Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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510, Apr 28, 8:05pm
Wow Toady that is a great weight loss, part of me is very happy for you and part of me is envious ( in a nice way) of your ability to loose that amount as i am at that can I or can't I stage of the process.My loud encouraging voice says "Of course I can and this is what I need to do to achieve which is realistic for me given my knee injury.Over eating has been an unhealthy activity for too long.My practice nurse who was heavier than me & is still losing weight is really helpful with ideas on how to deal with the battle of the bulge.One idea she gave me was having people in her team who she could contact when it was getting tough eg mother & friend.She suggested one to one with a ww person ordietitian to help me get on track.I have already picked a couple of people in my life who I think will be willing to support me.

dorothy_vdh, Apr 29, 4:33am
510....... I have lost 61 kilos over the past couple of years,still want to lose another 7 but I seem to be at a stand still.
I really need some motivation. Because I am happy where I am at the moment and because I can now buy fashionable clothing, lingerie and footwear I'm no where near as motivated as I once was.
I'm also limited with what exercise I can do. I have had both my knees replaced over the past 2years

I'm not sure if I believe my scales, I lost a whole 100 grams. It was so much more yesterday not sure why there was an increase this morning. But Friday is the recording day so that's what I have to go with

toadfish, Apr 29, 10:35pm
Just came back from Biking from East Tamaki out to the airport (about 28kms)... figured I earnt the hot cross bun I have just had... My goal today... is to keep it to just the one. Everything in moderation....
I am out tonight with no control over what I eat so need to controll what I can.... lunch will be a nice big salad... my new faviorite protein choice is very simple, a boiled egg cubed up and a sprinkling of edam over the top... delicous in a big bowl with Anatoths farmstyle pickle of all things stirred through it which is points free on WW.,,,some fruit late afternoon and then all I can do is make the best choices tonight... life goes on.
Off to see a play tonight "Menopause made me do it" Its a local production company... should be good and its dinner and the show.....

Have a fab day everyone....

earthangel4, Apr 29, 11:06pm
Can I join,have put on 10kgs due to stress and predonzone for Asthma.
I really want to doit this time,I have given up smoking 8 days now,yeah I know it is my 6th time,but now I am taking pills to help me stop.
I am 66kgs,I want to be 56kgs by November as my dp brother is getting married in the north island.

earthangel4, Apr 29, 11:07pm
you rock

510, May 1, 7:13am
Wow Dorothy, that is an amazing weight loss, What type of exercise did you use to start with?
I am happy with my eating this week,hubby wanted takeaways, instead I had a parm cheese (sprinkle) mushroom, green bean,& tomato omlette.Haven't weighed self yet

dorothy_vdh, May 1, 8:41am
510, I was very limited with exercise as I had osteoarthritis in both my knees. I aqua walked in the local pool.
It took all my confidence then to get into togs and have joe public look at me, but, I did go early in the morning and those people that were there, were there only for exercise.
I have since had both my knees replaced butI'm still limited with what exercise I can do. Basically its walking and swimming. I don't particularly like swimming, so its walking.Which I can now do around the streets, pain free.

Initially I also used a product called optifast, replacing breakfast and lunch then having a normal but healthier dinner

toadfish, May 1, 6:02pm
Morning ... Start of a new week.

The weekend went well.... Unless you count the Big mac & Fries that I had lol... I haven't had Maccas in Years but we were driving back from a play (Cambridge to Auckland) and we arrived back about midnight starving... so I couldn't let hubby eat on his own....and my philopshy as long as you don't let it send you off the rails completely its not going to do much harm.. so luckliy stay on the tracks I did... so wil keep at it this week for Friday weigh in.

Have made a huge pot of vegetable soup which I am off to serve out now, I will add enough into a smaller saucepan for tommorrow nights dinner and the rest will go into Large vegemite jars as these are perfect 'soup for 1's" to take to work.
I made mediteranean meatballs last night for tonights dinner... as I have an appointment with Miss 16 and a dressmaker at 6pm so know I will be starving when I get home... and will need a quick fix.Tonights challenge will be to contol the pasta... I love the tubular spaghetti... it has a hole running through it so you feel you are getting thick spaghetti but for less points...

Have a great day all.

toadfish, May 1, 6:07pm
510.. That was a great choice with the omelette...
I find mental visions help me.. I picture myself how I want it to be and then if a temptation comes ahead.. I tell myself that doesn't fit with my vision.
I also work out what I am going to have for the day and try not to deviate.
eg brekkie/snack/Lunch/snack/Dinn-
er,then i try not to eat after dinner... if I am really hungry I will have a piece of fruit.The not eating after tea becomes a habit eventually and I saw an Oprah show once that said that habit was one of the greater contributors to weight loss as in my case I can have a 12+ fast every day.(eg dinner 6pm - breakfast 7am)

510, May 3, 12:27am
Dorothy & Toady thanks for your feed back. I have just done some self advocating towards my goal of becoming healthier and reducing the excessive weight that I am carrying.Have made some small goals towards the end result.Made enquiries seeing someone on a one to one at weight watchers but decidedit wasn't for me at the moment.So I have requested a referral from GP to see a dietitian at the DHB out patients clinic. I want to see someone who can manageweight loss inconjunction with my present health conditions.Toady I like the self talk and eating plan that you use. Dorothy, I will make enquiries about optifast with my chemist, I think, you can buy it on line as well..

