Hey, you. ;o) Did you make it yourself or did someone feel sorry for you, or a birthday cake, maybe? & before anyone else thinks I'm being a bit rude . Newt & I sort of know each other, OK?
Apr 14, 4:54am
Yeah sort of Sam. AS for the cake,no it was gifted to me from one of the staff who promised to make me one and kept her promise. Nice eh.It was a big one as well, hence the reason for using half now and freezing the other. ps : you can be as rude as you like Sam,we know each other well enough to take the piss,not that we have ever met if anyone is wondering. It's little thoughts like this that mean more than expensive manufactured presents,especially from the kids at school who really are so innocent and show their simple feelings without any agenda's.
Apr 15, 1:54am
aaaw that's lovely, newt, must give you a good feeling to be appreciated.
Apr 15, 2:03am
I hope you two have your aprons on. Can't have you getting flour all over those jeans.
Apr 15, 2:20am
ha ha ha I knew you'd have to have a peek in here xx
Apr 15, 3:06am
Ha ha ha , I can see i will have to whisper next time, come closer so you don't miss anything.
Apr 15, 3:09am
Yes very good,but it works both ways.I don't take them for granted and they know where they stand. Meet me over yonder and i will explain the best present.
Apr 15, 3:36am
Cripes that didn't come across as intended. Never mind.
Apr 15, 4:44am
I think I know what you meant . I think?
Oct 3, 8:49am
remind me over yonder sometime and i will explain,A cool story that touched my heart.
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