You can make your own extract with a vanilla bean split lengthwise leaving it intact at the end and steeping in vodka for several weeks.
Jun 14, 3:08am
I had a great recipe using bourbon, I will see if I can find it, it was gorgeous
Jun 14, 3:27am
sorry it was Cachacha rum, any high proof alcohol that is fairly neutral will do, Split beans in half lengthway then scrape with a teaspoonto remove the seeds. Put the whole lot in your bottle Shake gently every day for a week then twice a week for a month. Sit for another 3 to 4 months with an ocassionaly shake Then filter. There are some cheap vodka's out there but they can be harsh like rocket fuel, If you have anything in your cupboard experiment a little.
Jun 14, 5:53pm
I brought a cheap bottle of vodka to make mine ($10 for 1 litre) and put the chopped up vanilla pods in and left it for a month, this was about a year ago now & I am still using it & it is delicious. Will never go back to the cheap fake supermarket version.
Jun 14, 8:54pm
can you use brandy instaed of vodka? Thanks
Jun 14, 11:21pm
How many vanilla beans to how much vodka do you use please?
Jun 16, 5:52pm
Bump for the answer please.
Jun 17, 4:43pm
Make Your Own Vanilla Extract
Chop up 2 vanilla pods - add them to a cup ( 200 ml) vodka or brandy.
Add two teaspoons of sugar.
Seal in an airtight jar in a dark place - shake every day or two.
After a month its read to use.
You can keep adding a little more alcohol as the bottle goes down for quite some time - theres a huge amount of vanilla flavour in vanilla beans and it keeps coming out into the alcohol for a very long time. I got this recipe from ces/auction-296337274.htm
Jun 18, 1:56am
ruckass1 that is the same one I use and I have to agree with you. I put down a 500ml bottle on 24th April and it is smelling great haven't tried it yet as I am using the last of a small bottle that I tried earlier. It is basically 100mls vodka (mine was a cheap one ) 1 vanilla pod 1 tsp sugar. , easy to remember all (1) measures.
Aug 23, 6:04pm
We've converted hundreds of Kiwis to this recipe over the years with our ads on Trademe. Everyone we come across who has made their own says it is fantastic - and best of all, inexpensive compared with the pure vanilla extracts
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