dorothy_vdh, May 3, 5:25am
510,....... optifast is generally cheaper if you buy off line.
If you do get to see a dietician ask her about it. That is where I learnt about it
Apparently it is also available from the the wharehouse if it has a pharmacy dept

toadfish, May 3, 5:38pm
Still tracking downwards but will officially weigh on Friday as planned.Its started to get easier.. I find the first week really hard to strike a routine... especially if I have been particulary bad with boredom and comfort eating before I started back on track.had some stress's in my day yesterday and I recognised a feeling of wanting to feed those stresses.. was good to see what was happening and had a coffee.

510, May 4, 4:05am
A very happy Mrs 510waddles into the thread 1.8kgs lighter.Will reward myself at 5 kilo intervalsi can visualise in my head only (LOL)at the moment that I have lost nearly 4 packets of butter.The cost of 10 packets of butter will make a nice treat / rewardwhen I reach that goal very pleased as my exercise is very minimal, went water walking this morning.Haven't made a final decision about optifast spoke to the nurse about it, will go on line for more info. Always feels very motivating and encouraging when one has a loss, but the disappointment of having a gain is quite vivid as well.The challenge for me, will be not to give up after a gain.

toadfish, May 5, 5:41pm
Week 2

And a loss of 1.3kgs making it 3.1kgs in 2 weeks. Very happy with that as I am eating really well... just the right things.Found my new Treat dinner had it last night and it was beautiful.There is a place in Manukau called "Continental Meat & spices"Unit G-36 Cavendish Drive.They do a boneless skinless Tandoori chicken thigh at $15.50 a kilo.I brought 6 thighs for about $9 so not cheap but we shared that between the 4 of us and hubby had sausages as well on the bbq... I chopped it up over jasmine rice and had it with a salad... very very nice and soooo lean & tasty.I also brought 6 tandoori (skin on) drum sticks (2 each as Miss 16 was still vegie at that stage)... that was only $6.50 as they were $9.99 a kg. so will try those another night.

Off for my walk now... and yippppeee its Friday.... and the weekend!!!!!!!

toadfish, May 5, 5:44pm
Good for you 510... you must be getting into the groove as well.....

510, May 5, 6:21pm
Wow Toady,congrats on another greatweek of weightloss.

dorothy_vdh, May 5, 7:20pm
after a very good week I'm a little disappointed with my 800gram loss.
But on the positive side, it is a loss and its the lightestI have been in decades.

Now I have the dilemma dinner out tonight, and tomorrow as well.What am I going to do!!!!!

Congrats and well done for everyone's loss's

earthangel4, May 6, 12:51am
wow congra to toadie and 510,awesome weight loss,I have lost 2kgs in 3 days,due to being unwell,with Asthma,mouth ulcers and thrush,I am now on a new inhaler,and doing well,still not 100percent but better.
I eat less now,with small portions and loads of water,that works for me.

earthangel4, May 6, 12:54am
That is a good weight loss nearly 1kg,I would be happy with that,better then gaining.
I would eat less tonight and tomorrow,I had fish and chips last night for dinner and still lost this morning,you can do it,just know you can.

510, May 6, 2:02am
Dorothy, even though u r disapointed with your weeks loss,it is still a great loss, especially when you are at the end of your journey,Not many packets of butter to go now, only6.2 kgs left.Look forward to hearing more about your weight loss journey & your maitenance achievements.

EA, hope you soon have your physical health issues back on track.

toadfish, May 6, 6:29pm
Morning all.. I am just off for my cycle this morning... though it may be cancelled but the weather looks ok... What i can see of it as its dark.....
My goal today is to stay on track all day and then to have what I want tonight as we are going out for dinner.Then the next goal is to get back on track Sunday....Quite often when I know I am going out at night the whole day goes out the window,,, silly really the things we do... so will watch myself today.

Have a great day all.

dorothy_vdh, May 6, 9:04pm
HadTurkish last night,absolutely delicious but I only ate 1/2 of my meal,could of eaten it all, it was that good. But we shared a started of panjar dip and Turkish bread.
I'm very pleased with my self control LOL
Scales down a 100 grams this morning so thats even better.
Pot luck diner tonight finger food only so I will make something that I know is healthy and good for me.That way there will at least be 1 food item I can eat and not worry.
Tomorrow night for mothers day is another meal out

dorothy_vdh, May 7, 9:11pm
dam and blast it all !!!!!

marywea, May 7, 10:41pm
Dorothy, your post has set me wondering.Did you eat all the wrong but delicious things last night?

earthangel4, May 8, 12:46am
Still going strong here,I have really had enough so am staying on track,and I think this is the best time to do it before summer again.
I am having small portions and i eat everything that I am aloud,and still losing weight,have not weighed in but my jeans feel loss,my weigh in day is friday.
Good luck to all those weighing in this week.