Making Ensure Taste Better - Ideas Please!

shannonlouise, May 30, 3:16pm
Every second weekend I look after a little boy who has to drink Ensure, made up from powder, three times a day. He HATES it and I can't blame him. I remember how bad it tasted when I used to have to drink it.

PLEASE does anybody have some ideas on how I can make it more appealing for him? Some recipes perhaps?

He has ADHD, so can't have anything high in sugar.

mjhdeal, May 30, 3:21pm
Do you have a blender available? A frozen banana blended into drinks makes them sort of like an ice-cream thickshake.

shannonlouise, May 30, 3:25pm
I could go and buy a blender. anything to make it easier for him to drink. At the moment he almost throws up every time he drink it.

twindizzy, May 30, 3:48pm
what flavour, choc, van or fruits forrest?

shannonlouise, May 30, 3:49pm
It's Vanilla

twindizzy, May 30, 3:53pm

valentino, May 30, 6:49pm
I knew of another person who had to take this and this is what we did.

Supermarket has cans of Strawberries, frozen berries, and during the summer Months fresh fruits and berries.

Have some Natural Yoghurt (homemade was learnt at this point as we used a fair bit) and that Ensure.

In a 1kg screwtop container add about 250 to 300 berries (either fresh, out of can or with a wee bit of water added heated in saucepan slightly to defrost quickly), can of ensure (was already made up but powder is follow instructions and add equivalent of can) and top with yoghurt. Whiz all together and screw the top on and refrigerate ready to use. Very similar in making smoothies but with Yoghurt, can use ice cream also.

willyow, May 31, 3:45am
Premium Dutch cocoa has zero additives and zero gluten and is a superfood - the high fat one is 21-22 per cent fat and one teaspoon converts anything into a cup of chocolate ( not cocoa). No-one doesn't like chocolate. If you buy a quality Dutch one like De Zaan ( online in NZ - you don't have to wander far from here on Trademe) you get the real deal.

mothergoose_nz, May 31, 4:06am
ensure has plenty of sugar

skydancing, May 31, 4:51am
Do you make it with all milk, or all water? I like the chocolate one but I have to have it with ice added. makes such a difference. I have it usually made with milk but maybe try half and half and the ice and see if he likes it.

shannonlouise, Jun 1, 12:13am
Thanks for the suggestions guys. Will try a few and see if he likes them. I added a bit of cinnamon to it this morning and he liked that. He doesn't like eating, generally hates food, so it's hard to find flavors that he likes.

dinx, Jun 1, 1:22am
Chilled very cold helps a little with taste, and yeah its fowl, has a very artificial vanilla flavor. I tried it in an icecream maker too and that didn't hide the taste much either. As far as I know Ensure std powder is only in vanilla here , the premixes cans are in more flavors and that can be easier but up to prescriber.

Something to overpower the flavor would help.

cgvl, Jun 1, 2:10am
sometimes you can disguise the taste by adding strawberry or raspberry essence.

melford, Jun 23, 9:15pm
My son used to have the cans of ensure but could only stomach it if he added the same amount of milk to it