Ganache do u make it please

chrisynz, Jan 12, 9:26am
... ... ... ...

margyr, Jan 12, 12:04pm
just heat some cream to almost boiling and add choc, I use a small bottle of cream to a packet of choc buttons.

indigojo, Jan 12, 2:02pm
I heat 250ml cream, then melt into that 250g whittakers choc... yum...

crails, Jan 12, 2:07pm
I use 1/4C cream heat it gently don't let it boil, take off the heat then add 250g of chocolate melts stir till combined pop in the the fridge to thicken for 30mins

buzzy110, Jan 12, 3:25pm
Here is the recipe I have used on occasion. Comes from the Timberline Lodge Cookbook which is a Ski Lodge on Mt Hood, Oregon, that caters for extremely wealthy skiers.
Ganache Glaze: -
1. 4kg Semi-Sweet Chocolate (Finely Chopped)
4 cups Cream
Place the chocolate in a large mixing bowl
Bring the cream almost to a boil and pour it over the chocolate
Let it sit for 2 or 3 minutes, then stir gently with a spoon to blend
Note: When used as a glaze, ganache should be between 30oC to 32oC. If allowed to get too hot it will lose its shine and be dull in appearance
Yield: 5 1/2 cups
My Notes: I usually halve this recipe. Don't be tempted to use Cadbury's chocolate as there has been much chatter on these boards about its inability to melt properly. All it does now is separate out into solids and liquid and the solids go rock hard.

buzzy110, Jan 12, 3:27pm
Here is another recipe I use to both fill and ice another family favourite.
Chocolate Ganache:
500mls Cream
Medium block Dark Chocolate
Icing Sugar
Heat cream and grated chocolate in a bowl over water or very gently
Stir till chocolate has complete dissolved
Refrigerate till cold, add icing sugar till you get the required consistency and whip till stiff

buzzy110, Jul 13, 5:14am
Here is another glaze recipe that the low fat brigade who would prefer not to use cream, may prefer to use.
Chocolate Ganache Glaze:
140g Plain Chocolate - broken into pieces
150ml Sour Cream
1/2Tblspns Caster Sugar
Put Chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water
Add Sour Cream and sugar and melt everything together
Stir well to combine
Take off heat and leave to cool and thicken
Spread over cake using a palette knife dipped in hot water
Optional: Decorate with candied orange and cinnamon