if i cant eat all my takeaway, i put it in the fridge as soon as possible....then usually eat it cold the next day, never reheat. How many days would be ok to eat., would you eat it say.....bought sunday night, in fridge, would you eat tues lunchtime. I didnt do this, but it still looked good. The birds had a great feast. thanks.....
Jan 11, 9:07pm
Personally I don't like eating any left overs unless I have cooked the meal myself and know the ingredients were fresh to start with - Definitely wouldn't eat chinese take aways with out re-heating thoroughly and then would only eat the following day, the rest would go in the bin. I'm less fussy with my own prepared food and that of which I know and trust the source :-)
Jan 11, 9:37pm
if i had chinese on sun night i would reheat it until piping hot on monday lunch time. then if there was still some left bin it. not often we get left overs though.
Jan 11, 9:41pm
i'd leave it 3 days then throw
Jan 11, 9:46pm
i read somewhere that reheating cooked rice is a bad idea.
Jan 11, 10:14pm
The Chinese takeaways that we very occasionally have do not usually include rice so that excludes any concerns re that but I have been known to freeze, the same day, any leftovers which are freshly cooked meat and vegetables then they are carefully but thoroughly reheated.If not freezing the leftovers they would be eaten the next day or not at all.:-))
Jan 11, 10:19pm
yup so did i, yet im not dead, and apparently raw cabbage is bad for us as we cant digest it, and celery someone told me its toxic, wtf!!!!!!
Jan 12, 8:36am
yes #6 i also kknow reheating rice is bad, thats why i dont have a problem eating it cold.(others do tho).NEVER been sick from it yet. but was curious to find out if others would eat after 2 days in fridge. what is the theory of raw cabbage being bad for us...?
Jan 12, 8:38am
yep, i would have eaten it tuesday. never heard of the raw cabbage thingy.
Jan 13, 7:50am
so does that mean we're no longer supposed to eat coleslaw because raw cabbage is bad for us, or is coleslaw considered "cooked" cabbage because it has been marinaded in some sort of dressing?
Jan 13, 7:52am
it was some doctor that said it i read it somewhere, i dont know if its true but since then i cut my cabbage up then heavily salt it, let it stand for 20mins then rinse well and drain, i find it breaks it down a bit, but grrr i love raw celery, then again im alive so it cant be that bad for ya
Jan 13, 8:43am
I think that is a funny theory! Why would it be worse to re-heat (and so kill bacteria) than to eat cold (and so ingest those bacteria)????
Jan 13, 6:58pm
what? raw cabbage is bad????????? i'm gonna google!
Jan 29, 9:00am
can't find anything but it does say raw cabbage is very good for healing stomach ulcers lol
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