A father who was a chef cooked the ham and craved (it looked fantastic) and then served with his home made chutneys.
Mar 1, 1:02am
S Stealing.
T Takers of other recipes not given to this with permission.
A Angriness, just makes us angry...
C Cheaters !!!
K Knowing that they are Thieving
O Only thinking of themselves
F False in what they stand for
R Raiders of other sites
E Everyone from other sites are going to drag you down.
C Cowardness, for not fronting up.
I Idiots and total at that.
P Pilfering, stealing, thieving.
E End. You are going to be finished- End.
S SOFIA K from ALBANY Scaffold is your Destiny.
Mar 1, 1:03am
With Relish!!!!
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