Going to see a friend's new swanky house in Martinborough this weekend and will obviously arrive repleat with a bottle of the fabulous local wine. Would like to also bring something to nibble on as we imbibe and she's not the kind of woman you can throw a box of Roses at. Any ideas for a relatively simple but elegant and tasty treat I can whip up to as a house/tummy warming gift? Thanks in advance.
May 6, 6:42am
Smoked salmon pate. 200g Smoked salmon, juice of 1/2 lemon, lots of balck pepper and 50 g butter. Whizz up and chill. Put in pretty boil adn top with a bit of parsley adn more sm almon. Yummy!
May 6, 6:45am
Ahhh yes, very nice. I was thinking more of little bite sized taste sensations though...
May 6, 6:49am
Cut a loaf of french bread on an angle, toast it, spread with cream cheese and top with salmon
May 6, 6:51am
That's a very good idea too... any alternatives for those not so keen on salmon (ie. me)?
May 6, 6:55am
We made a lovely (but fiddly) nibble for my Ma's 70th. We cut a cherry tomatoe in half, scooped out the seeds, filled with pesto and then put the tomatoeback together but with a cube of feta in the middle on a toothpick... . delicious. Looks impressive on a white platter... small but tasty.
May 6, 7:12am
I'm a cheese ball fan myself
May 6, 7:40am
When I want to impress, and don't mind going the extra mile, I pull out all the stops. You might have to do a bit of shopping, of course, and set aside a bit of your day to prepare. You'll need a can of reduced fat cream and a packet of Maggi Onion Soup mix. Combine the two - I use my Kenwood Chef here, but you country folk could probably use a fork, if you have one. Now, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, or, if you really want to impress, a teaspoon of white wine vinegar - you might need to go into the major cities for that. Cover it, and pop into the fridge, or a cooler area of your house. I have discovered this goes really well with potato chips - you use them like a scoop with the dip.
Bon Appetit
May 6, 7:42am
Bruschetta? Or mushroom pate?
May 6, 7:57am
I bet your friends love you coming around!
May 6, 8:06am
You should take whatever you want too.
After all you're going to eat it as well...
How about crackers with tomato and cheese on top? Or if you want to go fancy, slice up some fresh mozzerella and tomato and layer that on a cracker and top with a basil leaf.
How about doing that really yummy corn dip inside one of those cobb loaves? Serve with slices of crusty bread, ciabatta etc...
May 6, 8:10am
A small antipasto platter, with olives, feta-stuffed sweet peppers, salami chunks, brie wedges? (Can buy them all and just assemble... )
May 6, 8:58am
I have made this terrine several times and it always goes down a treat. http://www.ruthpretty.co.nz/index/Recipes/Antipasto/Ricotta% 20and%20Pesto%20Torte.
There are several recipes on this site that might suit. I find Ruth Pretty recipes very reliable.
May 6, 9:04am
How about slices of telegraph cucumber, topped with feta then sliced tomato?
Really yummy and looks great - but not actually much effort at all!
May 6, 9:13am
Sounds a little too complex for me, being a simple country girl as I now am. Appreciate your suggestion though.
May 6, 9:15am
That sounds delightful! Lovely idea.
May 6, 9:31am
Cute little fritters? Just cut them into rounds with say a shot glass, so they're bite sized. Perhaps tuna, courgette, coriander, lime and chili. Top with a tiny dollop of lime infused sour cream and fresh chives, or a garlic and chili prawn or large shrimp.
May 6, 9:31am
You're welcome, of course. I like to do my little bit for you folk.
May 6, 9:40am
Ding ding... I do believe we have a WINNER! That's exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for you jolly genius! Thank you! Ummmm... do you have an actual recipe for them there fritters or shall I just googelate?
May 6, 9:41am
lovely with a chilled sav too I'd imagine... all enthused now.
May 6, 9:44am
-does happy dance- lol
Now a recipe, crikey dickens I pretty much just throw everything together until it meshes :-S
Bind it up with an egg and throw in some flour and breadcrumbs. You will have to pat the grated courgette dry before you add it, squeeze the shit out of it so the juice doesnt make it soggy. Tuna in spring water, not oil... umm... fresh cilantro and the zest and juice of the lime. Some chopped spring onion in there too... fresh dried chili chopped finely.
May 6, 9:49am
Right, I can do that, just needed to know the basic ingredients. Thanks again.
May 6, 9:54am
Good luck, you really cant go wrong as long as its not soggy or undercooked :-)
May 6, 9:56am
If they're either I'll attempt Knowsley's gastronomic masterpiece.
May 6, 7:11pm
Baked feta, lay out some foil drizzle the feta with oil and top with garlic and some herbs wrap up so nothing leaks and pop into oven until soft 10 mins approx... yumm ! I would personally go with a platter, beautiful olives, salamis, pepperdews stuffed with feta, marinated mushrooms, cherry toms, some good cheese, some lovely ciabatta (SP) bread, & small dishes of hummus, Pop some apricots and nuts on as well for something different.
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