Sigh. It looks like I'm going to have to grow lemongrass along with my kaffir lime tree and haunt the Asian food markets. Haven't I got enough to do? lol
Dec 6, 9:08pm
I LOVE to haunt Asian markets. I used to work near Tai Ping Trading and would spend many lunch hours wandering around there trying to decipher labels, consulting various lists I'd made and buying weird dried fungi and jars of chilli bean sauce. I think the staff initially thought I might be a shoplifter or possible a MAF inspector but in end they realised that I was just a harmless eccentric. The great thing about those places is that everything is incredibly cheap so one can experiment without ruining the housekeeping budget.
Dec 6, 10:08pm
Hooray ! Well done, davidt4 ! Thank goodness the Christmas shopping is done. Now I can go and stock up at the Asian and Indian markets.
Dec 6, 10:10pm
Thanks for the encouragement. Let me know if there's anything in particular you wold like me to put up on the site, otherwise I'll just plod away at it as and when I have the time.
Dec 7, 3:14am
Funny you should mention Tai Ping. I was just in there on Saturday looking for a replacement bamboo steamer but they didn't have one in the size I wanted. I've searched around and have decided to go to Wah Lee. They are my last hope.
But I know what you mean. They are fascinating places, especially the bigger ones. All those weird and wonderful mystery items really make me wish I could read Chinese and that my Asian cooking knowledge extended beyond stirfried meat and veg, bought steamed dumplings and the making and using of Thai green chilli sauce.
Dec 7, 3:35am
If you're looking for a steamer try the Chinese supermarket in Mercury Lane just down from the old MercuryTheatre. They have a huge range of kitchen stuff.
Dec 11, 12:26am
Must add,
These I must try...
My son spent some time in India and came home describing some of their dishes and I know he loves Sri Lankan's foods as well...
So must try some of these that haven't done yet...
Lovely. .
Dec 11, 1:19am
Hi valentino, there's a bit of a problem with my TM Cooks page at the moment, which seems to be a Mac/Windows incomaptibility thing. My Mac text sporadically crashes the page. Eden is looking into it, but in the meantime if there is something in particular that you would like to make for your son just let me know, I'll see what I can find and post it here.
Oct 14, 10:48am
ohhh yummy chinese dumplings please
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