Making bread on wrong cycle in the bread maker

popeye333, Mar 15, 3:10pm
Ok so I might not have been fully awake when I put the bread on this morning. lol

I have a spicy fruit loaf in the bread maker. Unfortunately I put it on the French bread cycle.

Im thinking it will either be a massive flop, or maybe just maybe it will turn out yummy.

Has anyone else done this and what was your result?

lilyfield, Mar 15, 7:23pm
Makes hardly any difference. Not that I have made the mistake,but understand the process of breadmaking. You will love it.

popeye333, Mar 15, 11:34pm
Yep it turned out fine, the crust was not as super crisp as a normal white loaf. But otherwise. yes it was Yummy

lilyfield, Mar 15, 11:39pm

ljayl, Dec 22, 8:14pm
Stuff the breadmaker . do it by hand :-)