Need to lose weight or maintain loss? Volume 7

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charlieb2, Mar 4, 7:17am
*accepts all the arms and sloppy kisses*Yep.. thrilled to have dial up and keep telling myself that when its a little sloooooooooooooooooooooow.Water at least a week away apparently....

510, Mar 4, 8:07am
Jumps for joy to see our Charlieback onthe boards again.

charlieb2, Mar 4, 10:10am
thanks 510.... much appreciated!! xx

marywea, Mar 4, 9:55pm
What a great link the Internet is.Ali, how are you feeling now? How long will you be away.Have you threatened your family with all things dire if the house isn't clean and tidy on your return?? Thanks for the email with before and after pictures of buildings in ChCh. certainly a case of a picture saying a thousandwords.Andrea, best wishes for the cookbook. Julia, how is your family? Am up 2 notches on the belt but Ali, far far from being a skinny thing.

alewis, Mar 4, 10:40pm
thanks mary went back to docs and have second lot of anitboitics, also am taking pretnozone so bing bong wide awake last night but the horrible rattle when I lie on my back was absent, just taking it very slowly, youngest son and girlfriend said they were making a meal last night, they went out and brought all the ingredients, and wow, lamb loins cooked med, pasta in sauce and broc and carrots and not to be outdone, son made custard with crushed crunchie on for dessert (this goes back to the days when I would sit them onthe kitchen floor with a sealed crunchie bar and they would take turns smashing it to little pieces, I would then sprinkle this exactly 1/3rds onto an unknown to them a very eggy custard, it was my junk tea for my young family!!) lol memory obviously stuck. we are off next wedensday so have alerted neighbours for potential parties lol.and just heard that there were NO bodies in the cathedral, cant believe that myself and the dean burst into tears - of relief and joy I would imagine, thats so good, not to have that hanging over the cathedrals head, it wont be a love/hate icon for chch.

alewis, Mar 5, 4:47am
very impressed jc thats really inspiring thank you for sharing

charlieb2, Mar 7, 4:08am
...hmmm, thought I'd posted something after ali, but obviously not... gone to cyber heaven.

Where are all you losers? Out losing I guess?

Weigh-in Wednesday approaching!!!!

jcprotea... that photo record is awesome...

alewis, Mar 7, 6:27am
Jo saw our dunedin friend offering her crib to you - that sounds like a great getaway are you thinking of doing it? always meant to ask, does your hubby get discount from where he works? you go to certain places and get it cheaper? my freebie was the hand sanitizer not free when it was 2 days in the office lol!! how has the after shocks been today, havent looked finally got to scrapbooking have just printed off coupons for Jo-ann store in san fransico found a luggage storage place at the airport so we hit the ground at 10.45 a.m. into taxi to mega scrapbooking store, back to airport for connecting flight at 6.30 p.m. we CAN do it, I have also mapped a mall 2.1 miles from the airport with a sears and jc penny OMG can you imagine the shopping endorphines elevated in my blood stream - lol shame dont have so much passion for eating better. Dear daughter is catching bus to vancouver and spending 2 nights with us we then are hiring a car to the ski resort, she is booking a ice hockey game in Kamloops and we will go to the wildlife park and see bears and cougars, hubby did mention he didnt want to see them waking up while hes on the mountain!! doesnt think he can out ski shaping up to be an awsome holiday.

trev106, Mar 7, 8:27am
Hi everyone, can i join you? I need to loose some weight! after having #2 nearly 8 months ago then falling and badly breaking my wrist i have piled on the weight and its just not shifting :(Granted i have done little to no exersice and am finding it hard to eat healthy things hubby works shift work and so we are often on our own for dinners and i think there is every possibility i will turn into a noodle or chicken nugget........

charlieb2, Mar 7, 7:22pm
yes, do join in trev, although its a bit quiet here at the moment.

