My hubby bought some sugar buns at new world recently. My mum used to make them. The only receipe I could find was in Aunt Daisy cookbook. I made them last night but you boiled butted, sugar & water together and they were very runny mixture. Im sure mum used to cream butter & sugar. I think I remember someone calling them harvester buns as well. They are a big bun with raisins in, you mixture on tray and sprinkle sugar on. ANYONE HELP
Aug 16, 1:39am
Hey sis, use the search function left of screen, recipes, sugar top buns, anytime and in a thread you'll find anice recipe for sugar top buns from Pam. Delilah. Ma made harvester ones they were plain with no sugar on top with sultanas in them, today they are similar with sugar on top and a little jam if you want. Just add the lemon essence thats what makes them...
Aug 16, 1:44am
save you looking, here it is,
Sugar Buns
1 1/4 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 cup custard powder, 1/2 cup sugar, handful of sultanas, 60gr melted butter, 1 lightly beaten egg, a few drops of lemon essense, approx 1/4 cup milk, a few tsp jam.
Place sifted dry ingredients into med bowl. Add sugar and sultanas and give it a bit of a stir to combine. Make a well in the centre and mix in melted butter, egg and essence. Most of it should come together into a ball but don't worry if it doesn't - it'll be okay! ! Slowly stir in the milk. (Adjust quanity if you need to - the mix should hold its shape when it is scooped up, ie: not sloppy. ) Using a tablespoon, scoop out onto a baking paper lined tray. Place a small blob of jam on the top of each and a sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 180 for about 15 - 20 mins. Test by lightly touching the tops - should be firmish and lightly browned. Makes 7-8 buns.
Aug 16, 1:45am
Chelsea Buns maybe?
Aug 17, 4:13am
they sound similar to rock cakes.
Aug 17, 4:15am
haha should have emailed big sis to start with! Thanks pam. delilah. I also found one in the edmonds book under Lemon buns which is different again. Will give them all a try. Thanks.
Feb 15, 11:19am
Cream 2ozs butter, 4ozs sugar, then add 1 egg, pinch of salt, handful of sultana's 1/2 lb of flour, 1tsp baking powder, 1/2 a cup of milk. Mix it all up and put spoonfulss of mixture on a tray . Bake at 200 for 10 mins. makes 12 large. PS. I used a duck egg and it was even abetter texture than a hens egg.
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