Does anyone know a supplier or brand of unpasterised honey?Keen to try a completely natural produce that has not been processed.
Sep 13, 6:11pm
Pasteurised honey?Never heard of it.Honey is a natural product which does not need anything done to it.It has excellent keeping qualities (although can become sugary).Take a trip up to the honey centre in Warkworth - its free to get in.You can get everything there.Honey is extracted from the honeycomb and put directly into jars.To be sure its untouched, buy some honey still in the comb.They also sell bees wax.
Sep 13, 6:13pm
ps.3 bees clover blend honey from the supermarket in a white coloured jar actually says on the the jar 100% natural.I'd say most supermarkets would stock it.
Sep 13, 6:54pm
Look for 'raw honey' on the label - this will be unpasteurised. Have a look in your local organic shop - if you're lucky they will stock Heaphy Honey from Golden Bay.
Sep 14, 12:53am
Some things about honey: + Pure honey contains calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, silica and sodium all gathered and manufactured by bees from flowers.
+ To produce a thimbleful of honey a bee makes two thousand forays to flowers.
+ Rudolf Steiner said: "The more honey is used as a food, the less it will be needed as a remedy."
From book published by Folklore Herbs, Queenstown
Sep 14, 11:08am
Thank you to everyone who posted in here, alot of honey is 'heated', or pasteurised, I really want to have food in as natural a state as possible, i will try to search out so natural raw honey and treat it as a food, I agree with Rudolf Steiner elliehen, thank you for posting that information. I would love to know more about the wonders of food directly from nature if anyone else has information about good natural non processed products please post in here. Thanks
Sep 15, 1:06am
I get honey from a friend who keeps bees. He gives me some everynow and again. Ask around. Beeswax came from the health food shop. I got it and use it for my cast cooking surfaces to make it non stick. Beeswax has no taste when heated.I have sources of raw milk locally and grow some veges. I make kefir, Water and milk to drink.
Nov 25, 12:15am
You are correct.Most/all commercially produced honey is pasteurised.This is done to create uniformity in the end product, to assist with fine filtering (pollen, wax, etc) and to prolong shelf life.It is not done for the benefit of the consumer.In honey, as with most foods, taste and smell are inextricably intertwined in the form of volatile oils.When honey is heated, these evaporate.That's why commercial honey tastes bland/flat - you're basically eating sugar syrup.The only honey I heat is for customers that want it runny.Even then I only warm it just enough to break down the crystal structure.If you are having any trouble finding unadulterated/unheated honey, let me know and I'll start an auction.My honey is extracted in a licensed premise and I sell it on par/cheaper than the supermarkets.
Nov 25, 5:51am
I have just set up two Top Bar Hives in my garden!Managed to find a swarm of bees.Am hopeful of finding another swarm soon.This is a totally new interest for us but we are thoroughly enjoying the antics of honey bees.Can't wait to taste their honey!It is so important for us to look after our bees here in New Zealand.
Sep 4, 2:05pm
Have you got the Varroa bee mite down your way yet?
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