Sunbeam Foodsaver - vacuum and sealer

poppit15, Jan 11, 6:43am
Where do you buy bags for sealing and vacuuming - have checked supermarkets but couldn't find.


lilyfield, Jan 11, 7:52am
don,t know, but my vaccuum sealer takes any plastic bags, doesn't yours?

jwjmummy, Jan 11, 8:43am
I have seen them in Farmers. I cut mine a bit bigger than I need them then wash and re-use. Even though I give them a good wash, I store them in the door of the freezer just in case. The second time you use them you only have to seal the top. They get smaller with each use and, when too small to use, I throw them away. I have never had any trouble with this method and have saved heaps of money over the years.

thewomble1, Jan 12, 12:53pm
do a search on TRADEME. "vacuum food bags'.
Can use bags or a roll and make your own.

magoo1971, Jan 13, 6:58am
What brand vacuum sealer do you have? We are able to purchase commercial vac-bags in bulk and got some samples sent to us to use with a cheap(ish) machine we purchased recently but we can only get it to successfully vacuum with the bags that came with the machine. We're really keen to have a good vacuum-sealer as we often have bulk meat etc to freeze but want one where we are not restricted to using bags specific to the machine.

ETA: We have no problem sealing any bag it's the vacuum that is the issue.

lilyfield, Jan 13, 8:14am
Mine is AWARD

magoo1971, Jan 13, 8:24am
Thanks lilyfield. Can you tell me where you purchased that from? And it has no issues with vac-packing any brand of bags?

lilyfield, Jan 13, 8:37am
actually bought it on here, and yes it works very well on any bags, i usually recycle the ziplock ones from self help bins at P&S. Just make sure the bags have no holes, easy enough to test.

magoo1971, Jan 23, 12:54am
Thanks so much for that info - I'll have to do a bit of searching and see if I can find one - sounds like exactly what we are after!