Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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charlieb2, May 24, 8:15pm
Hi all..... its taking me a while, but I am slowly pulling myself together and getting in the swing of things... had a hugely better food day yesterday.Was hoping to get into a couple of walks a day with the dog, but then we decided we needed to get him 'fixed' so he's now out of action for the next 10 days and needs fairly close supervision, so wont be leaving him for too long at a time, but will hopefully get a walk in every day.I have realised how much walking I'm actually missing by not going to school with the kids anymore... that use to be 4 'lengths' on top of a walk with the dog....need to make up for it elsewhere.....

keep up the good work gals!

510, May 26, 11:38am
Bumping up for weigh 'ins' tomorrow, not expecting huge loss as haven't done any exercise this week, found healthy eating a bit more difficultat times wanting warming / comfort type food. fingers crossed I have a small loss & no gain.Had really good report back for my blood tests for diabetes, cholestrol & liver function tests, they are now all in thenormal range.That is all due to diet changes, yahoo!!!

toadfish, May 26, 5:49pm
Week 5

And another kilo has left my body.... making it 5.1Kgs in 5 weeks.... couldn't be happier as I have treats,,, I eat well... This weekend presents some challenges... starting today.We have a shared Indian Lunch... my favourite.... The tommorrow my place for a Pink Ribbon Breakfast.... Hate the buffet help your self go back for more situation but will do the only thing I can do... my best and sort out any indiscretions between now and next weigh in.

Have a great day all... off for my walk.

dorothy_vdh, May 26, 7:24pm
morning all,another great week for me, down another 700grams which is more like a kilo as I put on 300 grams over last weekend.I'm wrapped with myself
week 5 weigh in total loss is 2.2 kilos.
I'm looking forward to a relatively quite weekend,2 of my granddaughters(7 years and 12 weeks)are sleeping over tomorrow night

charlieb2, May 26, 8:22pm
I am checking in only because I am determined to hang onto this wagon, lol... an unremarkable "stay the same" for me!! Thats ok, as I know it hasnt been a great week food wise and exercise has been on the back-burner with the dog out of action and needing close supervision.....Onwards!!! and well done losers!

510, May 26, 9:23pm
Well done to everyone, great lossesToady & dorothy , & Charlie well done for staying the same weight especially under the circumstances of your week. Yest I was thinking Mr Charlie yesterday when I was out driiving, can't be fun in the nasty cold weather.Toady, all the best for your pink ribbon breakfast on Saturday, next month i am doingsome days at hospice day stay helping with activities.I really like how they accomodate volunteers with time that suits &helping in roles that they have skills in & feel comfortable doing.Even though there is sadness surrounding the situation, the actual enviroment is very holistic & the staff & other volunteers seem very helpful & kind.feels good to be part of it.
Dorothy enjoy your time with grandies,
My weigh in is later as I need a longer appt seeing I am combining my diabetic check, Will post result later.

510, May 27, 12:43am
Just back from weigh in which was much better than I anticipated, lost 1.1kgs. Now I am 1 kilo below my mini goal so I haveseta goal to loose 5kgs. Next weeks, goal is to keep going with the food & fluids as I have been doing.& go back to doing exercise in water 3 times a week..Find seeingthe practice nurse weekly very good for me as it helps keeps me on target,At this stage I am doing it with food & exercise .I haven't ruled out using optifast, but at this stage I would prefer to do it with food & exercise.Itmight depend if I have any overseas celebrations to attend & if I hit a difficult plateau.Moving out here has been so great especially with making me find a new doctor.I got a bit stuck in a rut with my old practice, I find the doctors & nurses in my new practice are able to motivate me more towards mygoals of becominghealthier& weight loss. Seeing it is weigh in today, I am looking forward to mytreat which is a meal that I don't have during the week of sticking to my eating plan..

510, May 27, 8:53pm
After thinking about my weight loss without doingany exercise I have realised that I have a problem around eating, drinking enough after doing exercise.I am obviously not doing it right.Firstly I am so tired that I seem to need a long nana nap, I am think I am over eating after exercise cos I am so tired.I also wondering if I amnot drinking enough. Would appreciate ideas around this and how Ican rectify this. TIA.

510, May 29, 7:50pm
Bumping from page 2.
Went out for dinner, unfortunately my meal wasn't as nice as I had expected, I choose fish of the day on a salad & spuds. It was swimming in oil & the gurnard was strong.I have had that choice b4 & it had been okay previously.Our friends had a voucher so it was $25.00 each all up which was a great price. The others enjoyed their food.I still enjoyed catching up with our friends. Tonight we have a coffee, cake & games night at friends place, haven't decided what to take yet.Thought I might do something in filo pastry or rice papermight go thru my healthier recipes.I am salivating at the thought of making either apricot loaf, ginger gems with butter or coffee cloud cake ( a gateau type coffee cake that my Mum used to make) LOL. The thought of filo and rice paper dipped in hot water around a savoury filling doesn'tquite do it for me.There is a little voice in my headtelling me that I have a choice of doing more exercise, or eat more vegies today.Then the thought of the scales showing an increase is enough to put me me off.Lets hope that thought comes into play tonight when i am actually surrounded by sweet things.I think I'lldefinitely be needing to tape up my mouth for a couple of hours tonight.Have a lovely day ladies.

