I am part of a homeschool group, and we could really do with some simple but interesting recipes for our little 5-years olds. We have older children who mainly use the kitchen, so we are restricted to using the microwave and oven only and work on my dining room table. We've got books and regularly search the internet and have done lots of baking, smoothies, fruit kebabs and stuff with veges but I'd love some different ideas too! I always love to come to this thread and look for new recipes for myself, so would really appreciate some recipes from 'fresh eyes'. Thanks so much :)
May 18, 5:34pm
mouse traps, those south island cheese rolls, hmmm 5 year olds, you probably have done scones, pizza, gingerbread men, oh bugs google the recipe but off the top of my head it is 85 grms choc and 3 tablespoons golden syrup, melt the choc and stir in golden syrup it makes a thick paste which i shaped on gladwrap into a sausage about as thick as your index finger then put in fridge, make dark and white choc, when firm cut into about 1/2 inch lenghts and make into ovals then use the white choc for eyes, mouth and wings, fun to make.
May 18, 5:39pm
unbaked slices, the kids can have fun smashing the biscuits and you can melt the other things in microwave.
May 18, 5:43pm
We do spiders and you simply melt a king size block of white or dark chocolate in the microwave, can then mix in peanut butter if no allergies and then simply have the kids roll in crispy chinese noodles (like crackers but look like noodles). Then I line a muffin try with waxed paper and fill with mixture. Then the kids can sprinkle with 100's and 1000's if desired. Simply put in the fridge to set and then presto done and they love them. I usually have the ingredients at home for spur of the moment treats. I will keep thinking of others. Have fun! !
May 18, 6:54pm
These are really great, easy recipes - thanks so much :)
May 18, 9:38pm
stuffed and baked potatoes ; vegemite and cheese baked soldiers
May 19, 6:08am
I came across a recipe for cat-astrophes. Lol my 4 year old wants to make them this weekend. Basically crush a packet of malt biscuits, add a cup of raisins and mix in 1 tin condensed milk. Let the kids form them into snakes (cat poo) and leave in the fridge for a few hours to set.
May 19, 6:42am
StainedGlass Cookies - have the recipe somewhere, but it's a basic cookie dough in pencil-width rolls formed into shapes on baking paper. The empty centres are filled with smashed boiled lollies which melt up against the cookie edges on baking and make a 'glass' pane. Shapes can be hearts, diamonds, circles, basic animals, free-form etc
Before baking, make a hole at the top with a drinking straw, and then the cookie can be hung as a decoration before being eaten (wrapped in Gladwrap, of course! ). Very pretty at a window or as decorations on a winter twiggy branch.
May 19, 6:43am
My little cousin and I made these the other weekend after we saw the recipe floating around on the internet somewhere; I thought they were cute and that it would be fun for him to play around in the kitchen for lunch.
1. Cut the frankfurter into quarters. 2. Insert long spaghetti into the frankfurter pieces. (to act as the octopus 'legs') 3. Throw them into boiling water until the spaghetti is cooked. (frankfurter would be cooked by then too)
We then put out 'octopus' into some warmed through baked beans or spaghetti (a la canned spaghetti and sausages) and pretended it was the 'red sea' LoL
In lieu of the stove top maybe boil the 'octopus' in a pyrex dish in the microwave?
May 19, 7:16am
How about those savoury pinwheels that is on the richard till thread.
You will need an oven, just get the older kids to bake them for you, but the little ones will love making them...
May 19, 2:15pm
shortbread is always a good one for littlies. My son(now 24) used to make Granny Drydens shortbread from his Postman Pat book LOL rolling dough is good and great for coordination as well.
May 21, 1:16pm
I saw some neat fruit faces on tv the other day. Pkt round biscuits-round wine ect. cream cheese, selection of cut fruit. To assemble 1. spread softened cream chesse thickly on to biscuit and use the fruit to make faces, Blue berry's/raisins for the eyes, 1/2 grapes for ears, kiwifruit for nose or mouth, what ever you have in season. Looked like fun so will be doing soon with my littles. we have also made pizza from scratch with yeast dough, they loved seeing it rise and then getting to roll it out. Good luck
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