No more chocolate cake, chocolate brownie etc until I can get some fairtrade cocoa and coffee after watching 'The Dark Side of Chocolate'.What if those kids sold into slavery at the Cacao Plantations were mine?
Sep 13, 6:20am
This recipe is from an old Queenstown recipe book - it might be quite delicious, but is just a little strange ;) GORSE FRITTERS 1 cup freshly picked gorse flowers 4 eggs 1/2 cup shredded watercress S & P to season 2 Tbsp self-raising flour Beat eggs, flour and seasonings, then add flowers and watercress.Fry in hot butter and serve immediately with sliced lemon and fresh watercress to garnish.
Sep 13, 6:29am
From the same book, HOMEMADE MARGARINE.This might cause a stir ;) 1lb Cremelta 1.5 cups Vegetable Oil 1.5 cups Carrot Juice 1.75 tsp salt Soften cremelta and mix in carrot juice and salt.Beat in oil and juice slowly and alternately until a creamy consistency. From 'Henrietta's Book of Recipes & Formulae', from Closeburn Homestead, built at the turn of the 20th century as the original Lower Shotover Pub.Written and illustrated by Henrietta Rutherford-Jones.
Sep 13, 6:34am
Anyone for Stinging Nettle Soup?
Sep 13, 3:43pm
Got some down my drive elliehen ifyou'd like it! See a host made it last week on House Guest. The guest thought it was a bit spicy (hot). Don't know if I'd taste it?
Sep 13, 4:13pm
Packet Tai curry mixes. Some of them stink out the house. They taste good though...
Sep 13, 4:27pm
KAANGA WAI is also something that will remove anyone in a 1km radius around you, its rotten corn, a family i used to live with as a teen used to make it, he'd put the sweetcorn in a sack in the stream and leave it there for weeks until it went all squishy them bring it in and cook it up like porridge...
Sep 14, 5:17am
and it even sounds like awful too
Oct 1, 11:13am
Native wood pigeon. Far too gamey to tolerate.Also illegal of course.
Oct 1, 7:41pm
lol as icky as that sounds, its probably better for you than "normal" margerine!!
Oct 1, 8:19pm
any fish or any meat
Oct 1, 8:23pm
Anything to do with crabs or allergic to them and wouldnt be any gd without being able to taste them.
Oct 2, 5:37am
Kidneys. Dissected them at school around the time Mum would cook them up. They are just pee strainers. Yuck!
Oct 2, 3:33pm
I won't cook mutton birds inside EVER EVER AGAIN!
Oct 2, 4:01pm
Male possum indoors.
Oct 2, 8:43pm
mashed carrots and parsnip - my Dad used to make us eat it as kids when Mum was too sick to cook.Yuk!
I well remember an american cooking contest show where a bimbo judge told a french woman chef that she should have soaked the kidneys overnight to take away the kidney taste. The Chef was dumbfounded 'why would you want kidneys to not taste like Kidneys'.
Ellie you are officially an old chook.
Oct 3, 5:13am
Just curious, what is a 'kidney' taste? Imo, kidneys taste like piss/urine.
Oct 3, 10:13pm
Shark or lemon fish. Won't cook it and won't eat it under any circumstances. If I do not know what sort of fish is being served I don't eat.
You just never know WHO it has been eating.
Oct 3, 10:55pm
Spring chicken, beaker;)
Kidneys - yechh!They smell of the stuff they've been filtering.You're welcome to my share.
Oct 3, 11:17pm
Tripe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- !!!!!!!
Oct 3, 11:18pm
This is one of my favourites! and brussel spouts too.
Oct 4, 2:24am
oysters - gross!!! One of the most over rated foods out there as far as I'm concerned - whether you like them raw or cooked, they are just wrong and will never be gracing my kitchen anytime ever!!
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