I have a dutch apple cake recipe that has warm apple sauce in the recipe.
I have just made some cookies and it had wayyy to much butter. Then I remembered reading they had to adjust the recipes in the book to suit the high altitude of where the book was published!
I need a few recipes asap as this is for xmas gifts!! Ohhh bug, me in a pickle!! eeeek.
Its going to be one of those years ppl!
Thanks if you can help and let me know if you can help with other recipes toos!!
I would be ever soo greatful!
Dec 22, 10:21pm
ok warm apple sauce; you can make this using apples or buy a tin of apple sauce and heat it.
Some books say a stick of butter or similar, am not sure how much this is but would need to see recipe to give ideas about how much you may need to alter.
Dec 22, 10:56pm
According to my "Joy of Cooking" a stick of butter is 4 ounces (125 gm)
Dec 23, 1:22am
Thanks punkinthefirstand juliewn. I have worked out the cup of butter! Which is 250g.
I think I whizzed it instead of pulse whizzing it when making the cookies!
The same recipe also is used for almond filling slice, which is in the oven now. But with out the top as its soo hot rolling it is a nightmare even when cold! (whispers to darling that I need new kitchen with marble bench tops!!) so he can have his dutch foods:) and grins ever so sweetly!)
Have dutch apple cake to make with warm apple sauce and apples. Now that sounds great! Oatmeal bran cookies, Dutch raisin and current loaf, Oliebollen, Dutch apple tart, Mocha cake and Bitter balls!
Dec 5, 10:14am
juliewn, mmmm
That recipe has 3 cups flour and my one has 2 cups!! I have changed it in my recipe, but hope the slice turns out!! But the cookies spread out but still taste great! So not a bad cookie for my first time make:)
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