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jubre, Jul 28, 4:47am
I snack on them, straight out of the packet when I crave something sweet. Always have some in my pantry.

gr8stuf4me, Aug 1, 7:59am
Hi All, just a note to say Im making your compote tonight cooks and leaving it overnight to have for breaky. Its on the stove cooking away as I type this. So will let you know how I enjoy it in the morning but even now it looks lovely.

cookessentials, Aug 2, 10:04am
so... how did you enjoy your compote gr8stuf4me?

gr8stuf4me, Aug 2, 9:59pm
Ohh it was lovely cooks - is just beauty first thing in the morning - I really enjoyed it - thank you for sharing. And its great that I can just cook it and leave it sitting overnight too.

indy95, Aug 12, 12:44am
This comes from Delia Smith's Christmas :

Prune Ice Cream

350 g no-soak prunes
275 ml water
25 g soft brown sugar
600 ml milk
4 egg yolks
110 g castor sugar
1 rounded t custard powder or cornflour
2 T brandy
150 ml cream

Bring prunes, brown sugar and water to boil and simmer covered about 5 mins, then uncover and simmer a further 5 mins or until plumped up and tender. Cover and leave until cold.

Drain the prunes and puree in a blender with the milk until smooth, then sieve to remove any pieces of skin.

Whisk egg yolks, custard powder or cornflour and castor sugar together. Bring prune/milk mixture to boil and pour onto egg mixture, whisking. Return to pan and bring back to simmer, stirring until a smooth custard is formed. Leave to cool, then add brandy and the lightly whipped cream.

Pour into a container and freeze until almost solid, whisk thoroughly, then freeze until ready to use. Remove from freezer 30 mins before serving.

Edited to add this would go well with cookessentials Prune Compote and also with poached pears or apples.

cookessentials, Aug 12, 3:14am
That sounds quite tasty.

indy95, Aug 12, 4:13am
Yes, it does, and can't you just see the faces when you tell people that it's PRUNE ice cream ?

indy95, Nov 6, 3:43am
Spicy Ginger Loaf

100 g butter
100 g dark cane or muscovado sugar
3 T golden syrup or treacle
100 ml milk
2 eggs
150g plain flour
2 t ground ginger
2 t cinnamon
1 t baking soda
75 g ready to eat prunes roughly chopped

For Icing and Decorating

Icing Sugar
Crystallised or stem ginger

Warm butter, sugar and treacle or syrup together just until melted. Add milk, leave to cool then beat in eggs. Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl, add cooled mixture and combine until a soft dropping consistency adding a little extra milk if needed. Stir in prunes.

Put into tin and bake at 150-160Cfor 45 mins to 1 hour until a skewer comes out clean.

When loaf has cooled drizzle over butter icing and decorate with thinly sliced or chopped ginger.

rog.e, Nov 6, 4:48am
Yum another recipe...

I have two packs of ready-to-eat prunes and can make a loaf as above no problems tomorrow when I get some eggs.

indy95, Dec 17, 4:25am
Rog.e, just want to ask if you made the loaf recipe I posted and if so what you thought of it ?

gardie, Dec 17, 6:17am
Nigella has a recipe for a chocolate fruit cake using prunes - it is really yummy and I have made 2 so far this year with a 3rd yet to do.I think she calls it easy as fruit cake or something similar - you can google it.

rog.e, Jun 4, 12:42am
Yes prunes, the old-fashioned dried plums used for cold dwesserts, hot puddings, meat dishes, as a treat, and once given to babies as prune water for constipatopn (mother to eat the actial prines - baby to have 1 teaspoon of water prines cooked in daily lol) Well that's what my Plunkey book says.

I really enjoy prunes and am interested in new recipes if you have any to share on here.

red2, Jun 4, 1:06am
I often see them in Moroccan recipes so maybe have google for those . I think Ray McVinnie had a nice recipe for a prune cake too .
You might find this on a recipe search at
I love them too !

amourette, Jun 4, 1:06am
I throw mine in a smoothie.probably not what you are looking for though.

rog.e, Jun 4, 1:35am
Oh yes! Great idea!

daleaway, Jun 4, 1:40am
In Oz you can get lovely chocolate coated prunes.

Prunes are also nice pureed with sour cream (or ordinary whipped cream) as a prune whip dessert, with home-made gingersnaps.

As mentioned above, lovely in a lamb tagine with preserved lemons.

indy95, Jun 4, 5:33am
Well, that's a coincidence, rog.e. I had the same thought this morning when I was looking through some recipes and came across one or two featuring prunes. They are not often mentioned on this board and I think it's time to do something about that.

To start off, they are really delicious simmered, sweetened to taste and flavoured with orange rind and cinnamon. You could add some orange liqueur too if you are lucky enough to have any.

kirinesha, Jun 4, 5:34am
Rog.e - a friend of mine has them recently at a restaurant where they had been partially split open and had chocolate poured into the gap and left to set. Doesn't that sound divine!

grannypam, Jun 4, 5:36am
I love them.

its just a shame that they dont love

kirinesha, Jun 4, 5:38am
Same with so many of the good things in life isn't it GP!

liamjosh, Jun 4, 5:41am
Was only introduced to prunes recently after an op left me slighy bunged up. yummy yummy yummy, I love them so much. Its such a pity you can't gorge on them

grannypam, Jun 4, 5:46am
yep kiri.

Love rhubarb too but it has the same

grannypam, Jun 4, 5:48am
after we were married I worked for a while as a kitchen hand at a pub.

I thought I was in heaven when I found a huge tin of prunes in the pantry.

oops. wrong move !

rog.e, Jun 4, 6:14am
Prunes take off -----

Cool chat here.
Certainly they are not mch mentioned despite the advert on TV giving taste tests.

My grandson ate them like lollies when he was here for High School and had no problems at all.
Young digestive system I guess.

I think prune and orange muffins would be a delicious taste treat. A whole poached prune in thew ccentre I imagine. What spice goes well!


hezwez, Jun 4, 8:13am
Prune Steamed Pudding
1 egg
60 gm butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup prunes (simmered 10 mins and stoned) then mashed.
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sifted flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in milk
Beat egg with sugar. Add melted butter and prunes. Add the sifted flour, salt and baking soda. Place in a greased 600 ml pudding bowl, cover and steam 1 & 1/2 hours.
From Cookbook assembled by Nelson Spinners & Weavers Guild, 1975