Callanetics - the recipe for a fit, beautiful body
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Jan 23, 4:58pm
Have the got THE book Accroul? I have, but I haven't come across that character called 'motivation' yet! Maybe one of you could send him to me please.
Jan 23, 5:25pm
Yes it will - it is the best low-impact all-round exercise program I have some across in the last five years - and believe me - I HAVE been looking, as I get thoroughly frustrated with my stiffness and problems to move correctly.
However stay with the "old" original Callanetics - the stufff Callan originally did - not this newly fandangled stuff that came later.
Jan 23, 5:28pm
Uli, thank you for starting this thread, my muscles are toning, and my pebble arm muscle has increased from -0mm to approx. 6mm, my goal is to get up to 10mm, my kids are cheering me on. lol
Jan 23, 5:30pm
Well done fourkingz :) I am so glad to hear that - keep going - and let us know how you get on.
Jan 23, 5:35pm
Hi there, I have never heard of this before. Which book would be bes to try first as opposed to a dvd?
Jan 23, 5:54pm
There are two books I usually recommend - they are sold out in most bookshops - but I have found them in England for you:
Feel free to feel our butts too, since they are lifting, perking up and generally more round.Along with our arms, tummies and legs.
*runs round thread trying to catch everyone to pinch their butt to see if they have been doing their callanetics....*
Jan 23, 9:49pm
You dare to squeeze my butt? my DH reckons I could snap his hand with my butt. That's not all it can do either...... you SURE you still want to squeeze it
Dazz, I'm picking up a book from the library tomorrow which I assume is the real deal as Callan is the author.... and then to see if the motivation strikes me!
Jan 23, 9:50pm
Ouch Craytail! Lay off - I know I've got the saggiest butt in town, but wait til I get going on callanetics. At least I know I've got one of the correct books. Just got to open it and get on with it! Tomorrow, I promise!
Jan 23, 9:51pm
Thank you Uli! Is it worth it? Can you get any from the library? Thank you :)
Jan 23, 10:04pm
I brought all my books and video, from off Trade Me, so keep an eye out in the books section, but once people get wind of how callanetics is taking off the price might rise abit.I paid $6 for Cal. countdown, and $10 for the complete Callanetics book, approx. $5 for video.
Jan 23, 11:25pm
Well I think it is worth it LOL :) You need to find out for yourselves. However it is as with anything: YOU will have to find an hour 3 times a week (or more often if you feel like it) and do it - otherwise it will not work.
I haven't been to the library for a long time - so I don't know which ones would stock it, but others on here had it out from their libraries - so ask and find out.
Good luck.
Jan 23, 11:43pm
Uli, have you seen the Complete Callanetics book, people will know it works after looking at those pictures of about 9 people men & womens butts in their underwear, from the 1st class, 4th, 7th, 10th, 19th class, you see the lift and tuck in all the pictures, I have converted a few just by showing them the pictures in the book. Yes they do laugh at the hairy bum man in his g string. lol
Jan 24, 2:31am
Yes I have the book - in fact I have about 6 books of Callan herself - not so sure about the new "Cardio callanetics" videos etc - which seem to be 100% contradictory to what Callan used to say ...
Jan 24, 1:40pm
Perhaps I need this thread for encouragement as I have the video.I do know it works, although I never quite mastered all the "moves".I will get on board, and see how I go.Find an hour to myself, when I am not asleep will be the trick.I do not want to do these exercises with my hubby around.
Jan 24, 11:02pm
I have only done it 6x and I do feel tighter, but only as yet in my arms and thighs.Still going slow on the tummy and bum ones, can feel my muscles though which I couldn't before.The stretches are great, I can get down further.Could probably get further still if I didn't have so much body in between.I'm using complete callanetics from library.I thought the pics looked great too fourkingz
Jan 25, 2:51pm
Welcome sooners and davidk63. Just keep it up and you WILL see big differences. For me its much more important how I feel.
Jan 31, 1:35pm
Just bought the book, now there'll be no excuses!
Jan 31, 2:17pm
Wow - instrument of torture! Go Uli!
Jan 31, 7:30pm
If it gets me walking again it will be worth it LOL - watch this space for a possible quick sale in 3 months time though ...
Feb 6, 3:12pm
Finally got a book of my own coming!!!!!!!Bit expensive but I guess thats the price now as they go like hot cakes.It is making me stronger and some of the ideas have stopped my bad back and it happens immediately.
Feb 6, 4:28pm
Isn't that so rewarding? Within a week of doing it you feel so much better.
I have now "recruited" (by example - "what are you doing - you look and walk so much better ...") at least 20 new "followers" LOL - and ALL are excited and wondered why they spent all this money on Osteo's, physio's, gyms, pools, personal trainers etc over the years -when all they needed to do - is get down to doing these exercises 3 times a week - some are so hyped up now they do them daily -LOL :)
Feb 26, 10:45pm
OMG Uli - what have I started here!
Just made a start and I can't get past the tummy stuff. Can't do that very well either! There's still the rest of the book to go!!!
Feb 26, 11:05pm
good fun isn't it?
There are still quite a few exercises I cannot do at all due to knees not bending enough and such stuff.
I started with 3 to 5 repeats of everything, but if you put in the time you can do more rather quickly. Just make sure you get it absolutely right first before worrying about reps.
Soon you will have that flat tummy you always wanted though. By the end of the year you will be able to do everything I promise.
Feb 26, 11:10pm
Okay - how often do you do a workout?
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