Apple & fejoa cake recipe

sue164, Apr 12, 11:05pm
Looking for this recipe or. Fejoa & Banana cake.

korbo, Apr 13, 3:51am
I would imagine that you just use your normal banana cake recipe, less 1 banana, and a cup of chopped up feigoas. try and let us know.

articferrit, Apr 13, 7:57pm
you just swap an equal amount and can use up to 100% chopped up feijoas and no banana, you can also swap for 100% kiwifruit and wouldnt know the difference either.

andrew697, Apr 13, 9:57pm

I have used this recipe and the resulting cake was gorgeus.

venna2, Oct 3, 4:50pm
I made a really nice feijoa and orange cake as I've had to host two groups this past week. I found the recipe online:

Actually I made two cakes as the meetings were a few days apart. I'm definitely no cook but they both turned out fine. I used two eggs rather than the one in the recipe, and gluten free flour because of one of the people who'd be eating the cake.