2 cups dried apricots ( or more if wanted) 125g butter 1/4 cup sugar 1 egg 1 3/4 cups flour 1 tsp b. powder 2 tbs cornflour
Chop apricots & soak in hot water till plump, then drain. Cream sugar & butter, beat in egg, add flour, b. powder & cornflour to form dough. Roll out half the dough, spread with apricots & sprinkle with 2 tbs sugar. Top with rest of dough. Cook 30-45 mins at 180°c until firm, then sprinkle with icing sugar
Quote hezwez (872 872 positive feedback) 11:45 pm, Tue 24 Jun #3 I buy the sweet shortcrust pastry sheets and a jar of yummy apricot jam, and then put all the jam on one sheet, and top with the second sheet, decorate with fork prick patterns, brush some milk to glaze the top, then bake (about 20-30 mins), and it turns out really nice :-)
Quote chocobrioche (30 30 positive feedback) 12:20 pm, Wed 25 Jun #4 thank you for your recipes. I can't wait to try them
l made an apricot slice that Wendyl put in the NZWW it used dried apricots soaked in water for an hour then chopped and spread onto pastry base then sprinkle of brown sugar on top and then pastry top
l made it but it wasn't as l had imagined and everyone who has tried said it needs to be thickened up to make it stick together
Does anyone have a recipe they would share or some tips please
Oct 27, 7:07pm
Check through this site, may help. Good luck
Oct 27, 7:10pm
What site Jessie please?
Oct 27, 7:32pm
While I can't say I have any experience in making them, the old fashioned way for apricot shortcake, is to bring apricots and water (maybe sugar too?) to the boil on the stove and simmer till they turn to mush, or close to mush and you finish them off with a masher (or whizz them).
Oct 27, 8:03pm
maybe a tablespoon of cornflour mixed in the apricot mix, just before you put it on the shortcrust. Or I have heard of custard powder helps thicken it.
Oct 27, 9:30pm
this is what i do
Oct 27, 9:41pm
Thanks for your replies l will boil them up with some brown sugar and add custard powder and see how that goes might cheat and use pastry sheets
Jessie if you use the search at the top right hand side of the page and put in whatever you are looking for say "Apricot Slice" and then if you change date posted to "Last Year' and press search it comes up with results and you look through them and usually come up with some really nice recipes and ideas. Hope that helps ;-)
so sorry Jessie l got the wrong name and thanks for the link, very mouthwatering ideas
l found the recipe that Wendyl had put in the NZWW on here that someone had posted from Food Lovers with the only change being brown sugar instead of white
Oct 28, 4:12am
If you want it to taste really good, don't use the tasteless Turkish type apricots, but the big meaty ones. They are usually darker in colour and are dried in halves, so sort of look like dried ears. now these are how apricots are supposed to taste! I have made it in the past and used cornflour to thicken it. Spread on pastry when cold tho, otherwise you could end up with a soggy bottom!
Good thinking ninety-nine; hadn't thought to mention the type of apricots 'cause I am only ever in the habit of using the "real ones". I avoid those Turkish ones like the plague. To me, they're just naaaasty! definitely gotta be Otago, Aus or South African ones.
(So long as the pie doesn't end up with a soggy bottom that's cool ;-)
Oct 28, 7:32pm
I use a mix of otago and turkish dried apricots soaked overnight and tinned always turns out nice and each adds a different flavour component.
Oct 28, 7:48pm
Thanks Wheelz that looks really nice l will have to try it
Oct 29, 12:35am
I've just got down a tin of Delish Apricot pie filling. heaven knows how long its been stashed! I might have to try the above recipe, using this tin and some proper apricots. Hmm best before on the tin 2010. I'm still game, hubby will devour anything.
Oct 29, 7:09pm
Wheelz l am making it up now with a few changes as l am working it with another crumble recipe but this one uses more butter so will see how it goes and let you know l put more water in when cooking up the apricots and they have mushed up nicely Will let you know later How did you get on with your one?
Oct 29, 11:42pm
Been catching little white fish today, and hubby hasn't finished off the weekend baking, so next week. Apricot slice is a fav, so will be on to it, and I've left the tin out to remind me.
Oct 30, 1:31am
I used to buy fairly expensive dried apricots for apricot slice but one day I thought I would use the cheaper Angus Park diced apricots and was really pleased with the result and that is what I use now every time I make the slice. I just put the apricot into a saucepan with a little bit of water and a little sugar and put it on a low heat and simmer until they are very soft. Just keep adding enough water to keep them from sticking to the bottom of the saucepan When really soft leave to cool. They are then ready to put into the shortcake mixture.
Oct 30, 1:57am
l made it today using 100g of NZ apricots and the 400g Turkish apricots and added 200 mls water and it is really nice and tasty
l will be making again once l get the top element in the oven replaced
Oct 30, 4:36am
From their site. http://www.angaspark.com.au/apricots it looks like their diced ones are the tasty ones, albeit diced, so good buying choice there! Thanks for the tip.
Nov 7, 2:53am
Made the recipe I posted earlier, today, devouring a piece now. Used the tin of apricot pie filling and 500g dried apricots, added a tbsp cornflour to thicken. The crumble on top made it nice and crunchy, and much easier than rolling out pastry.
Apr 29, 6:03am
Yes now l have my new oven l will make again and l have used those diced apricots alot they are very nice l have even used the bulk bin diced ones l have missed not having an oven and hope to get it wired in today so l can get baking l didn't need to add any cornflour to mine as it was nice a gooey when it cooled down and l had added more water to it
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