dorothy_vdh, May 29, 8:05pm
my scales had another hissy fit this morning,yet my weekend wasn't at all bad food wise. Not sure what's going on,maybe Fridays reading was wrong who knows.
But its another week so no point worrying can't change it now, unless of course the scales decide too !!!! :-)
Have a great week every one

marywea, May 29, 9:44pm
Good luck for tonight 510.Would the thought of writing here EVERYTHING you eat be a put off?? How cruel is that! My scales(note scales and not me!) go up and down-lowish at the moment and I wouldn't be worried if I was on a maintainence diet but I am not. Resisted a very strong urge to make biscuits this weekend-I know how quickly I would eat them. To my great surprise I found in the freezer some cream puffs which I had transferred from the original packet so they had passed under the radar. Had a "few" and strangely enough I think/hope the others will be untouched-just knowing they are there but not eating them,should make me feel virtuous. I don't worry too much about use by dates. Are your new scales behaving Charlie? Dorothy, you are obviously having trouble with yours!

510, Jun 2, 2:45am
This was on page three, I have had a battle with foodweek, can't say i 'm not looking forward to being weighedtomorrow. I baked cheese scones and ginger gems earlier this week, One wouldn't have to be a rocket scientist to guess who ate about 80 percent of the baking. I know the reason I over ate so I am not beating myself up about it, I will just pick myself up tomorrow after the weigh in rather than avoiding the scales.

alewis, Jun 2, 8:22am
I will weigh in tomorrow have been sensible all day today have had 4 days of hotel living and glass in hand big time even for me so feeling like I am loosing my waistine which for me is my big wake up call, maybe lost is a better discription!! I am weighing in at about the same as my all time high 4 years ago when we came back from america - must be overseas travel thats doing the tipping I think!!

dorothy_vdh, Jun 2, 7:26pm
weight loss this weigh in 600 grams
weight loss so far for this 10 week challenge 2.8 kilos
weight loss since I started my life style change 62.3 kilos.
Am I happy , you bet ,but I have a full on dining out weekend so need to keep an eye on what I consume

charlieb2, Jun 2, 9:03pm
well done dorothy......

I'm thinking like a thin person today.. lol....

alewis, Jun 2, 9:54pm
I was as well, put a soup in the crock pot overnight it was cabbage, celery, onions and leeks, needless to say the whole house stinks to high heaven and said soup has hit the disposal unit - what was I thinking!!!
I brought ww breakfast cereal yesterday at the supermarket so am actively looking at getting rid of some kgs in the near future.

510, Jun 2, 10:17pm
Dorothy u & I are twins with the weight loss this weekI can't believe it but i lost 600gms A voice in my head says well if u hadn'teaten all that baking U would have lost more but I'll ignore that growly part & celebrate the loss.Felt guilty this morning about not doing any exercise so I went to the pool this morning at 7am, enjoyed the exercise. & the enviroment lots of nice friendly people. I fiqured one lot of exercise for the week was better than none.

alewis, Jun 2, 10:29pm
well done Ann thats great that you got yourself out of bed and did it, every bit will help I am sure, I did two little stints on our excercise bike which stares at me from where I sit, hubby makes comments about its never been used since we brought it lol. colder here as well, need to get moving so I can open all windows and doors to get rid of the smell!!

charlieb2, Jun 2, 11:08pm
lol at the soup... Yes, I can imagine the house this morning... quite a combo there Ali!

510, Jun 4, 5:16am
Today I had a lovely surprise in the mail, the nurse that weighs me sent me a congratulations letter for the amt of weight that I have lost since January with a smiley stamp on it. A lovely surprise, felt like a kidbeing excited getting a post card in the mail.

charlieb2, Jun 4, 6:54am
hee hee... that is WAY cool 510.... love it

510, Jun 6, 7:37pm
How's everyoneespecially after the long weekend?Been on a low fibre diet for the last 2 days, pretty boring have really missed vegies & fruit,today is jelly & fluids only etc. Be pleased when I am back to eating normal food tomorrow night.

marywea, Jun 6, 10:18pm
Sounds like you are preparing for tests 510,good luck. I let myself get bored yesterday and with rather miserable weather, I allowed myself to be persuaded, by myself, to make a slice-not a rich one- but oh it tasted so good.first time I have been tempted to do it this year but some did into the freezer.Such lack of self control is not to be admired!

510, Jun 7, 10:28am
Mary i am so looking forward to eating a proper meal at lunch time tomorrow.Should make it weigh in tomorrow LOL. I am so over jelly & fluids

510, Jun 9, 7:21pm
No exercise this last week, Iwill post what the scales say later when I go in and get weighed.