My early weigh in today has reveal I'm 3kg's down in total since 7.2.2011.So I'm quite pleased with that, especially with the amount of fundraising choccies that have gone through the house! lol

Trying to get back into walking (as heart breaking as it is) Telling the boys its their PE lesson, lol

marywea, Mar 7, 9:18pm
Charlie, that is a great loss-is it due to stress do you think? Whatever the reason it is good news. I have done my first 10Kgs in 10 weeksThese last 2 weeks I have just continued my dietbut lost nearly 3Kg-don't think it is the scales as it has beenconsistantly dropping each day, almost a worry!!It is not a very visible loss.
Trev, I am sure it will be nice to have youposting, Have you set a start day and recorded your weight? Does your husband need to loose as well? Hope you can report each week, I think that helps and of course inbetwwen it would be nice to know how you are going.I see you are in Dunedin, your Highlanders are doing so well. Charlie, how is schooling going-have you found your vocation/What is the status of your boys school? I read you had more biggish shakes last night. Has all this had any effect on DH's work?

charlieb2, Mar 7, 10:07pm
Hi mary.Well done to your 10 in 10!! Fantastic effort.

No, think my weight loss is just that I've been eating a bit better.Luckily mr's work has only been busier.. unlike so many who have lost jobs, his is seen as an essential service almost at times like this.So he's just been working his usual days.School work not going too well... but both boys schools are saying on their websites that they are trying to open on the 21st, which is a bit of a surprise and honestly I'll be surprised if it happens for Master 9's school.

trev106, Mar 8, 6:33am
Weighed today 77.6 :( which is up 12kg since july. Hubby could do with loosing some weight too so hopefully i can make him join me i doubt he will be so keen though.
Havent had any fizz today which is my big downfall so im pleased with that just have to keep it up. Also went for a walk today all beit a slow walk, miss 2yr old had to walk so went for a 40 min walk but was really only a 20min walk.
The highlanders are doing well although i dont really follow rugby but like seeing the wins in the paper.

alewis, Mar 8, 9:14am
trev I brought a soda stream for the family xmas present but more for ME actually, instead of wine which is MY downfall I sometimes squirt up a bottle of fizzy WATER and have that we have also discovered lemon lime and bitters in as well if you make it yourself the sugar content is no where like the purchased stuff, I also devise different taste sensations with vanilla essence and a butterscotch essence long time ago but hey NO calories basically and still feeling like you are getting a treat.
its the monitoring whats going into our fine mouths that is key to making changes the more crap we put in the more crap that loads up on our bodies and we all love the easy full of flavour tastes that processed foods give us.
bit by bit it can be easy,
WOO HOO MARY - you rock young lady 10 kilos in 10 weeks and that was with visits from aucklanders in that time woo hoo again, I am very impressed thats really been a focussed effort on your behalf and 10 kilos to show for it as well, bet you dont have ANY tight clothe in your warderobe at the moment.
Charlie hope all goes well with you and you have had a bath by the timeI get back from holidays!! -
waves to everyone else, have milo, brunch bars, marmite, raseberry liqorice packed for the Kiwi whom doesnt live here lol, lookiing forward to seeing how my daughter has been living better not look to closely I think !! anyway will catch up in a couple of weeks

dorothy_vdh, Mar 8, 6:33pm
morning all,
week 5 weigh in for me a total loss of 2.5 kilos.
1.6 of that this week, last weeks was an increase of 900grams.
I guess I should be happy with 2.5 kilos down, that averages out at 500grams per week,but I'm feeling a little deflated with it

charlieb2, Mar 8, 8:14pm
Thats a good loss dorothy..... a block of butter per week.... go grab some butter and look at it... or if you are at the supermarket soon, pick up five blocks of butter.... nothing wrong with that loss at all....

hhb, Mar 8, 8:39pm
What a great thread to of stumbled on!I am a 44 yr old mum of a 10yr and just turned 4 yr weight just went up and stayed up when I had last babs at 40..(my goal is to get back down to 66kgs my pre children weight so need to loose 17kgs).My question to you is this: There is a lot of bread in my diet, well at least lunch, sometimes toast for breakfast, I find it filling and all the other substitutes are not nearly as filling, like I had two dark grain Ryvita's the other day with chicken and lettuce, was starving by 4... what do you replace it(bread) with also same with potatoes in dinner...It is sooo much harder to diet when you have fast growing children who you are always trying to keep weight on,Mr10 has complex heart probs and always trying to get weight on him and Missy4 is like a bean pole....just me who is the expanding blob!! I am pretty active..

