Made a pudding tonight with egg whites, but what do I do with the egg yolks? ? are they still ok to use in a cake recipe even though they have no white? ? any recipes would be good as I make Pavs at Xmas and usually end up throwing the eggs out then as well. TIA
May 20, 9:08am
cal5059, there are lots of uses for egg yolks - try doing a search here on this Trademe MB using 'egg yolks' as the Keyword and 'Anytime' as the Date posted option and you'll find all the earlier threads with a variety of recipes and suggestions for uses for egg yolks. :-))
May 20, 9:10am
Egg custard yummy better than the powder one
May 20, 9:14am
hair shampoo
May 20, 9:19am
Egg Yolk custard:4 yolks half cup castor sugar, two and a half oz cornflour, mix. . add to a pot of heated 3 cups milk . vanilla, take off the element whisk fast , then back to heat to thicken. so much nicer than the edmonds. I used to throw the yolks out, such a shame I didnt know better, or give to the dog in its food good for them. .
May 20, 9:21am
Try to have some pastry handy when you are using just the egg yokes, so then you canmake a bacon & egg pie & put the spare yokes in with the usual eggs, bacon, etc. I think it is nicer with the extra yokes.
May 23, 9:43pm
Use them to crumb the likes of schnitzel.
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