LMAO!I posted late last night. and I thought (in my tired state!) that you meant 'cracker' as in awesome.lol
Dec 13, 7:36pm
Thanks everyone & 2boysmum sounds good! But yes I was looking for a 'savoury cracker recipe'. thanks
Dec 13, 8:01pm
Savoury Crackers: The crackers taste best several hours after baking as the flavour develops Put the metal chopping blade in the food processor bowl. 2cups flour, 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt, 50gms very cold butter chopped into small cubes. Add 1 or more of the optional ingredients listed below if you want. Whizz together, then add about 1/2 a cup of cold water in a thin stream through the spout, stopping when the dough particles will only just stick together to form a ball. Roll out very thinly on a lightly floured surface, then cut into squares or rectangles, or other shapes using biscuit cutters. Pile dough scraps together, roll out and cut more shapes until the dough is used. Bake at 190°C for 10-15 minutes until they are a pale golden colour. Leave to cool, and store in an airtight tin. Optional ingredients: 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds. 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese. 1 tablespoon poppy seeds.
Other variations can include your choice of oneor more of the following: 1/2 to 1 tsp curry powder or 1-2 tsps chicken or other stock powder - leave out salt if using stock powder. 1/2 cup toasted sunflower seeds. 1/4 cup ground almonds. Add 1 to 3 tsp of your favourite pesto. Add 1-2 tsps or to taste of chopped fresh or dried herbs - basil, parsley, mint, thyme, lemon thyme, sage, etc. use some wholemeal or wholegrain flour instead of 1/2 a cup or more of the white flour. Add some wheatgerm, or cornmeal, etc. too. increasing the baking powder by 1/2 tsp for each 3/4 cup of grains, etc. change 1/2 cup white flour to 1/2 cup wholemeal flour, and add 1/2 tsp extra baking powder plus 1/4 cup fine or medium ground cornmeal, 1/4 cup sesame or sunflower seeds, 1/4 cup wheatgerm & a little extra salt to taste if needed.
Dec 14, 10:07pm
THANKS SO MUCH! mmmmmmmmmm look good!
Dec 14, 10:37pm
But you must try my sweet treat with the Salada crackers as it is Gob Stoppingly Good daaaahlings, but please don't tell anyone in the Campaign Against Devine thread, that I have said that
Dec 14, 11:06pm
haha!rainrain ~ yes I hope there aren't "food police" in here!
Dec 14, 11:37pm
What different thing could I do as a sort of simple dinner for two people! I tin of tuna would need to be involved don't really feel like cooking but I was wondering about a stuff potato I don't know! HELP!
Oct 30, 8:00am
Don't you dare open a can of anything.naughty naughty!
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