cook in garlic and butter, take from pan and pour the garlic butter and juices over the prawns and sprinkle with parsley
Aug 4, 4:56am
for me... to that add a little white pepper and periperi...
Aug 4, 4:59am
and add to both of the above- chunky bread to mop up the garlic butter with... ...
Aug 4, 5:05am
is SO can only drool in agreeance with previous posters. However if you want to? :make a very mild curry/coconut cream sauce to dip your prawns into. The thing with prawns is that you only want to enhance their lovely taste - not disguise it with anything else
Dec 25, 6:50pm
Slice french bread brush with hoiskin sauce sprinkle with chopped chilli, in a bowl mix minced prawns pinch of cayanne pepper chopped garlic lemon zest egg and a little cream. spoon mixture onto bread sprinkle with seseme seeds and flatten onto toast, place prawn side down into oiled pan and brown they are yummy...
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