Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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dorothy_vdh, May 8, 9:51pm
didn't eat particularly "bad" foods, but alot of what was available isn't what I would usually eat either, plus I had alcohol.
My husband was correct though when he said how often to we have so much on over 1 weekend
But on the whole, 3 dinners and 1 lunch out over 3 days, I have to be realistic.

Anyway I'm more focused that ever,as my husband last night confirmed we are going to Australia in September. I have never been overseas.He has many times before we met and married.(this is both our second marriages)
I have just power walked,well as fast as I could (lol) for 30 mins.

I hope all your ladies had a fantastic mother's day.I certainly did.

510, May 8, 10:41pm
Dorothy will your trip to Aus be a reward for your weight loss, one of my goals is to be able to fit in the lap belt in the plane, with out needing an extention belt.I had a lovely motheres day, visiting cemetries, elderly single aunt, lunch with hubby & talked to son on skype.A very simple, enjoyable day.Waves to Mary & EA.

dorothy_vdh, May 11, 7:17pm
bumping for weigh day

510, May 11, 7:57pm
I changed my weigh day from wedsto Friday this week as I had the funeral yesterday.I had a couple of small slip ups yesterday but overall I was pleased with my eating.we ate at a cafe after the funeral & b4 the funeral lunch which helped with my choices of food.Water walked on Tues, hope to do some more this arvo

toadfish, May 12, 5:42pm
Week 3

And an undeserved gain of 600gms... making it 2.4 kgs in 3 weeks which I am happy with.I am not too worried about the gain as I know I have been on track all week (apart from Mothers Day) and my body seems to go down in watch out for an impressive loss next week. Also I have upped my exercise and have made 4 x 1 hr sessions with my group this week ....and have been terrible with my water intake... so could be a fluid muscle thing.I am eating well.. and feeling great.. onwards and downwards

dorothy_vdh, May 12, 7:26pm
black Friday for me, up 400 grams from last Friday's weigh in.
I'm not surprised though, with 4 meals out last weekend and my husband away for work this week, I haven't been cooking "proper meals"
I have walked a lot more this week though,so maybe next week the scales will descend again

charlieb2, May 12, 8:07pm
keep up thegood work ladies........ good attitude to you small gain there toadie.

My scales finally kicked the bucket (after years of abuse) so havent been able to weigh in, but I've cashed in some flybuys, so will hopefully be rejoining you next week!!!

510, May 13, 9:33pm
Toady & Dorothy, loved hearing your realistic thoughts around your gains,even though it is disappointing , in the bigger picture it is only a temporary hiccup.
Yesterday the scales showed that I had lost 300gms which I am pleased about.I have 600gms to go tobe back to the weightthatI was about a year ago b4 I was put on steroids for a short term.Thatwill be a real sense of achievement to get to that weight again..It used to be my heaviest weight ever.
Yesterday in the changing rooms of the pool, I met this amazing lady who had,had the WLS taken optifast.She had done the New York marathon. I came away thinking that I was meant to meet her.She was a real inspiration for me.Love going to the pool, people of all shapes & sizes exercising & enjoying their time in the pool.

Have been still thinking about going on optifast but I haven't made a definite decision. yetI would use it as an extra tool towards reaching my goal weight, I am very aware of the need to change my dietary & exercise habits as well. Would also seek medical advise re my medical conditions to learn how to manage it all.
Charlie,there is aa seat on the wagon for nextweek, with your name on it.

marywea, May 13, 10:19pm
510, we will give a big "yahoo" when that 600gr has gone-you sound to have taken charge-well done. I am a bit like you Toady-can stay the same for days then drop 500-600 gr and stay there for a while.

toadfish, May 13, 11:25pm
Week 3 revisited

And I have stayed the same (swipe off that 600gm blip) making it 3.1 Kgs in 3 weeks.. I knew it was an anomaly and didn't reflect my week as I had been on track and it was completely undeserved..

Went for a big bike ride this morning.. about 1.5 hours and somewhere between 25-30kms if I could be bothered Map my riding it... From Te Irrirangi Mitre 10 to the tip of Musick Point for those that know East Auckland.
Shattered now though so will take it easy.. for the next couple of hours then off to watch Miss 16.. soon to be 17's netball game... just love watching her.. so exciting.. and she really is very good (Mother's glasses probably but I think she is)

Does those lack of scales mean you just can't see the results Charlieb? or has it stopped you starting?Look forward to seeing you on board.As the saying really is true... "Nothing tastes as good as feeling good feels"

Have a great day all and stay on track.

dottypea, May 13, 11:28pm
What a wonderful helpful and positive thread!I have been sitting here for the last hour or so reading the comments and support for each other, and am about to set myself a goal for next week.I am great at setting goals for weeks ahead, and then thinking of all the reasons why I didn't achieve them.Heck, I tell the children I teach to set realistic goals but can't seem to do it myself!
I have had a weight problem for most of my 63 years, and consider myself a researcher of diets - when the current diet doesn't work search for the be-all-and-end-all diet that does!I have now been inspired to take a firm line with myself for more than one day, and set realistic goals.
Last year I joined an online weight loss support group which has changed a lot of bad habits in my life - like eating choccy bikkies when writing reports, buying Indian or any takeaways because I have left school late and hungry, having hot chocolates and muffins on the way home from the gym!(BTW, the gym has not featured in my life for over a year for various reasons, one of them procrastination, which is going to stop!)While I have not lost much weight (around 4 kg when I have over 40kg to lose) I have found the change in my thinking a huge benefit.I feel sure once I start back exercising combined with the sensible eating and the realistic goal setting I will be back on the winning path.
Thank you all for giving me renewed enthusiasm.I hope it will be okay for me to pop in each week.:)

dorothy_vdh, May 14, 1:05am
510, my initial weight loss journey started with optifast.
It was excellent for me.I was extremely overweight then, I only replaced 2 meals a day on it, and had a "healthy normal" dinner.
I believe optifast only helps if you are really overweight though, as it does nothing for me now.
there is an optifast thread here in recipes and a lot of people pop into it saying they are starting to use it.
My advise is to get medical advise first, ring the hospital and speak with a dietician they should be able to advise you.

