Butter here too - spuds roasted in it are the most divine flavour ever! My kids prefer country soft though on their sammies. I think because it's slightly sweet.
Jun 24, 3:00am
There is more than one way to make margarine. Nowadays the process of hydrogenation is no longer used to manufacture margarine and table spreads for the consumer market.
Agree with hestia - they contain no or very little hydrogenated fat now. However we are butter users, haven't used 'spread' or 'marg' for years - not the same, however when we go to my inlaws that is all they have because they believe it is better for them. MIL bakes with it and it's awful in biscuits I think Flora.
Jun 24, 6:47pm
Does butter get the heart tick?!
Jun 24, 6:50pm
It does indeed! Especially if you eat carbs with your fat. Diets high in fat only work if the carb intake is severely limited.
Jun 25, 5:23pm
Well then how come my husband ain't fat? He eats lots of fat and carbs. I've just started eating more carbs with my fat and I'm not fat either. Something else going on I think. Can't blame the carbs.
Jun 25, 6:32pm
bump for mikew
Jun 26, 12:20am
It would if it paid the fee lol the heart tick is bollocks.
Jun 26, 2:17am
Vmax maybe you guys are very active? i have stopped having spreads since I posted in this last year. I didn't read all the posts after about Olivani but had since noticed that the olive oil was probably a minor ingredient when I checked the label. I've given up wheat and processed sugar apart from the odd dinner party dessert, and regular glass of wine. Have lost my abdo fat and quite happy about that! Would like to be eating more veges but that's an ongoing battle with my poor organisation and effort. Should give up the wine too.
Jun 26, 3:03am
A glass of wine won't hurt. quite the opposite and it isn't fructose so all good. Fantastic you have made the changes you have and have seen the result.
Jun 26, 3:18am
Thanks roesolutionx for finally putting the truth out there! Yes margarine no matter what brand is highly processed & this a big part of the problem! We are unable to digest the minute fat particles. We are butter people & have gone back to whole unprocessed milk straight from the vat! If you've seen "That Sugar Film" it's an eye opener & if you believe any of it you will realize we have been lied to over many years - been told that natural fat is bad for you when in fact sugar is so much more addictive & bad for us. When food companies or fast food chains buy the Heart Foundation tick to put on their food items - you know things have gone mad!
Jun 26, 3:31am
Fast food chains with the heart tick? Please elaborate? Thanks
Jun 26, 3:41am
McDonalds on some meals. Milo has it - although not a fast food chain this is full of sugar. McCain frozen pizza singles - the list goes on, google is your friend. The Heart tick can pretty much be brought - there are many healthier options who do not carry the heart tick as they will not pay the hundreds of thousands needed to label their food with it.
Jun 26, 4:59am
The problem with all this is who do you believe? I did watch that sugar film. I like my scientific evidence but love to hear people's anecdotal stories as well. I don't want to be someone who believes anything they read, see or hear and think everything is a conspiracy. I can't just accept everyone's idea of how bad margarine is without seeing things for myself and reading scientific data. Just because something is natural does not automatically make it good for us. Think toadstools and other poisonous plants. I have actually read some info on the good stuff in butter but I can't feel totally confident that it won't be lining our arteries contributing to plaques forming. I agree it tastes best. I need real rock solid, long term research to be confident. Until then, moderation is best.
Jun 26, 3:50pm
I only ever bake with butter. but we use both marg and butter
Jun 26, 4:01pm
What, Margarine, NEVER ! It is only one molecule from being a Plastic!
Butter all the way with me, also restrict as much oil as possible out of baking, Blurrrggggh. Cooking oil is cooking oil not a spread.
Butter is better and more versatile in it's uses and is natural.
Oh, slightly OT, Forget this animal - vegetable thing as well, animals eats vegetables (plants) to survive, vegetables (plants) benefit from animal life. Hmmmm, grass makes milk, what makes margarine, for Pets sake. We eat animal in turn plant life, vegetarians eat plant life only cutting out that middle stage of an animal, LOL.
Jun 26, 4:19pm
Not offering up a personal opinion either way since the choices we make as a family are right for us and I wouldn't want or expect them to influence any other person/families decisions. However, since the conversation is taking place, this breakdown of what's in various spreads may be of interest to some.
Butter please, though price wise yes spread wins out and it is just about plastic lol if not a by product from our oil reserves or imports?
My Great Gran died in her 102nd year and all the family said it was because she had butter an inch think on anything she ate and a small whiskey a day. :)
Jun 26, 11:57pm
I think it may have been either KFC or MacDonald's obviously certain meals are low fat salads. But some may just assume it's for all their foods, so people have to do their homework although anyone with half a brain should be able to work it out!
Jun 27, 6:01am
I like the taste of butter . so don't eat margarine or equivalents
Nov 4, 4:00am
I am amazed that his article from Wednesday Jun 18, 2014 is still going :) Butter here.
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