What can I make with them please, I dont want to waste them. ta.
Dec 23, 1:34am
teddy147, have you made a pavlova? If so, I suggest topping your pavlova with a citrus curd made with the egg yolks. :-))
Edited to add. For more ideas try doing a search here on the Recipes MB using egg yolks as the Keywords and Last year as the Date posted option - you'll find a number of earlier threads re the same topic. :-))
Dec 23, 1:36am
yes Ive made 2 of them, Im not keen on a eggy taste which curds seem to have, but thankyou 245sam.
Dec 23, 1:49am
Are you making trifle? If so, and you don't notice the "eggy" taste in custard, use some or all of the egg yolks in a custard for your trifle. Maybe the reason that you find curds to have an "eggy taste" is because your recipe has insufficient juice and/or zest - an orange or lemon curd-topped pavlova (with or without cream) is IMO a taste-treat.
Dec 23, 2:47am
ice cream
Dec 23, 6:11am
Nigella has a recipe on her website for a sponge cake using 8 yolks. I made it the other day and the family enjoyed it. Not light and fluffy as a sponge usually is but more cakey. It would be good to use in the base of a trifle, I thought if I ever made it again.
Dec 23, 6:49am
i make cusard (using Annabelle Langbeins recipe) - usually for the top of trifle and merginues
Dec 23, 6:59am
Three or four of them could make a batch of mayonnaise. And the other 3 or four could make shortcake for louise slice or apple pie.
Dec 23, 9:06am
I love egg yolks! Christmas morning breakfast. Break three eggs carefully into a non stick saucepan with a very generous hunk of butter on a medium to low heat. Don't scramble them. Move them around gently with a wooden spoon as the whites begin to set. Turn down the heat to low.
Then add 4 of your yolks. When warmed, only then do you break the yolks and scramble them quickly and serve on hot brown/Vogel's toast (buttered for me - Lurpak only) whilst still very moist.
Serve with the obligatory bacon, cooked tomato and mushrooms of course. Don't add milk or whisk up beforehand.
Repeat on Boxing Day to use up the other 4. (serves 2 people)
Dec 24, 1:45am
Creme brulee nom nom
Dec 24, 6:19am
I usually do creme brulee (use Jamie Oliver recipe which always works for me though I usually cook them longer - no eggy taste - keep the temp very low). Though Portuguese custard tarts are very yummy so sometimes do those. . Getting canele molds for Christmas so my egg yolks will be used up making canele for the next while.
Dec 24, 8:39am
Devide into three portions and freeze for bikies next year.
Dec 24, 11:41am
good use of yolks
Dec 24, 4:37pm
Chocolate mousse. Yum.
Dec 24, 6:55pm
Make scrambled eggs for lunch
Mar 2, 3:56pm
hi teddy. im guessing im too late but this is my custard recipe for my trifle. its to die for
Trifle custard 1 cup of custard powder 1 cup of sugar 3 cups of milk 300ml of thickened cream 2 teaspoons of vanilla 4 egg yolks Combine custard powder and sugar in pan and gradually stir in the milk, stir constantly over heat until mixture boils and thickens, remove from heat and stir in thickened cream, vanilla and egg yolks, cool to room temperature before using in trifle. My hints: start mixing the milk in before it gets too hot, do not heat on high – med temp is best, when it starts to thicken take off the heat and beat it hard its firm so you need strong arms, add cream first to cool it a wee bit when eggs go in beat fast so as to not cook the egg first
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