everytime i make muffins they have flat tops, what am i doing wrong? I have tried turning oven down, turning it up, not over mixing, making sure i have measured everything properly but they are all still flat tops.
Sep 17, 11:22pm
ARe you folding the mixture do only just mixed...not eating at all?
Sep 17, 11:57pm
Over filling the muffin tins?
Sep 18, 3:45am
preheat the oven and don't over mix???good luck
Sep 18, 3:54am
How olds your baking powder?to me it sounds like your raising agent is failing.
Sep 18, 4:20am
sometimes if my mixture is too wet they come out flat, i always beat the crap out of my mixture, i like the peaks lol, and they are never tough!! maybe try another recipe?
Sep 18, 5:19am
Some muffins *are* flatter than others - see the photo on Simon and Alison Holst's Healthy Muffin book
Sep 18, 10:13pm
Yep, flat tops are usually what you get when the mixture is very wet.Try cutting back on the liquid...I find the best muffins come from a dry mixture with the flour lumpy and barely mixed in :o)Good luck!
Sep 18, 11:44pm
I got flat tops on mine when I used a silicone muffin pan my sister lent me to try.She found the same thing with it.
Sep 19, 12:07am
I really need some help, have a heap of banana's going off and need a banana muffin recipe, can anyone help with a goodie :) Thanks!
Sep 19, 3:20am
I laughed when I re read my post it was meant to say not beating it at all lol
Mar 31, 1:50pm
Hehe yep I got a giggle out of that too stompy...knew what you meant though :o)
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