Anyone here making it and if so which probiotic seems to work best?
May 8, 4:29pm
i have only made from the packet brought from the shop is that what you mean ?
May 8, 4:46pm
I was meaning using coconut cream and probiotic capsules.
May 9, 1:59am
I would be interested to know too.
May 9, 4:53am
I use 1-2 capsules of the 'Go" probiotic. Works really well
May 9, 3:10pm
Thanks, and I’ve used probiotica p3 just with coconut milk and it is fine too. Will use coconut cream next time similar to Eleanor Ozich recipe.
May 9, 10:26pm
I bought some and it taste foul!
May 12, 12:19pm
I bought a small pottle of coconut yoghurt and used 3 TBS of that mixed with coconut cream. into my hansells yoghurt maker. perfect result.So if you are making on a regular basis using the starter from previous batch is economical.Ayam brand CC is the one i used.
May 13, 8:31pm
Thanks Ayam is what I have for next batch.
May 21, 7:05pm
What are the quantities of coconut cream to 3T coconut yoghurt? Please.
Sep 19, 11:12am
It doesn't really matter. The 'culture' will work on varying amounts but will just take a little longer. # tbsp will do anything from a 400ml can to over a litre.
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