Love your quote toadfish,and it is so true

welcome dottypea

510, May 14, 6:09pm
Hello dottypea, it's good to have you on this thread, the more the merrier.I have a similar weight to you that I want to loose.I was skinny for a long time, ? about 18 years ago I started to put on weight. it was a combination of several things.As I had been skinny in the pastI still thought I could get away with eating anything & everything.
Dorothy, I have been lurking in the optifast thread, haven't plucked up the courage to post in there yet. ( me, not the thread)I have spoken to a dietitian & I am waiting for an appointment at the hospital.I realise now that I had lots of blocks to lossing weight, I was in denial about needing to loose it & I seemed to give up easily ? fear of failure. It has seemed so hard that when the going gets tough I have just stopped & gone back to my old familiar unhealthy ways.Deep down, I am still not sure if I can actually loose weight.
Toady great quote,I have copied that quote for my fridge

dorothy_vdh, May 14, 7:31pm
I was in denial about needing to loose it & I seemed to give up easily ? fear of failure. It has seemed so hard that when the going gets tough I have just stopped & gone back to my old familiar unhealthy ways.

510 we could be twins lol, that was exactly what I was like BUT once you start to lose weight that will change.I hope you get to see a dietician,I had a marvellous one, she did so much for my self esteem
Set yourself achievable goals, in the beginning I made them 5 kilo losses,then I would reward myself NOT with food.Just imagine being able to buy modern fashionable clothing. I get the biggest high from that now.
When I made it to 60 kilos gone I bought myself a celonese sapphire and diamond ring.
Now its the trip I'm supposed to be getting to Australia in September that is my incentive

510, May 15, 1:55am
This quote is one I like LOL
I've been on a diet for 2 weeks & all I've lost is 14 days - Totie Fields.

charlieb2, May 15, 6:59am
Just popping in quickly.. I'm hoping my new scales will arrive tomorrow......
Toadie, to answer your Q, lack of scales hasnt STOPPED me from starting, but it hasnt helped, lol... I've spend sometime today clearing my head and setting some good achieveable goals.. and also swatting up on my CSIRO diet book for some ideas and guidelines......

Back on the wagon.....

510, May 15, 8:43pm
My goal is to loose at least 600gms this week, deep down I want to loose more, Did baking as DH wanted some baking, find this is hard for me, Luckily for me the ginger gems & apricot loaf wasn't one of my best efforts. Need to do more exercise etc to compensate for slip ups.

Dorothy thanks for your encouragement, I am starting to picture myself being able to shop in a wider range of shops instead of Farmers, K Mart, trademe ( size over 22) & Lane Bryant thru our son.
Wishing everyone all the best with this weeks challenge :)

510, May 15, 11:41pm
I looked at theweight I have written down I lost 300gms but I have 900gs to loose to get to the weight I was a year ago..Senior b#7% @y moment!!!

dorothy_vdh, May 17, 7:28pm
bumping from a grumpy disillusioned me.
Sometimes it feels like the harder I try the least successful I am

charlieb2, May 17, 7:52pm
Morning dorothy!!


Scales arrived this morning.....on the wagon I sit!!

dorothy_vdh, May 19, 7:19pm
today my scales gave me an excellent reading and about time too.
much happier this morning,its kind of sad that a household appliance flashing up numbers can effect my life so much.
Down 700grams this week.

charlieb2,are you happy with your scales? How is everyone else doing?

toadfish, May 19, 7:25pm
Week 4

And after staying the same last week I have gone on to lose a kilo... even....
Making it 4.1Kgs in 4 weeks... couldn't be more happy as I continue to eat well... rarely feel hungry...except when I wake up... but luckliy a good breakfast sorts that out.
Last night had a cheese & tomato panini with the best vege/bacon bone soup i think I have ever tasted... maybe its because by the time I ate it I was late home and ready for it.So I continue to eat a variety of normal foods but aim for lean protein, lower fat, natural and nutritious.. and the weight is coming off.... yippee.Have a great day all.

PS Good for you Dorothy....

510, May 19, 10:53pm
Congrats to bothtoady & Dorothy good losses. Dorothy we r twinswith our weight loss. I lost 700gms which makes me a very happy chappy.I had a challenging week with my emotions which makes it even better.
I have another 200gms to reach my start again weight.Will reward myself with something next week, thinking about buying some cute wee new socks to wear in my walking shoes or a wedgeto wear in sandals Havea proper hard orthotic that fits in my exercise shoes but it doesn't go in my exercise sandals.. Looking forward to hearing more about everyones challenges & hints.

earthangel4, May 19, 10:57pm
Hi All,
Have not been in for awhile,but congrat to all the losses,I have lost 500gms this week,so am happy with that,1/2 kg.

dorothy_vdh, May 24, 7:30pm
bumping 1/2 way thru the week and all is well