New World, Countdown, Farro, Nosh. It's a bit trickier to find the hugely popular chocolate milk though.
Oct 24, 5:12pm
David l have got the Mad Millie cultured butter kit and have been making it and it is very nice as it has the real culture l needed and l have been making plain butter as well Will have to buy another cultured butter to do another taste test
Has anyone tried the choc milk that is all the rave at present or is it over hyped? l am happy to see Lewis Road and Whittaker's doing well and love supporting NZ products
Oct 24, 5:15pm
Hopefully all the money they make from chocolate milk sales will help support further outstanding products. BTW this is an old thread in case some are wondering.
Oct 24, 6:41pm
I bought a culture off Curds and Whey. Put 1/4tspn into a litre of cream, put into a bag that will keep the light out (if you have it in a glass jar that is) and leave on the bench for up to 2 days. Refrigerate. When it is cold I just put into a food processor and process till the fat turns into butter and the whey separates out.
Then you have to wash and press. I have wooden butter 'paddles'. Once you have squeezed out as much water and whey as you can, salt it to taste. I usually use the flaky pastry method of folding to get the butter through the block.
Form into whatever shape you want and refrigerate. I freeze excess.
Oct 24, 7:06pm
My goodness - this is an old thread reincarnated and it took me to get as far as seeing the November posting to realise it, although i was very puzzled that I had posted my posts so recently. Duh - touch of senility showing. - I think Lewis Road have gained a lot more fame and glory in the past 12 months.
Oct 24, 9:05pm
They certainly have. I hope that the roaring success of their chocolate milk doesn't mean that they will focus on sweetened beverages to the detriment of their beautiful butters and creams. I'd love it if they started to produce yoghurt or fresh cheeses.
Oct 24, 10:56pm
I was thinking that myself davidt4 - a bit of a shame if they start to cater too much to the clamour of the sweet-toothed apparent majority.
P.S. I now like Lewis Road at least as well as Lurpak - reluctant to be disloyal to my old love!
Oct 24, 11:10pm
Not correct. Approximately 65% of purebred jersey cows produce only A2 milk. This is higher than Friesians but lower than Gurnseys.
Oct 25, 2:15am
So what's wrong with my taste-buds I wonder? I am still deeply enamoured of Lurpak - $4.99 for 250g at Pak 'N Save. Maybe it's because after the war I was kind of brought up on it in the UK? Mum always used this Danish butter.
Have tried the Lewis Road of course - and the Whitestone but for my taste something just lacking in both.
But then I am absolutely ignorant of cultures etc unlike the learned people on here whose advice I find fascinating - thank you all!
Oct 25, 2:43am
Hurrah! That is excellent news. I hope they reach as far south as Waikanae!
Oct 25, 2:46am
l made up the yoghurt butter this afternoon and it tastes nice but l think l could have left it longer, l ended up with a more milky buttermilk after and it tastes really nice we drank it and could taste a yoghurt flavour
lt took longer to make into butter as l had read about and l have David's recipe sitting on the bench after l started it this afternoon so looking forward to trying that one, l will let it set more than the one l did today to see how it goes and l will taste it more before making up
Oct 25, 3:54am
Before Lewis Rd butter came into being I bought Lurpak as a condiment . I still think it is very good, but I vastly prefer to buy a local product, which in my opinion is superior, and is also made from cream from grass fed cows rather than grain fed barn raised cows in Denmark.
Honestly Esther Anne, Lewis Rd is worth it.
Oct 25, 5:27am
Is it just me, or does anyone else have trouble with the Lewis Road website - I have tried going to it several times, as I would like to find stockists of the butter, but all I get it the picture of the man and cows and I cannot scroll down the page to see if there is anything else.
Oct 25, 1:36pm
I just had a quick look and it was okay on an iPad. There is a note halfway down the page in red "where to find us" and that should take you to the list of stockists.
Website works fine for me. Sadly there's no stockists of the milk and cream noted in the Waikato yet.
Oct 25, 6:29pm
Well the cream isn't in Nosh Mt Eden yet.
Oct 25, 9:26pm
It wasn't in Farro on Tuesday. I'm going to have a look in New World Vic Park tomorrow as they seem to be early adopters.
Oct 25, 10:26pm
Please post back on what you find DT4. Should be a good bet.
Oct 25, 11:15pm
David, l made the buttermilk version and it has a definite taste to it and is very nice and the "buttermilk", from the butter making, is nice and thick and almost yoghurt like and very tasty l see that New World in Whangarei has Lewis Road so will have a look next time l am there to get an idea of what it tastes like
Oct 26, 1:47am
Oh well done! It will be interesting to hear how the Lewis Rd compares - do report.
Oct 26, 1:57am
Thank you Davidt4 - I used your link and was able to see all the suppliers.
Oct 28, 2:55pm
Thank you thank you THANK YOU Dt4 for this thread. After reading this, out of curiosity I made a foray to the supermarket and found that the local Countdown stocks Lewis Road butter, so I bought a packet. It is FABULOUS! I nearly ate the whole packet at one go. No other butter for me, from now on, (though I will continue to use Tararua for making clarified butter for cooking. I'm not completely mad.) Now if only they would stock the cream locally my life would be complete. Yes, it's expensive and I am on a small fixed income but what the hell. Quality trumps quantity every time for me.
Oct 28, 4:15pm
Another vote of thanks - I went and bought some of the butter yesterday; husband and I did a blind taste test - comparing the Lewis Road and the usual brand - both of us voted the Lewis Road one for best taste.
Nov 1, 5:27pm
Love the Lewis Road butter and my attempt was not too far off so happy about that as well
Aug 14, 5:53am
Absolutely loving their milk and cream, more than happy to pay for quality
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