On that link you'll find a great variety of fudge recipes, including a fewfor microwaved fudge.:-))
Nov 3, 12:06am
is this the one you are looking for?
1 cup water 2 cups sugar 2 very heaped Tb spoons gelatin 1 pkt jelly a few drops matching essence a knob of butter boil together for 2/3 mins . Pour into a wet mold . Leave to set over night -not in refrigerator.. Next morning cut into squares and roll in ordinary sugar. A lime jelly and lemon essence is very nice
Nov 3, 1:39am
Microwave Fudge 500gr icing sugar, 1/4c milk, 1/3c cocoa, 1tsp vanilla essence, 100gr butter. Cook on high 3 mins. Remove & stir well. cook further 3 mins. Beat until thick. Pour intoa greased container & set in fridge.
Nov 5, 11:20pm
The jubes recipe is brilliant and soooooooo yummy.....
Nov 6, 1:26am
What sort of mold do you use? Thanks.
Oct 12, 6:04pm
I use chocolate molds, I have silicone, plastic and metal ones. The silicone are the easiest to get out, followed by the metal, then the plastic. Or you can just pour it into any tin with sides
Oct 12, 6:37pm
Somewhere, there is a confectionary thread
May 26, 12:07pm
Yeah, I'm having trouble with the search function also....
Only when I typed in my username it came up but not yours, TM needs to know this, simply not right.
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