I've been given some fresh apricots (I am type 2)

glynsmum, Jan 5, 3:07am
anyone have a receipe for Sugar free chutney please?

petal1955, Jan 5, 3:50am
Use you sweetners. Equal powder

glynsmum, Jan 5, 9:11pm
Thankyou I have stevia I suppose would also do the job,it;ll work out a bit expensive I'll just stew them lol

avoking, Jan 5, 9:20pm
You can make / buy pectin and not use any sugar/sweeteners.
You can buy a stevia plant and just use the leaves, blended with some apricots then add to the rest. If you do mind the leaves or their appearance then just cook them in some water and use the sweetened water.
Add something like vanilla pod - just the smell of vanilla tricks your mind into thinking the food is 'sweet'.

valentino, Jan 5, 11:35pm
Do you have a dehydrator, if so then dry out some Bitter Melon, then grind into a powder then use the powder as an addition to anything, casseroles, jams, chutneys etc.

The Whole Asian Block of Countries uses this to offset the sugar count and more so for diabetics.

Next link is a you tube,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvOeI9cBjyc Another link re bitter melon http://www.xtend-life.com/information/ingredients/bitter_melon And another.

Just thinking of new thoughts that may assist, Bing or google it further.


glynsmum, Feb 10, 3:54pm
Thank you all so much I think I'll go the Pectin way.