden digging holes for some plants I have had in pots, so gardening has been my main exercise this week.

510, Jun 17, 5:51pm
I think this weekend will be a challenge food wise. I am eating out at least 3 times.I have been to the cafes & restarauntsbefore so I know the fodd choices that i can have & they all have good healthy options.

dorothy_vdh, Jun 23, 7:24pm
down 700 grams this week,pleased with,considering everything that's going on in my life at the moment

510, Jun 24, 3:45am
Well done Dorothy, sorry no weigh in today. Just been to do some rehab on my knee in a slightly heated outside pool & I forgot to go & get weighed.Still freezing after swim & the last thing I want to do is go out again. Knee feels good still

510, Jun 28, 7:12pm
bumping up as this was on bottom of p3

510, Jun 28, 7:15pm
2 days until weigh in.Having difficulty staying on track, wanting to over load on carbs, & hot milo.

dorothy_vdh, Jun 29, 7:43am
unsure why but I have picked all day long, possibly its because its so cold here

510, Jun 29, 9:53pm
Dorothy I can relate to the problem of pickingIhave problems with picking or grazingI find it worse if I don't fill up on low GI type food that helps me to feel fullMy problem is I want carb type food & hubby has been buying things like frankfurters which are quick to prepare but have no substance in them.I have been buying the vacuum packed soups when they are on special. I had lost 500gms when I weighed yesterday as I hadn't weighed last week.Hoping to get into more exercise this week.

510, Jun 30, 6:32pm
Up early as i have a physio appt at 7.30am, haven't decided if I will weigh in this morning or leave it until next Friday.Finding it hard to make good choices at the moment.