I am hoping some kind soul can help me here, it's my son's 1st birthday next weekend so we are having a party for him, we have about 30 adults coming with their kids. The thing is my partner is really sick at the moment and the stress on top isn't doing her well so I have taken over the cooking and the organising of the food, What food do you recommend for a 1st birthday party?
Nov 19, 8:09pm
Parents with small children will supervise what their children eat but do make sure you don't have a kid with allergies in the bunch coming, if so avoid making food with that item in it (our son is one of those wee kids and while one twin can eat anything my other twin will react to nuts).
Stick all food on a surface above where the kids can get to it on the day and that way the parents control portions a bit.Plus you don't get an older kid hogging all of one thing and the wee ones missing out.
Nov 19, 8:10pm
yes just buy some sausage rolls and cook them, and perhaps some little red sausages (Saveloys) and boil them. I'm sure there will be someone on the day willing to help you cook stuff :) You could also get some strawberries and just have them in a nice bowl
Nov 20, 12:55am
Kids: Sausage rolls, fairy bread, red cherios, juice/fizzy, lollies, chips, cake, cut up fruit / fruit kebabs. Adults: BBQ, salads, bread. Get your Mrs to ring her friends, to explain, and ask if they could bring a salad or dessert to share for the adults. As someone already posted, the adults will supervise the smaller kids, and can give them something healthy from the adults bbq. The older kids will eat what they like.
Nov 20, 5:29am
No further suggestions, but i'd like to say how cool, that you are prepared to do this.Most males would run a mile just thinking about it.
Nov 20, 5:42am
I think you are very nice to take over.How ever if my partner was very sick I would cancel party.Don't want to pass on bugs to others.
Nov 20, 5:51am
ABC MUFFINS (apple, banana, choc chip) 1 cup mashed banana (2-3 bananas) 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup canola oil 1 large egg 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup choc chips 1 apple (grated with skin on) 2 cups self raising flour
Mash banana, in a large mixing bowl mix banana, sugar, salt, oil, egg & milk til well mixed, stir in choc chips & grated apple. Sprinkle flour over then fold without over mixing.
Bake 10-15 mins til golden at 200C
these are great for kiddies
Nov 20, 5:55am
and definitely dont forget cheerios and sauce :) kids party favorites! corn cobs are good done on bbq pasta/potato salads my daughters 1st birthday i made a lovely non alcoholic fruit punch and put some rasberries blueberries and sliced strawberries in. was delicious kids were drinking sooo much just to get the fruit out of the bottom hehe good fun
Nov 20, 7:03am
Thanks for all your advice and suggestions, So far I have mainly adult food but I will be trying some of your ideas, as for the cake..... hopefully she will be well enough to do that, I have gone for chicken nibbles, sausages, a cold meat platter, different cheeses, pate, and I am now thinking of mini meatballs with dipping sauces, does anyone have a good recipe for this? So far for the kids I have sausage rolls, cherios, chips and dips, strawberries and chocolate, I am open to all suggestions.....
Aug 20, 3:58pm
Mini meat balls: 500g Mince beef oxo cube 2 tspn cumin powder 2 tspn corriander powder 1 tspn garlic powder pepper 1 egg to bind 1 quarter-half cup breadcrumbs
Roll into little balls and fry
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