Buttercream with shortening

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lizzie51, Jun 10, 1:07am
Sarcasm, condescension, & repartee have apparently become the new " bullying". an over utilised "catch all" term these days.
Ironically - particularly popular with sanctimonious bossy bits who in other quarters are guilty of the same. seemingly protecting the weak while practising the same behaviour - minus the wit. or wits?

autumnwinds, Jun 10, 2:09am
I thoroughly agree!

No-one wants to be "lectured" when they share a recipe that has a little sugar in it, for example, and not everyone knows how to grow their own vegetables (let alone actually grow them), and it all comes out as being so superior, and off-putting, it's no wonder so few post these days. I've even been told off for bumping a very informative post of some years standing. well, it's gone now, as I'm not going to be aggravated by someone elses aggression. And a little treat, very now and then, isn't going to hurt anyone - but should NOT be immediately jumped on by the "sugar is evil" types.

A couple of good sayings to live by:
"Live, and let live. "
"Moderation in all things - including moderation. "

pickles7, Jun 10, 2:21am
You just put a smile on my face in fact it broke out to a little more than just a smile. I am thinking along the lines of my bathroom, with one full length mirror.

samanya, Jun 10, 2:34am
Hey you xx . I have had a few tips & recipes from you so thanks for your input.
Let's hope that the 'live & let live' philosophy will prevail & we can all offer help, where we can, without the aggression re what's healthy & what's not.

autumnwinds, Jun 10, 6:56am
Thee and me are classic examples of being able to get along, whatever our other differences. and being able to find the joy in food, our gardens, and our lives. XX back

samanya, Jun 10, 6:12pm

pickles7, Jun 10, 6:50pm
There isn't anything better than butter,.

buzzy110, Jun 10, 11:53pm
So true.

kay141, Jun 11, 6:44pm
Ah, well, I guess it's all about how you use it.

I limit access, find it helpful keeping in touch with others around the world, join special interest groups and use it to keep up to date with information from various organisations, such as the local council. I also occasionally use it to sell goods.

I have never been abused, stalked or trolled and, to my knowledge, nothing I have posted there has been copied, edited enough to make me look bad and someone else look good, then posted elsewhere. Nor have my sales been trashed, trolled or generally sabotaged.

This is more than I can say for this website.

Like many, I now read but will post here infrequently. It is no longer safe to do so.

buzzy110, Jun 11, 7:28pm
I agree about this site. Various posters made it their raison d-etre on these boards to troll, stalk (and some still are doing this), abuse and edit past posts to make me look bad. Apart from you, there was one other who was a skilled archivist who excelled at doing the latter and took great delight in doing so.

Even in this thread I have been accused of wrecking this particular board because I gave negative information about kremelta. I would accept that as fair but when another poster, recently, made the most awful remarks about a recipe suggestion from Petal, I was the only person who defended her because the negative poster was part of your little coterie that used to constantly abuse me. And surprise, surprise it was me who was abused for my defending another poster.

In the meantime, I do not see any problem with helping people to realise that hydrogenated fats lead to heart disease and dementia. Research and dissection of blocked arteries has shown that the main fats involved in arterial blockage in and around the heart, and even more scarily, the brain, are hydrogenated fats. This is why they are now banned in America and NZ will soon be following suit.

kay141, Jun 11, 8:03pm
Once again, you make it all about you. Not once, have I attacked or criticised you, just debated your posts, but you seem intent on doing that to others.

You may think I'm a skilled archivist and I am in my specialised subjects but never on here. I have no interest in editing your posts or making you look bad. There is no need to do that.

davidt4, Jun 11, 9:59pm
I think the skilled archivist that Buzzy mentioned is a poster who was banned some years ago for breaching TM rules.

kay141, Jun 11, 11:33pm
Doesn't matter who it is or whether they are banned. It doesn't hide the fact that, nearly every day, posters on these message boards are insulted, lectured as though they are unintelligent, and generally criticised by a few. Nor does it hide the fact that was is posted, whether comments or auctions, on here is not protected by any sort of privacy and will be manipulated by some.

samanya, Jun 11, 11:51pm
I know exactly who the skilled archivist was & she is a highly intelligent, learned woman (some may be quite surprised at who she is) who gave helpful advice, but I guess like a lot, she took exception to some 'preachy' attitudes displayed at times & it's a great pity that such posters are sadly in the minority now & she was banned when she spoke out when I was personally attacked . not by any one here though.
This board was better for her input.

buzzy110, Jun 11, 11:57pm
Takes one to know one. "The lady doth protest too much" Hypocrisy is complaining about a certain type of behaviour whilst indulging in it to the full.

I have agreed with pickles who said, without rancour, that nothing is better than butter. What sort of shortening do you suggest?

buzzy110, Jun 12, 12:02am
Only if you were part of her band of bullies. For those whom she encouraged her group of bullies to victimise, it was a totally different feeling.

kay141, Jun 12, 12:12am
Once again, a personal attack. This is an interesting response as, not once, have I targeted you or anyone else. I have kept it general.

I don't bake any more but would never dare suggest anything. Who knows how that would be amended or where it would land.

samanya, Jun 12, 1:35am
She took pretentious preaching types of people to task & justifiably so.
If you feel that you fell into that category well ask yourself, why?

pickles7, Jun 12, 1:50am
You got that right. There was nothing wrong with your first post. It is plain to see a few lingerers' are still about.

oopie, Jun 12, 1:52am
I too don't come to the TM MB much anymore.

EVERY single thread I have clicked in to tonight has been turned into nasty, so I came to recipes - WOW.

This is an alternative for buttercream that I particularly like, an egg white beaten in after all the butter is beaten in lightens it even more. I like the recipes where the sugar is cooked with the flour and milk, but some recipes add the sugar after giving it a grainy feel. It's known as flour frosting or ermine icing/frosting and is a beaut cake filling and piped onto cupcakes.


samanya, Jun 12, 1:54am
Ask yourself why some only 'linger'?
Maybe it's because of a band of know all bullies?
Heard of Robert Burns?
He had some great quotes
"Oh wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us!

It wad frae monie a blunder free us, And foolish notion."

kay141, Aug 31, 8:57pm
So true.

Sorry to say, I doubt it will make any difference to the arrogance, condescension or breaches of privacy.