marywea, Mar 8, 9:15pm
Ali, my clothes range through about 4 different sizes! When I lost a lot a few years ago, I bought inexpensive ones knowing they mightn't get to be worn for more than that season! Dorothy, that 1.6 in a week is almost to much and maybe the previous increase was an aberation, do you weigh daily or weekly? Hopefully your body has got the message and will continue a decent downward trend. I can understand why 2.5 over 5 weeks of deprivation seems so poor but next week you will likely be shouting your loss from the roof tops. Trev good that you have made some changes, small steps is the way to go. hhb, a common theme here is that weight was put on after the second child-any ideas as to why it is then and not after the 1st?I love my bread/toast. I have coffee through the morning(no change here) and 2 eggs on 2 pieces of toast for lunch which seems to keep me satisfied.Charlie, I think you often have an egg on toast for lunch. I know they are frowned on a bit but if they keep me on track then I am happy. I think it must be more difficult with others in the household-more than once I have prowled through my freezer in the hope I would discover some ice-cream! I do not have sweet things in the house as I know I would give in to temptation.

hhb, Mar 8, 10:14pm
marywea, re above - I breast fed for 18months and then carried on eating after, as if I was still breastfeeding...(so eating prob abt 900-1000 cals more a day than I needed.!!..) and I also think that when you are older having yr babies you get more knackered, and thus eat to "get more energy" - I know this is the bad habit that I have got into , and also not getting enough sleep, so am desp going to try to have lights off by 10 every night, being tired, busy with young kids = eating way my case any way.

alewis, Mar 9, 1:04am
Great loss dorothy, and steady too.
hhb I would try the more country grain breads, they do sustain for longer and you then dont have so much, I know with white bread it can be 4 slices and still trying to eat the plate, cant do that with grain bread you are starting to feel much fuller and for longer. have potatoe but not so much you sound like my weight and my goal hhb!! weigh in today is 82.5 so up I think but still slightly down - dont much like my chances of loosing weight in the next 2 weeks mind.
leave for airport at 3.30 woo hoo just need a shower change and finish packing, took myself back to docs just now now have a cough suppressant - all that coughing on a long flight 1 pair of knickers I think NOT!! not funny so please dont laugh.

dorothy_vdh, Mar 9, 2:41am
I don't eat bread at all.Breakfast is usually a pot of yoghurt and a banana, lunch I make homemade muffins try to make them as healthy as possible( not Texas) and fruit.

I know I should be happy with that loss.I have lost a total of 61kilos,since I started this lifestyle change.I still have 7 that I want to lose, its just taking so long now.
I need to get back into THAT zone

owl32, Mar 9, 3:54am
don't need to read much more, that sounds just like me!

So today, I decided that things need to change. so, here I am too :)

deludedmunchkin, Mar 9, 8:21am
I would suggest trying Brown rice and quinoa. High in fibre and everything and maybe add more protein to your diet. Fibre is filling but protein makes you last longer.

deludedmunchkin, Mar 9, 8:28am
Man havent been on here for a while. You ladies are all doing SO well!!
Dorothy, maybe to shift that last bit of weight you should shock your body. Just means that whatever regular exercise you do, change it completely. Because after 4 weeks muscles remember and adapt to your movements/exercise so they stop being quite as cooperative. But well done with your weight loss so far!

I'm still yet to get my A into G and weight myself again. I'm fairly certain Im doing well, Just want the reassurance of numbers. So I'll have to sneakily weigh myself at either Farmers or the warehouse lol.
Im getting a bit bored of my healthy food too. Sick of chicken and fish now.
Been looking on the healthfood site and got some good recipes though so gonna be trying some of them this week.
And my exercise has definitely been good. I walk for about 2-3 hours a day with bub in the pram, and do 20mins of cardio and 20 mins of ab workouts.
So looking forward to weighing in!
And now, due to my surgeon being on holiday, the gallbladder surgery I was meant to be getting on Monday just been has been changed to April the 11th, so I have a bit more time to lose more weight since I'll be out of proper exercise action for about 6 weeks. Gah!

marywea, Mar 9, 10:22pm
Dorothy, you really are the Queen of the Weightloss. How long did it take to get rid of 61 Kgs-did you have some periods where you had a slow down for no particular reason? I didn't lose anything like that(ages ago) and while it looked good from the "outside" the naked body wasn't great with the spare skin-got dressed very quickly! I don't think exercise would have prevented that.Mind you, I wouldn't mind such a sight now.
Owl, what changes are you making and how much do you need (not want) to ,lose? Welcome back del-sounds like you do have your A into G -weigh-in report please! Hope Ali had a good trip to Canada, other passengers will have smothered her if that cough suppressant didn't work! Charlie, are your boys sleeping OK?